I Don't own Ranma 1/2 or it's characters they belong to the genius Rumiko Takahashi. The plot of this story however I Do own. Enjoy my first Valentine.

(" ") Character talking

(' ') Character thinking

Ranma knew he could get in a lot of trouble for what he was about to do, however he didn't really care at the time. It was Valentines day, and he could already see the chaos that would happen on this day. His plan was simple but he knew it would be the hardest thing he had ever done in his life. Ranma gathered all his courage then used it to set his plan into motion. First he packed a change of clothes into a nap sack. Then using the hidden weapons technique he learned from Mousse in exchange of keeping away from Shampoo for a month to hide the nap sack on his person out of visible sight. Afterwards Ranma went downstairs to greet Kasumi.

"Good morning Kasumi what are you up to this morning?" Ranma asked.

"Nothing special Ranma just making breakfast for the Family." Kasumi said in her normal cheerful tone.

"That is great I can't wait until it is done I bet you will out do yourself once again." Ranma replied playing Kasumi the usual compliment.

"I doubt that Ranma, but I am not making your food. Akane is making your breakfast." Kasumi replied causing the expression on Ranma's face to change.

"That is just great, I guess I will have to go to the factory and give them the poison Akane calls food. Unless she is making her curry." Ranma said in annoyance.

"No she is making you rice and soft boiled eggs. Also Ranma that wasn't a very nice thing to say about Akane's cooking. She is trying to improve her cooking you know." Kasumi said in a scolding voice for her.

"Her cooking is so toxic that it puts me in bed for at least 2 weeks, and I have a cast iron stomach! The only good that her cooking has ever done for me was make me some extra yen from all the exterminators who used it successfully to get rid of Nerima's rodent problem." Ranma said while thinking of his stomach.

However, no sooner did Ranma say that Akane showed up right behind him. Infuriated over the insult to her cooking once again Akane used a well place uppercut to Ranma's jaw sending him flying across town. However, this had been what he wanted her to do since she sent him flying to the person who would get him in deep trouble. As soon as Ranma landed he was on the roof of her apartment building Ranma rubbed his jaw to make sure there wasn't any damage.

"That actually went better than I hoped. But on another note Akane's did you have to hit me so hard?" Ranma said to himself quietly.

Ranma then dusted himself off, and took out the nap sack he hidden away. Within 20 seconds he had changed out of his normal get up, and into a pair of blue pants and a black shirt that had the words 'I am the best!' across the shirt. Ranma trying to be extra careful packed his old clothes in the nap sack then used the Umi sen to sneak in her apartment. When Ranma got inside he saw her getting dressed in her room. She was putting on a red spaghetti strap dress with some matching red heels. She was also wearing diamond earlings and sprayed on some expensive looking perfume.

"I can't wait for my date to come I can't believe someone asked me out for Valentine's day. Who knows maybe if things go right we can get together and get married. I just hope my condition doesn't scare him off." Hinako said to no one in particular.

'I highly doubt it since I know about it already.' Ranma answered in his thoughts.

Ranma then knocked on her door from the inside pretending I was on the outside.

"The door is unlocked please come on in." Hinako answered as Ranma opened and closed the door.

When Hinako looked at Ranma, at first she was shocked to see that it was Ranma, but at the same time Hinako was happy that she wouldn't be alone for this special day. When she looked at what Ranma was wearing she wanted to laugh at what his shirt said but instead took the mature way out.

"Ranma I see that modestly isn't your strong point." Hinako said trying not to laugh in the process.

"Hey we both know when it comes to martial arts I am the best of the best!" Said Ranma with his usual cocky tone.

"Ranma while I am glad you want to be with me for Valentine's day, don't you think you should be with Akane?" Hinako said with concern for Ranma's safety.

"Hinako the reason why I am doing this is because when I saw you three days ago you were upset that you never had a valentine before and you wanted to have at least one in your life time. After you left I made a Valentine's day card and slipped it into your desk for you to find the next day." Ranma said to explain his reason why he push his own safety aside.

"Well I am glad that you cared enough to lift my spirits with this, but what about Akane isn't she your fiance?" Said Hinako with the same concern in her voice.

"While she is my fiance all I am doing is taking you out on a harmless date, so you can at least say I had some one as my Valentine! If she finds out I will explain everything to her. I think she will understand." Ranma said even though he had a good idea how Akane would react.

"If I know Akane she will jump to the worse possible conclusion, over react, and send you flying after she beats the stuffing out of you." Hinako said with sadness in her voice.

"Which is why if she tries to do that she is being a naughty student who is trying to interrupt your date, and you know what to do with bad students!" Ranma said trying to give Hinako a playful hint.

