SPOV(Sonny's point of view, as you probably know:)

Chapter Title: He was Given the World, So Much That He Couldn't See...

A moisturized, strawberry-scented hand flew across my mouth to smother my screams.

"Sonny! Be quiet!" Tawni warned me. "We don't want to wake the whole camp."

My wide eyes glowed in the darkness of the cabin, staring intensely up at Tawni. "What are you doing? Why did you wake me up?"

"Don't you remember? We're sneaking out to the lake to play Truth or Dare with Nico, Grady and Zora?"

I remembered. Yesterday, on the way to drama camp, Zora had suggested the idea. Then, it'd seemed great. But now, being two in the morning, my head ached with sleepiness and I hardly felt like moving out of bed.

I groaned and laid my head back down on my pillow.

Something ice-cold and wet sprayed my cheeks, and I jumped awake, spotting Tawni holding a super soaker like an army sergeant. "Get up!" she demanded. "You have thirty seconds to change and get outside."

Groaning again, I dragged myself out of bed and pulled on my faded jeans, a yellow cami, and a white zip-up hoodie.

The air outside was chilie. I zipped my hoodie partway so it showed the top of my cami, and met everyone around the corner of the cabin. "Hey everybody," I greeted, my eyes skimming over the small group.

"Hi," everyone echoed.

"Okay," Tawni began. "The beach is this way," I followed her finger pointing toward a dark path.

Me, Tawni, Nico, Grady, Zora—we all sat on the dock of the lake, legs dangling over the murky-blue water.

"So, Sonny, Grady began, looking toward me. "Truth or dare?"

With Grady asking, I thought it'd be best to go with truth. "Truth," I decided out loud.

"Have you ever kissed a boy?"

My cheeks deepened to a shade of red, remembering I'd laughed about him never kissing a girl. But honestly, I'd never kissed a boy. "No," I mumbled.

Grady chuckled. "Ha," he said. "That makes you last in the group. (AN: Grady kissed a girl before this fan fiction…in my story, not in the actual show) All of us have kissed before."

"Zora?" I asked, surprised. "Zora's all ready had her first kiss? What is she, like, eight?"

"Twelve!" she corrected me. "And yes, I have. I've had a steady boyfriend two years running now."

I raised my eyebrows. "Okaaaaay."

"Sonny, just get on with it. It's your turn to ask someone else," Tawni pestered me.

I carefully looked over everyone, then back again. Who could I Truth or Dare?"

"Chad!" I squealed excitedly.

"Chad?" Tawni echoed. "He's not even here."

"Hey guys. Whatcha doin"?" Chad walked up the dock, hands in his pockets. Flipping a lock of blonde hair away from his forehead, he stood waiting for an explanation.

"We're playing Truth or Dare," Nico answered, frowning. "But you're not invited to play with us, Chad Dylan Pooper."

"Unless someone dares him to stay underwater for an hour," Tawni laughed.

Chad squared his shoulders and frowned. "I wasn't about to play Truth or Dare with a bunch of Randoms," he sneered.

"But you're the greatest actor of our generation," I shot him a puppy-dog look to lure him in.

"Well, if you insist…" Chad sat next to me—a quite uncomfortable distance (too close).

Tawni elbowed me in the ribs. Her elbow was really boney, and it kept all my strength from yelping.

"Truth or Dare, Chad?" I asked, ignoring Tawni.

"Truth," he grinned.

"Have you ever kissed a girl?" I asked him before I had time to think.
"And I would tell you that because…?"

"Because you have an alternative dare."

"What is it?"

"Shave off one of your eyebrows."

"You wouldn't!"

I shrugged and smiled. "Take your pick."

"Fine," he sighed. He hesitated and avoided eye contact with everyone before he mumbled, "I've never kissed a girl."

"It's final, then." Zora pulled a cell phone from her pocket and began texting. "Chad's shocking secret is about to be reveled…"

"Zora!" I yelled. "This should be confidential." I blushed, wondering why I was sticking up for Chad. I mean, he'd never do it for me.

