Finally I found it! first I would say thanks to Allah who grand my wish and then for reader who reallyyyyy patient! but then this chapter haven't being corrected so please THIS TIME NO CRITIC, f you want critic then send messages to me Okay? i promise i will fix this, just hope someone who want understand this, I'm really sorry if i really have bad part or something but then i really hope reader enjoy this chapter, don't worry, i have all the chapter and i will keep it more safe (the book who have the broken angel chapter i mean)
HoPe have nice days XD
Chapter 9 Broken Heart
In the school, she can't act normal like facing Taichi or talk to him which make him confused 'maybe she scared of me because yesterday?' thought Taichi.
"seems you and Taichi have a fight?" said Mimi to Sora, who chatting near class.
"or jealous?" said Mimi again, getting interesting
"then what!"
" I dunno, I the one who make trouble..."
RIIIIIIIIIIING! Mika was shock with this bell and throw what she hold it, everyone laugh at her.
The bell's class ringing and it annoy Mimi "ukh! I started hate this bell, see ya in break time!" said Mimi and rush to Math class, Sora prepare her book and went to Biology class,she was facing Taichi,then he avoiding him with talk to Matt "Hello Matt! We haven't talk lately, have we?" said Sora to him with fak sile, Matt was a bit surprised and Taichi become sad, and Sora choose her patner with Matt, she avoiding Taichi all time.
(Don't worry, NO SORATO COUPLE HERE! just friendship :) Taiora 4ever XD Mika will kick him if he doing something bad to Sora :P )
When Sora prepare to go home in her locker, she heard someone talk to Taichi from opposite sita "Hey Taichi! A girl waiting you in 3rd floor" said Taichi's friend "Okay, I'm coming.." Sora sneaking, she even don't know why would she doing it but she don't have choice, when Taichi arrive at 3rd place, he saw a girl standing front of him with nervous face and blushing "uuh... I'm Ayumi, from grade 8-1, I think I love you Taichi..." said the girl confessing to Taichi, Taichi just bit surprised and nerously said "uhh...thank you..." Sora saw all, she feeling hurt badly and accidentally fall and Taichi saw her "Sora!" said Taichi surprised.
Sora running to School yard with tears on her face 'how stupid I am...Taichi got a girlfriend' thought Sora, Taichi running to catch up her "Wait Sora!" shout Taichi, Sora try to run faster but it's to late, Taichi already catch her "please listen to me, why you ignore me?" ask Taichi with worry face, Sora get nervous and don't know what to say so she decide say " I'm not! I just can't stay with you again, we different Taichi..." "but..." "you only being my friend because I have the "key" so you can trick me and kill me!" said Sora loudly, Taichi become silent, surprised what she say, in fact, it make Taichi hurt, he decide to be cold person "you're right, but as you know, I never love anyone..." then he faded away, Sora realize what she say and run to her home.
When she arrive, she lying her body to her bed and begin cry out loud 'I knew it, he never love me...'
To Be ConTiNuE...
is it interesting or make you confused or not interesting? or maybe i have alot mistakes? need review for next chapter XD See You Guys!