"If you put it that way, then no one will dare interrupt my special date." Hinako said with her coin in her hand doing a drain pose.

Hinako then drained enough ki from her fighting fish to last eight hours then leaves her apartment with Ranma.

Tendo Household

"That Ranma he knows that I am trying to improve and he goes and insult my cooking again!" Akane said still fuming over Ranma's words.

"I actually think Ranma does have a brain. I mean selling it to exterminators to make money? I wouldn't be surprised if he hasn't made a small fortune doing so." Nabiki said with yen signs in her eyes.

"You too Nabiki? Come on my cooking is getting better not worse!" Akane said trying to sway her sister's opinion about her cooking.

"You are correct sister your food used to have Ranma sick for two weeks now it only does it for thirteen days." Nabiki said with a bit of sarcasam in her voice.

"Nabiki it isn't nice to say mean stuff about Akane's cooking she is trying you know." Kasumi said trying to scold her sister.

"Kasumi lets face it Ranma would sooner become my fiance again then eat Akane's cooking unless she decided to make curry for the rest of her life." Nabiki said in a passive tone.

"Nabiki leave your sister alone she has plans for today and she doesn't need to be any more upset then she is now." Soun said coming down the stairs after hearing his daughters argue.

"Oh yeah she was planning on going with Ranma to the carnival that was in town for today. Too bad she sent Ranma flying out the house again. Who knows how long it will take for him to come back if he chooses to." Nabiki said in her usual tone.

"That boy of mine will come back, he is honor bond to marry Akane and he knows it." Genma said with authority.

"Who cares about Ranma anyways? If he wants to keep away from me and possibly mess with those floozies he can. I will go to the carnival by myself and have fun without him!." Akane replied putting up a strong front.

Meanwhile at the Carnival

Ranma and Hinako were having fun for the first time in their lives that didn't involve draining ki or beating the stuffing out of people. Ranma had already won at the test your strength game winning Hinako a succubi doll in the process. Hinako also won the at the shooting gallery winning Ranma a set of brass knuckles in the process.

"I never knew you had such good aim Hinako, where did you get it from?" Ranma asked paying Hinako a compliment.

"Where else? From aiming the ki I would suck up from trouble markers back at them. But enough about that Ranma let's have some more fun!" Hinako said with pride.

"Hinako took off running like she was a kid in a toy store while Ranma followed behind her easily. Even though Hinako was acting like a child she and Ranma were the envy of all the couples there. However, all good things eventually come to an end and their end was about to come very soon. It was then that Shampoo and Cologne came to the carnival along with Kodachi, Kuno, Ryoga, and finally Akane.

"Ranma I am hungry I want something to eat." Hinako said rubbing her stomach.

"Sure thing lets stop at one of the stands that is serving some food." Ranma said feeling a bit hungry himself.

Ranma and Hinako continue to walk until they came across a small food stand. Ranma, paying so much attention to Hinako, didn't notice who that the owner of the food stand was his childhood friend Ukyo. Lucky for the both of them Ukyo only heard them come to her stand and wasn't paying attention to them at the moment, so like she did with everyone she did her usual welcome.

"Hello welcome to my shop. What is it that you want to eat today?" Ukyo chirped in an upbeat tune.

"I want one of everything I am so hungry right now!" Hinako said trying to keep herself from drooling.

"Just give me the cheapest thing on the menu." Ranma said worrying that he may not have enough money to pay for everything.

'I know those voices maybe they just ran into each other here and are ordering separately I hope.' Ukyo silently thought to herself.

"Ok that will be 2000 yen from your food ma'am, and 500 yen for the gentleman." Ukyo replied seeing if her worry was misplaced.

"Here is the 2,500 yen for our meal, and keep the extra 500 yen as a tip." Ranma replied not realizing the person in charge of the cart.

Ukyo however, upon seeing that Ranma had paid for both their meals had all the information he needed. The end result was Ranma feeling the very livid battle aura of his 'cute' fiancee.

"Okay jackass you have five minutes to explain why you are on a date with our teacher!" Ukyo hissed not hiding the anger in her voice.

Before Ranma could say anything, Hinako decided to speak for Ranma before his foot in his mouth syndrome became active.

"Ranma is my Valentine today. He saw me upset about not having one, so he sent me a card two days ago saying he would be my Valentine. I know it is only a pity Valentine, but he only did it to make me feel better." Hinako explained hoping to calm the wrath of Ranma's childhood friend.

"I should be angry with you for not asking me out on Valentine's day, and I should be send you flying for doing this behind my back!" Ukyo said with plenty of fury in her voice.

"Would you have let me do it if I had told you?" Ranma asked already knowing the answer.