"Too late," she laughed maliciously, receiving stares from the rest of the group. She looked up, meeting all of our glances. "I'm just kidding. Geez."

"Chad, do you mind if I take your turn?" Tawni asked. "I have a really good dare."

He shrugged. "Sure. Whatever."

I didn't think I ever saw Tawni grin so wide in her life when she asked me 'Truth or Dare?'

"Dare?" I was unsure. Maybe that wasn't such a good choice, seeing as how the grin on her face multiplied in size.

"Well," she began. "I think it's only fitting, since neither you or Chad has kissed someone, I dare you guys to kiss behind that tree for seven minutes."

"What?!" I exclaimed.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Chad said, putting his palms out in front of him. "This isn't fair. I was just asked a Truth question by Sonny."

"Yeah," I agreed. I crossed my arms before continuing. "And why does it have to be for seven minutes? Can't it just be like…one second?"

"Because, silly," Tawni said. "Seven minutes in heaven, duh."

More like hell," I thought to myself.

"This is all your fault," Chad said to me under his breath as we walked toward the tree.

"My fault?" I repeated. "How is this my fault?"

"Because you picked the dare! Didn't you see Tawni smiling? You should've gone with truth."

We were behind the tree now, out of earshot from the dock. "Yeah, well then she would've asked something stupid like, 'Do you want to kiss Chad?'!"

Chad raised his eyebrows as his blue eyes grew soft. "And what would you have said? Truthfully?"

I didn't tell him truthfully. I couldn't. So what if I might want to? He was a jerk and I wondered how differently everyone would treat me because of it.

Sure, sometimes he was really sweet and I even found myself falling for him, but then he'd go back to his normal self, and leave me crawling in the dust.

"Truthfully…" I said, not looking at him. "I don't want to kiss you, Chad. I never have, and I never will." I looked back up at him.

"Minute number one!" I heard Tawni scream from the dock.

"Okay!" Chad yelled back.

"Hey!" Tawni said. "How are you answering me if you're lip-locked? I'm starting your seven minutes over!"

I rolled my eyes. "Real smooth."

"You know, when people are lying and they can't look you in the eye?" Chad asked me.

"Yeah," I said.

"You did just that."

I scoffed at him. "I don't want to kiss you! Just because you're a Hollywood heartthrob, doesn't mean every girl in America is in love with you. So get over yourself all ready!"

He looked hurt, but I forced myself not to care—I did not care about Chad Dylan Cooper.

"You should probably get closer to me," he said gently.

I wanted to scream at him. "What?!" I said. "Did you not just hear me? I don't want to kiss you!"

"Not so loud. Tawni will hear." His chest swelled as he took a deep breath. "I didn't mean for you to kiss me. I mean for you to get closer so they'll believe we're actually kissing. Otherwise they'll see your big butt from behind the tree."

"I do not have a big butt!"

"I told you not so loud. And yes you do. Have you ever looked in the mirror?"

My mouth fell open, and I didn't take a half a step closer. "How dare you say that to me!" I whispered. "And for the record, you have the most ugly eyes I've ever seen."

"You love my eyes," Chad whispered.

It was true. I did love his eyes. But I would never, ever tell anyone.

"Minute number one!" Tawni screamed. "Again!"

I groaned. I just wanted this to be over with.

"Well," Chad began. "We might has well talk about something while we're just standing here."

"Like what?" I tried to keep my voice as calm as I could.

He shrugged his broad shoulders. "I don't know. What do you want to talk about?"

I thought about it.

"Minute number two!"

Wow, I thought for a long time. "We could talk about Wisconsin?" I suggested.

"Oh right," Chad answered sarcastically. "And while we're at it…we could also discuss how fun it is to watch paint dry."

I gave him a look. "Well what do you want to talk about, Mr. Pooper?"

Chad glared at me, and I couldn't help the giggle that welled inside me from escaping.

"How about we talk about how you should come closer."

I crossed my arms. "No way."

It all happened so fast.

I felt Chad's warm fingers slid into mine.

