A/N: I can't believe I didn't do this sooner. Full Metal Alchemist is the series that got me into anime, so I don't know why I didn't think of this years ago. Thank you all for looking at this. It's not much; just simply what I think is. I do hope that all of you like it and are in for the long haul. I will switch between Ed POV and Envy POV, and, in later chapters, have 3rd POV. I'm not good at first person, so please bear with me. Again, thank you for clicking on this! Please leave a review!


It started on the bus.

Not many stories start out like that, do they? Most start off in a fairy tale land in a castle or a magical forest or something dumb like that. No, mine starts out on a smelly, over-packed school bus. Welcome to my world.

It smelled like glue. The bus, I mean. Not him. Whenever the driver would push on the gas pedal, a rotten smell of glue would fill the air. What made it worse was the fact I sat next to the heater most of the time. Hey, what else are you supposed to do when it rains nine months out of the year?

I glared in front of me, my fake thick-rimmed square shaped glasses covering my eyes. They made me feel smart. And cool. My normally soft green hair was currently pulled back into a messy ponytail. It was a sad attempt at not looking like crap. My backpack was still strapped to my back and I was using it as a cushion. The dumbass sitting behind me just had to push their knees right into my back through the seat. I'll get a good picture of their face and be sure that they pay. I actually had to look down to remember what shirt I was wearing that day. A plain black shirt with a green plaid flannel one over it. How very Washington-like. My jeans were sort of skinny-ish. Not really, due to the fact that I could still move around in them and taking them off didn't make me sigh in relief. Giant holes were in them, too. Sloth always told me to throw them away, but I like them. My black, worn out Converse squeaked against the bus floor. The heater was making my feet melt.

His stop was coming up. His stop. I felt my eyebrow twitch and my cheeks puff out. The bus slowly started to come to a stop (and by slowly, I mean slamming on the breaks the second they realize they almost missed the stop) and the doors flung wide open. On walked shorty and his little brother.

Edward Elric. He had golden hair like the sun (just making a comparison, don't make anything of it) and eyes that matched. I know this because I've punched him in the face too many times before and tried to rip out his hair once. He was short – at least, short compared to people in Washington. He usually wore something red. Red shirt, red flannel, red jacket, red something. It reminded me of a bull. He always wore his hair in a braid and had a look on his face that said 'even look at me and you'll die'.

I could feel my chest tighten up, my throat start to close off. Breathing became hard and my face became flushed. I felt shaky and jittery and bouncy all at the same time. My stomach would rotate between flip flops, butterflies, and nausea. My face became more and more red the closer he walked towards me. I felt myself let out a sigh of relief as he brushed by, not even looking my way. My heart was throbbing.

How I hate him.

I've hated him since eighth grade, maybe even before that. Every time I see him, I get that same feeling. My first instinct is to punch him, grab him, kick him, something him. And, as far as I can remember, he's never liked me. So it's fair.

This entire introduction is boring me. Let's skip to lunch, shall we?

"God, just kill me now, Lust." I mumbled as I slumped down into the seat next to her. I buried my face into my crossed arms and let out a groan. Some of my hair fell out of the ponytail and onto my face.

"That wouldn't do anything, just piss off Sloth." She blandly replied. I moved my head towards her, shooting her a glare.

Lust. Eighteen years old and a senior at my high school. Also my older sister. She usually wears stuff like lace and low cut shirts and boots. And frilly things. She likes to take hard classes and act like they mean nothing (even though she freaks out at the last second). She likes to date people and probably had an STD or two.

"Whatever, shut up." I mumbled back, ignoring the fact that I was supposed to be eating. I stretched my legs out, one foot sticking out slightly into the pathway. Not like I care. People are somewhat smart enough to avoid it. Well, maybe not. My school didn't exactly have the brightest people.

"So, what's this problem of yours?" Lust slowly asked in the sultry voice of hers. Boys always found it attractive and somewhat sexy. I find it annoying, but you can't really change how someone talks, now can we?

"So I like all of my classes, right? I have the perfect class list. But get this: Ed's in three, three, of my classes! How much does that suck?! And it's the classes I was looking forward to, too! Psychology, German two, and AP Chemistry!" I exclaimed, taking in a deep gulp of air when I finished. It was hard to talk like that when my head was still on my arms. All Lust did the entire time I talked was nod her head. When I finished, she leaned forward in her chair and closing her eyes half way.

"Can't you just switch them around or something?" Lust asked in her sing-song voice. I sat up from the table, sticking my foot out more as my body relaxed.

"No, they pretty much all lock each other in." I replied, closing my eyes and groaning again. I tried to ignore the noise of the lunch room, but it was starting to become deafening and it was making me claustrophobic.

"That sucks." Lust mumbled, leaning away from me. What great help she is.