"No you are my fiance damn it! It is bad enough you have Akane, Shampoo, and Kodachi after you but now this?! I won't punish you until tomorrow since your intentions were to make someone happy. However, I don't think the others will be as understanding as me." Ukyo said with anger and understanding for Ranma's reasoning.

As soon as Ukyo said this, Ranma and Hinako turned around, and looked behind them. To their horror the rest of Ranma fiance's as well as his rivals were all behind him. When Ranma saw the look on their faces he could tell they were upset with him.

"For once Shampoo Agree with spatula girl. How dare you take old hag out on date instead of Shampoo!" Shampoo replied in her broken Japanese.

"Ranma you jerk! How dare you go out on a date with our teacher! What are you trying to do? Flirt your way to getting better grades?" Akane with venom in her voice.

"Ranma darling why do you go out with his older woman instead of me? I am all the woman you will ever need, but if you leave her side and come to me I will forgive you Ranma!" Kodachi said in her sweet yet sinister voice.

"Ranma while I am happy that you aren't on a date with Akane, how dare you make her angry you will die for this you jerk!" Ryoga said with mixed feelings.

"Foul sorcerer it is bad enough you have the pig tailed girl and Akane under your spell, now you are trying to woo a teacher? For that I stall punish you!" Kuno said in usual righteous tone.

All of Ranma's rivals/fiances came at him with the exception of Ukyo in an attempt to either attack him or Ms Hinako only for them all to be drained of their battle ki with her infamous attack. With that every single one of them became withered and floated away in the wind.

"Such naughty children interrupting my Valentine's day date with Ranma!" Hinako said with a bit of anger in her voice.

"I know I will get it later, but for now let's enjoy the rest of the date." Ranma said trying to calm Hinako down.

"I don't think so Son-in-law, you will be sending the rest of the day with Shampoo making it up to her for what you are doing right now!" Cologne said completely unfazed due to the spare Ki within her staff.

"For an old woman, you sure don't know how to behave do I need to drain you as well?" Hinako asked but also hoping that Cologne would back off since she didn't want to drain an old woman dry of her ki.

"Ms Hinako she isn't like the others. I don't think you will be able to beat her so easily!" Ranma warned.

"He is right your move makes you a ki vampire, however if I don't use any ki then your move is useless and I can fight without using any!" Cologne explained before taking to offensive.

Cologne came at Ranma with a series of swift strikes with her staff. Ranma dodged them as best he could. Ranma then got a lucky break when he not only countered Cologne, but sent her flying right toward Ms Hinako.

"Now Hinako finish her off!" Ranma shouted without a moment to spare.

Cologne didn't have any time to dodge as Hinako let out all the ki she sucked up from before in one blast knocking Cologne out instantly.

"Ranma I don't have enough ki to stay in my adult form anymore." Hinako said as she was beginning to change back to her child form.

"No problem, you can have some on mine. After all as long as I don't expose to much you won't drain me dry." Ranma said with hope in his voice.

Ranma then released 10 percent of his battle aura. Hinako sucked up the aura he released which was just enough to last her for 2 more hours.

"Ranma can we please go on one of the rides pretty piece with sugar on top?" Hinako pleaded like a 7 year old.

"Sure it is your day, which ride do you want to go on?" Ranma said in a passive voice

"That one over there I always wanted to go on it with someone." Hinako said with stars in her eyes.

Ranma being the clueless jock he was took Hinako to the ride she wanted to go on. However, when Ukyo saw the ride they went on her battle aura was so bright that it could be seen from space.

'I promised Ranma that I would beat him up tomorrow, and I will keep that promise. Oh what a beating he will get from me!' Ukyo thought with malice and jealousy on her mind.

Meanwhile Ranma and Hinako rode the swan shaped boat through the tunnel. Ranma didn't have a clue what was so special about the so called 'tunnel of love' while Hinako was lost in one of her fantasies.

'He has been so sweet to me and he has made my dream come true. He is my first valentine and... what the hell if I don't do it now I may never get another chance ever again!' Hinako thought while caught up in the moment.

"Ranma I have one last thing I want to give you before we leave and go back to my home."

"What is it? Whatever it is I know it can't get me any anymore trouble, so lay it on me whatever it is!" Ranma asking knowing that he would give her whatever she wanted today.

Hinako caressed Ranma's face, and then as they exited out of the tunnel gave Ranma her first kiss.

Ranma was shocked to say the least not because of the kiss, but because it was Ms Hinako kissing him. Even though he knew it was wrong he began to kiss back. When the kiss ended both Ranma and Hinako were blushing like school girls.

"I hope that was alright Ranma, because that was my first kiss." Hinako said with her face still flushed.

"Well for a first kiss, it was better then any kiss I have ever received in my life." Ranma answered completely forgetting the other kisses he received in the past.