One finger: electric buzz through my veins

Two fingers: My heart beat faster

Three fingers: I was lost in his blue eyes

Four fingers: I felt myself falling

Five fingers and a palm—so basically a whole hand: My cheeks glowed red

Six fingers: I tried to struggle out of it, but Chad's iron grip wouldn't let me

Seven fingers: Nothing…except seven was my lucky number, so I thought this finger was significant.

Eight fingers: Closer to both hands…Eeep!

Nine fingers: The heat was unbearable

Ten fingers: Chad pulled me into his chest. And strangely, I was fine with that.

"That's what you get when you mess with Chad Dylan Copper," he whispered.

I should mess with him more often, I thought as my cheek lay against his warm T-shirt.

"Chad," I whispered out loud when I could finally catch my breath. "Why are you wearing a T-shirt?" It was like, fifty degrees and slightly windy.

Not that I was cold. In fact, every cell in my body was on fire, laying against Chad. I just wondered if he felt the same way.

"Actually, I got out of bed to get some air. My cabin is so stuffy," he explained.


"Minute number three!"

"Oh, God. Somebody shut her up!" Chad said.

"It's Tawni. She wouldn't be "shut-up"."

It was silent a while. I had to keep reminding myself to breathe. And just when I thought I was getting used to the position, Chad flipped his fingers through my ponytail.

And I loved it.

"Minute number four!"

"So, Chad." My words were meant to come out at normal volume, but a whisper was all I could manage. "What's coming up on Mackenzie Falls?"

"Oh, so you do watch it."

"Well, yeah. A little," I grumbled.

"Oh, yeah. That's right. You called me the greatest actor of out generation."

"I only said that so you'd play with us."

"Uh, huh…And why did you want me to play with you?"

"Because…" I trailed off, wondering what to say. I had to make something up. "Tawni wanted you to play."

"Right," he whispered, tossing my ponytail again. "Or maybe you did."


"So, uh. Why did Tawni want me to play?"

"Because…she wanted to dare you to stay underwater for an hour."

He chuckled. "So she sent us behind a tree instead."

"Minute number--!"

"Oh, shut-up already!" Chad yelled. "Just tell us when time is up!"

"Am I going to have to start over again?!"

"No. We've been lip-locked this whole time! I just came up for air!"

I giggled, then lifted my head to look up at him.

"Sorry for yelling," he said in a low voice, bringing my head against his chest again.

"It's okay."

Chad wrapped both of his bare arms around my back and squeezed me. "Oh," he shivered. "You're right. It is cold."

I was glad it was, otherwise Chad wouldn't he holding me so tight. A frigid wind came across the lake, and over to us. I shivered this time too, and couldn't help snuggling closer to him.

Realizing how tired I was, my eyelids drooped, and I tried hard not to fall asleep. "Chad?" I asked, hoping to keep busy so I would stay awake.


"You were just saying you haven't kissed before, right? I mean, you've done it loads of times on camera."

"Yeah, but never off set. You can't really call that a real kiss."

I sighed. "Yeah. I guess not."

I wondered how much time we had left. Probably not much. And I didn't want Chad to stop holding me.

"Well, did you want to kiss me?"

I didn't know I'd said it out loud until Chad answered.
"It doesn't matter."

"I wanna know."

His chest fell. "Sonny, we're too different. I'm all drama, and you're all funny."

I bent my eyebrows in confusion. "We're not that different," I mumbled.

"I just…don't think we'd work out."

Why did I want to cry? Why were my eyes suddenly heavy and my chest aching?

"Time's up!" Tawni screamed.

Chad let go, we walked back to the dock, and it took all of my strength to keep my emotions under control.

"So? How'd it go?" Tawni pounced on me. "Was your first kiss amazing? Awful? Wet?"

Trying my best to smile, I answered her, "Different than I expected."

Chad looked at me, and I looked back at him. For the first time, I felt a connection between us.

And it was something we could never be a part of.

I shivered again, looking away.

AN: Thanks so much for reading. Reviews would be greatly appreciated;)