A/N: i was bored, so I started writing this. u can actually join in, and make up questions and dares for the characters. my simple rules:

not too complicated.

keep it pretty clean, they're r young children reading this.

keep it reasonable.

so yeah. at least a chapter a week, so put it on story alert. maybe i'll NEVER end it. wouldn't that be awesome??? like, 500 chapterz?! JKAY! (maybe.)

Disclaimer: i don't own percy jackson. if i did, i'd chain him to my room.

Percy: I'm soooooo bored.

Grover: Yeah, totally.

Annabeth: We could play Truth Or Dare. *smiles slyly*

Percy: Oh no! *groans*

Grover: Ahem. *clears throat* Last time we played, we…

Percy: OKAY! Don't talk about it! People are listening! *glares at me (xoel4everlife14)*

Me: Huh? Who?! *looks around nervously* I'm just an innocent little mortal.

Percy: *shoots me a death glare*

Me: OKAY! Gosh. *backs away*

Annabeth: So are we playing or not???

Grover: Yeah, sure.

Percy: You little traitor!

Annabeth: *giggles* Okay. I'll get a bunch of people. Let's meet at the beach in half an hour.

Percy and Grover: *nods*

A/N i know, it's just a start, but the actual chapter will be a bit longer. and i'll do another chapter this week to make up for it. i'm not an author who goes like "REVIEW! 10 REVIEWS=1 CHAPTER!" so yeah. review if u want to. i'd luv, Luv, LUV it if u gave me ideas. cuz it's kool. admit it. a jump-in truth or dare story. i'm a freaking genius. (lol jkay. sort of.) ;)