"I'm going to go somewhere else. Maybe find Sheska or Wrath or even Martel –"

I had been saying this. Without even realizing it, I had stretched my leg into the aisle also while turning to stand up. In the process of not looking to see if anyone was there and keeping my head turned towards Lust, a poor innocent person happened to trip over my leg. I watched them fall to the ground, almost in slow-motion, my eyes wide with panic. I don't like hurting people that don't deserve it. It's just not fair. Good thing they didn't have a lunch with them or anything. I might have cried if they did.

"Hey, what the hell was that for?!" The person screamed. It didn't even register in my head that the person had blonde hair. Or that it was in a braid. Or that he was wearing red. Boy, am I dumb.

The person practically flung themselves off of the ground. There's no other way to describe it. It actually scared me for a second. I jumped in my seat as he spun around to face me. Oh joy, praise the heavens. Wasn't it my lucky day?

"Hey, Ed." I murmured whilst hiding the shock in my voice. Yeah, I say 'whilst'. Anyway, Ed looked pretty pissed. I wasn't shocked because I don't normally trip him.

"Don't 'hey' me. What the hell was that?!" Ed exclaimed, his face becoming redder. I smirked at him.

"Because you're just so damn short it's funny." I replied with another grin. One thing you learned about Edward Elric right away: Don't mess with his height. Just because he could easily pass for a ninth grader as an eleventh grader doesn't mean he needs to be teased.

But to me it does.

His face became so red it was hard not to hold back a laugh. I heard Lust click her tongue from across the table. She doesn't like it when I fight with Ed, but whatever. It's my life, not hers.

"What did you say?" Ed questioned in a low voice. Normally he wasn't like this. It made me raise an eyebrow. Usually, he'd try to avoid the fight because it was a 'bad influence on Alphonse' or something. But right now, the way he was acting, was a little scary. I pushed myself up from my seat to try and size him up a little.

"I called you short." I drawled slightly, placing my hands on my hips and tilting my head to the side as I straightened myself. I was a good head taller than Ed. It wasn't much, compared to everyone else, but it was enough. Ed took a step forward, our chests almost bumping into each other. He looked like he really wanted to punch me. But, of course, he didn't. Normally I threw the first punches. I know, surprising, right?

"You stupid-!" Ed started to yell at me. He was cut off by an arm flying between us. I was taken back for a second, strictly out of surprise, and both I and Ed took a step backwards. I blinked several times before following the arm to the face.

"God damn, Hughes, we weren't doing anything." I mumbled, feeling defeated. The older male took one look at me.

Maes Hughes. Age twenty-five. Put into school two years early, thus starting his career in psychotherapy early on. His current job was the school counselor and to make my life hell. Personally knew Edward from years before, thus giving the shorter one the upper hand. Ugh.

"No, but I know the scent of a fight between you two before it even starts. Come with me." He forcefully but quietly replied. The older took his arm away from us and turned around, starting to stalk out of the lunchroom. I blinked a few more times before focusing my eyes on Ed. We both stared at each other for a minute before rolling our eyes at the same time and letting out a giant sigh.

This was going to be a long day.


"You guys can't keep fighting like this; it's getting rather childish." Hughes said in his somewhat cheery voice, his elbows leaning against his desk as he spoke. I was currently slumped down in my over-stuffed chair, my legs spread out in front of me. I was tapping my foot because of how annoying this all was. Ed, of course, was sitting all perfect and angel-like. Whatever, fuck him.

"We weren't even fighting, Hughes. Simply talking." I replied, my voice sounding a lot deeper than it really was. Maybe it was because I was pissed and missing my favourite class of the day: AP Literature. I like books, so shut up. The glasses made me feel smart in that class.

"Yeah, but it looked like Ed was going to throw a punch or two any second. You know that you guys can't fight on school grounds." The older male replied. It sounded very serious towards the end, but he always did that.

"So, if we were to go down and across the street, it'd be ok if I punched Envy in the face?" Ed seriously asked. I let out a small half-laugh at this. Was he being serious? What a dumb question to ask. Hughes apparently thought so, too, because his face became very hard at this.

"Well, probably not. Down and across the street means the police or whatever. But that's not the point Ed. The point is to not fight with Envy. At all. Same goes for you, Envy." Hughes replied in his normal calm manner. How come every time something happened, this guy was always calm? Jeez, screw him.

"But it's inevitable for us to fight. That's like asking a diabetic not to take any insulin. It's just mean." I replied. Neither of them seemed to like my comparison. I didn't like it, either. Could have been better.

"Do you guys know why you have so many classes together?" Hughes questioned, ignoring my stupid comment like he always did. What else is new?

"Because of bad karma?" I tried again. This time it actually worked.

"Yes, because of bad karma. Maybe this is a sign that you two should try to get along or something." Hughes said as he leaned back in his chair, spinning it back and forth slightly. You have to be thankful for rolly chairs.

