Hey! Sorry for not posting! I've had, like a ton of reports due this week! But here's a break from the song-fics! It's a real multi chapter story! Review me if you like it!

Disclaimer (Because I can!) I do not X-Men Evolution! So just read the fic!

Kitty is Kurt's One and Only

"Where's Kurt?" asked Amara.

"Uhh… I think he's in the danger room." said Bobby who was busily making a sandwich in the kitchen.

"Thanks!" Amara shouted as she ran off to the danger room.

"Jean, was that what I think it was?" moaned Bobby as he pushed the sandwich away.

"Yup. There is another girl at the institute who has a crush on a certain blue, fuzzy mutant. Besides beast. He doesn't count." said Jean gravely.

"Aww… how does he do it? That's the fifth girl at the institute to have the hots for him! I guess chicks do dog the fuzzy dude." sighed Bobby. Kitty, who was listening to the conversation, spat out all of the milk in her mouth.

"WHAT!!!" Kitty screeched.

"Oh, uh, Kitty! I didn't see you there!" stuttered Bobby.

"WHAT GIRLS LIKE KURT!" Kitty demanded as she stomped closer to Bobby.

"Uh, no one! I was, uh, just kidding!" Bobby chuckled as he tried to back away, but ran into a wall.

"No you weren't! Now tell me Ice-cube or I'll phase you halfway through a wall that you'll never be able to break!" growled Kitty. With the aggressive way she was acting then, she would've made Logan proud.

"OK! OK! Spare me! Amara, Rhane, Laura (X-23), Tabitha, and, … ulp… you!" confessed Bobby with the speed of a machine gun. Kitty had pinned Bobby against the wall with no hope of an escape. She narrowed her eyes at the scrawny, young, naïve boy.

"Bobby, you're wrong about one thing. I don't like Kurt."

"You… you… ddddon't?" squeaked Bobby.

"I don't like Kurt. I love him." whisper-hissed Kitty. Bobby's blue eyes widened but he nodded spastically and Kitty released him. Kitty then ran off to get Kurt before it was too late; phasing through all that got in her way. After Kitty was out of earshot, Rogue closed the horror book she was reading and walked over to where Jean was grinning.

"Kitty and Kurt'll be togathah bah tomorrow. Ah'm sure af it!" Rogue said in her strong Mississippi accent.

" I think they need time. I'll give them 'till Friday." said Jean. Rogue only smiled devilishly.

"Ah'll take that bet!" said Rogue as Jean gripped her heavily gloved hand.

"Ah'm only wahrning ya. Ah'm always right." said Rogue as she walked away.

Whatever. You can't beat a telepath when it comes to reading emotions. thought Jean smugly.

"How (phase) could (phase) he (phase)" said Kitty still running to the danger room control room. But first, she had to take a detour. She quietly phased to the hallway outside the danger room to see…

I'm gonna be a jerk and stop here. Sorry! But I really want two reviews before I post the next chapter! So do you like it? Hate it? Tell me in a review please! I'll update by tonight if I get the reviews!