Rocket (POV)
-Tia we need to fix this. As you know now you are not allowed to go anywhere without Michel! You understand me. I know that he has diplomatic immunity but I will take care of that and he will not do you hear me he will not touch you ever again. - We were in Tias family house in her huge living room / sitting room and her dad was giving her and us a speech about what will we do (well mostly Tia and him) do about this situation. We were all scattered around the room Tia was sitting between her mom, who was hugging her and dad who was holding her hand on the big sofa while Stella and I were sitting on two leather armchairs. The atmosphere was tough Tia was just staring at the floor not saying a word for an hour now. I was beginning to get worried about her she was paler than usual but at least she has her family here it was nice to see that her family loves her so much. The situation was strange usually I was the one comforting her and now I was just sitting and watching.
-Rocket- Suddenly her dad spoke to me.
-Yes, sir- Always when I spoke to him it was yes sir, no sir and things like that. Around him, I felt so small so minor that it was ridicules.
-I know that you have your obligations but please can you watch over her and do not touch Bob. It will only cause more problems and I do not want another problem do you understand me? - He spoke to me with that tone in his voice that would make uncle Aarch shiver. Now I know why he is such a successful diplomat I could just imagine him and his wife making everybody fall to his or her knees and begging for mercy. Because of that I was kind of fine with letting him handle Bob knowing that it would be slow and painful.
-I will sir you can count on me. Always- I said nodding my head. With that, her father and mother went with Stella to discuss about something. Therefore, I sat next to her. As I sat down, she broke down and started crying I did not know what to do I just knew that she needs me and that I am not letting her get hurt in any way.
-Shhh Tia everything will be fine we will fix this we always fix things.-
Tia (POV)
Rocket and I were lying on my bed we been in my room for almost an hour now. My dad was going to an extreme in protecting me Michel was outside of my door and even though Rocket tolled me to ignore him, I just could not. Oh and another thing is that every time Rocket and I started our make-out sessions he would cough loud enough for us to hire him. Therefore, we sadly gave up after few times, which really annoyed us. The worst part was that Michel will follow me everywhere I go therefore my alone time with Rocket is doomed. Right now, we were discussing on what to do for the rest of the day.
-Well as you, know our options are minimal. However, I think I know what we could do for the rest of the day- Said Rocket, took small camera from my drawer, and started to take pictures of me.
-Oh, no, you don't – I said and jumped on him.
Few hours later, I was sitting in Rockets lap on floor with my laptop in my lap. I was uploading hundreds of pictures on my laptop it was fun but these pictures no one except rocket and me should see them. We were really goofing around and all of this made me forget Bob for a moment. I felt somewhat sorry for Michel (I mean he is standing there for at least two hours by now) but when Rocket started to kiss my neck, I totally forgot about him. Finally, all of the pictures were uploaded on my laptop. Therefore, I looked through
All of them and some of them were so funny like the one where Rocket tickled me to death I never laughed so hard in my life.
-You look pretty in that picture- Said Rocket in baby like voice. It was one of our last pictures where I was so exhausted lying on the bed with my hair all scattered around me.
-I have an idea I know that Michel will follow us but would you want do go on dinner with me? – He asked and how could I deny that face and that golden eyes. I nodded and kissed him on his soft lips as my hand moved on his head, his moved under my shirt it never ceased to astound me how his hear is so soft, and how his beard is not spiky and hard but all too soon our little heaven was interrupted when I heard all too known cough. Sighing I got back to sorting pictures.
Rocket (POV)
I left Tia in her room to get dressed and I changed in my black suit from last night (I was whole time with her so I do not have another suit to change into). Slowly I was getting back to her room. At the door, I saw Michael wink at me so I smiled and breathed out before opening the door. Nothing could prepare me for what I saw Tia my tomboyish Tia was wearing right now. She was wearing most amazing silk blue dress, which hugged her curves quite nicely, and it got just above her knees and had nice really nice cleavage she had High-heeled shoes with silk blue straps, which were wrapped, around her legs. Her hair was up and it had some sparkly hairpin. I must looked like an idiot with my mouth opened but I was snapped out of that with a familiar cough (again). Which made Tia giggle she grabbed her coat. Michael let us pass him and after few seconds, he followed us. This is going to be one romantic night. Ride to restaurant was pleasant we did not talk she just had her head on my shoulder and our fingers were intwined on my lap. Finally after the long ride the care slowly stopped. The restaurant was nice Michel went few tables away from our table to give us some privacy. As we sat down, we started to chat.
-So, what are you going to order? - I asked her trying not to stare at her cleavage well at least I did not want anyone else to see at what I am staring at. Then something flew right in front of my face.
-Rocket you asked me a question and what are you looking at. - She said her look was telling be that lie was appropriate.
-Aghhhh nothing there is a stain on the table so did you decide? – Yeah, stain on the table should do it.
-I do not know maybe shrimp what are you going to get. - She asked but I did not notice it until she waved in front of my face.
Tea (POV)
The night was going great except that I could not forget about Michel. Nevertheless, two open buttons on rockets was really distracting. I reached for the glass of wine but he did to so the glass flipped and the wine spilled across my hand.
-Tia I am so sorry! – Said Rocket standing up and grabbed a napkin to wipe wine off my hand.
-Its okay just let me go and rinse this off my hand - He just nodded and let go of my hand. Michel immediately followed me to the bathroom but there is no way I am letting him get in women's part with me.
-Michel no one is going to attack me in bathroom I will be in there for five seconds- And with that, I walked in. At the sink I could not somehow rinse this wine off my hand it was so sticky. I could not shake the filing that someone is watching me when something appeared in mirror.
Finally finish. Thanks for all great reviews especially to xXLauren MusicXx and FemaleSpock.