"What, with our three classes? Besides, it's not going to happen." Ed finally said something. It was like he was reading my mind or something. Now that was a scary thought. I shuddered slightly, but neither of them noticed.

"Three is better than none. Now, run along to class or whatever. Can't be late this early in the year." Hughes ended out little 'meeting' just like that. He always did that. Ended something somehow where he was right.

I let out a slight growl – which I don't normally do. Sometimes it just slips out – as I pushed myself up from the chair and practically shoved Ed back into his just to get out of there. I don't like sitting in one spot for too long. It makes me nervous. My Converse rubbed against the carpet as I shuffled my way out of the counseling office. It quickly turned into squeaking as I stormed out of the room. I could hear Ed walking close behind me.

"I hate you." I said, just loud enough to make sure he heard me. I quickly dug my Zune out of my pocket to try and ignore whatever smartass comment he had prepared. I flipped it on and the loading screen came on. Damn.

"Aw, I love you, too." Ed replied in a sarcastic voice. I turned my head just in time to see him walk off down the hall in another direction. I scowled and I quickened my pace, walking right past my classroom and straight to the bathroom.

My heart was pounding; my face felt like it was on fire. I could feel that familiar lump in my throat and the nausea take over. It took all of my energy just to push open the door. How sad is that?

I stopped walking in the middle of the bathroom. It was a long and narrow bathroom, sinks lining one wall while stalls and whatever were on the opposite side. The ceilings were high and windows were high up. Why am I spending so much time on detail? Oh yeah, trying not to smash the walls.

"Why does stuff like this happen to me?" I asked myself, running my hands all over my face and finally through my long green hair. It felt good, for once. It was actually nice and smooth and soft. My hair was usually gross and dry feeling. Whatever, I need to stop distracting myself.

I looked into the mirror. I don't like looking in the mirror. The first thing I always saw was my purple eyes. Whoever heard of a person having natural green hair and purple eyes? It was like I had to stamp "FREAK" on my forehead automatically in junior high. Teachers actually used to yell at me. Those were good times. My pale skin and dark circles didn't really help either. Nor did the way I dressed. People usually label me as "emo" or whatever. How else are you supposed to dress in freaking Washington? Tights and a kilt? I don't think so. I'll stick to my not-so-skinny jeans and flannel.

After staring at myself and my mind wandering off into space for a few minutes, I realized that I should probably go to class. My backpack was getting heavy and Lust was probably all 'worried' or something. Whatever girls do, fuss over shit. I adjusted my backpack and turned away from the mirror, gliding back into the hall. I didn't have a pass with me or anything, but my teacher, Mr. Fury, was pretty used to me coming in late. He liked me enough anyway, and I liked him.

I came back to the classroom and flung the door open. No one seemed to notice or care – except for Winry. Ugh.

Winry, age seventeen. Same age as myself. Blonde hair, blue eyes, tall skinny, annoying voice. Almost cut out to be a cheerleader. She liked boy-things, like cars and fixing stuff. She usually wore a tan tank top, jean jacket and a black skirt to match with some boots. God only knows why she would wear something like that in Washington. She was also one of Ed's best friends.

The only thing I did was turn my music down a notch or two and slipped towards the back of the room next to Lust. This was normally a junior class, but she took AP Language last year and wanted to 'challenge' herself even further. Whatever, I think she just thought these classes were a free credit. At least, to her they were. To the rest of us human beings they meant 'try really really hard and you just might get a B'.

"What'd Hughes want?" Lust whispered in my ear as I sat down next to her. I hated it when people did that. I turned my head away from her.

"Just smelt a fight coming on or something." I mumbled, not really caring if people heard me or not. Not like any of them cared enough to listen in. I noticed Lust roll her eyes.

"As long as you don't really fight. Sloth doesn't want to come down here again." Lust replied, sitting back in her chair and picking up her book. That told me that she was done. The class was now so quiet I could hear the teacher breathing across the room. By the way he was practically hyperventilating, I could tell he was having a bad day. And it was only fifth period.

I sat back in my own chair, looking up at the ceiling. I already had read the book three times outside of class, so there was no need to read it again. Thinking about having three classes again with Ed tomorrow made my blood boil. If only Hughes wasn't so damn insistent about us getting along. Or everyone else, for that matter.

So this is my life thus far, and I want you to know that it's a living hell. Welcome to Central High, kids.


I SPENT ALL NIGHT ON THIS. I know, it's not very good. But I'm not good at starting stuff, let alone 1st POV, so please give me some credit. I also rushed it in the middle because a ton of stuff came up that I really don't want to talk about. So, please let me know what you thought about it! It DOES take place in Washington and I'm modeling their high school after my own. I'll post Ed and Envy's classes in the next chapter. Please leave a kind review!