"Come on Ranma let's go back to my apartment." Hinako replied still enjoying herself.

Ranma and Hinako made it back to her apartment in under an hour. Hinako then locked her door behind her and sighed.

"What is the matter Ms Hinako didn't your date with me make you happy?" Ranma asked with concern in his voice.

"I am happy Ranma, but I am also sad. I don't want this day to end because when it does I will have to give you back to those naughty students." Hinako said with a lot of sadness and venom in her voice.

"I can agree about one thing. For once I wasn't forced on a date because one of my fiances used a cat to scare me, or worse my parents forcing me into a date with an abusive physically abusive fiancee who thinks the worst of me." Ranma said once again with honestly in his voice.

"Ranma we still have 5 hours left before the day is over with. There is one more thing I want to do with you, but if you don't want to you don't have to." Hinako said hoping he wouldn't run away from her.

"What is it Ms Hinako? If it is something important to you then no matter what it is I will do it." Ranma answered still wanting to make this the best date for her.

"Are you sure Ranma, if we do this together it will change our relationship forever." Hinako said knowing the consequences of what could happen.

"I trust you sensei. Whatever it is I know it won't get me in anymore trouble then I am in right now." Ranma said trying to reassure her.

"Ok Ranma I have to ask you something, have you ever heard of sex?" Hinako asked seeing if he was as clueless as she thought.

"You mean like the gender sex? Of course I have. I should know since I change into a female with cold water thanks to my stupid father." Ranma answered making Hinako frown in the process.

"No Ranma I don't mean that kind of sex. I mean the kind that take place between a man and a woman." Hinako answered throwing Ranma for a loop.

"No I never heard about that before. My father never told me anything about it. I did ask him about it once, but he told me to forget about it since it would tear my focus away from the art." Ranma answered with a bit of spite in his voice.

'So he set up his son up with lord knows how many fiances, and he doesn't teach him about sex? What kind of parent is he?' Hinako thought in disgust.

"Well Ranma even though you are completely clueless about sex other then the gender I will teach you about it. While I am a virgin myself, I have enough knowledge about the male and female anatomy to teach you how to please a woman correctly." Hinako said with passion in her voice.

Meanwhile at the Tendo Household

"He did what? Soatome what kind of boy have you raised? He is two timing my little Akane with his teacher? Not only that, he leaves her to get drained and float in the wind?" Soun asked with tears in his eyes.

"Don't worry about that Tendo old friend, when he gets home I will make sure he knows never to do that again!" Genma's Panda sign read in kanji.

"I don't care anymore, because as far as I am concerned he can have her if he wants her!" Akane said in anger even though deep down she wished Ranma was with her today.

Back at Hinako's apartment 4 hours later

"Ranma that was wonderful, I am glad you agreed to be my first. If you want you can meet me after school for more lessons." Hinako said with a bit of lust in her voice.

Ranma then turned his head to the Hinako's clock, and was shocked to see it was already 10:30 at night.

"Ms. Hinako can I use your shower? I don't want to go back there smelling funny and sweaty." Ranma asked feeling sticky all over from the activity he and Hinako engaged in.

"Go on Ranma, I will take one later." Hinako said in an happy tone.

Ranma turned on the hot water and then jumped in the shower. Ranma then grabbed Hinako's cranberry body wash and cleaned himself quickly. 15 minutes later he finished drying off and got dressed in his regular Chinese attire only to see adult Hinako in her naked glory.

"You like what you see Ranma?" Hinako said while making a sexy pose.

"As much as I would love to go a few more rounds with you, I have to get back to the Tendo Household. I already know I am going to get it from everyone." Ranma said while feeling himself coming back to attention.

"Remember the last part of our date remains between me and you. If anyone ever found out about us doing this then there would be so many problems." Hinako said with love in her voice.

"If that is the case watch out for Nabiki, nothing gets by her for too long." Ranma said in response.

The Tendo Household at this exact moment

"Achoo" Nabiki sneezed suddenly.

"Bless you Nabiki. I hope you aren't catching a cold dear sister." Said a worried Kasumi.

"I don't think so, but it could be someone is talking about me." Nabiki said while rubbing her nose.

The Tendo Household 45 minutes later

Ranma arrived at front gates of the Tendo household. He didn't want to have to deal with anyone right now, so he went on and used the Umi sen to get by the waiting Akane and family, and went straight to his room. He then took a few blankets from out his room then went up to the roof. He opened his sleeping back crawled inside of it, and went to sleep. His dreams where filled with for once his teacher and not any of his fiances.

Stage out

I wrote this story of Valentines day on a dare from my friend. I was at first going to put a lemon between Hinako and Ranma but decided not to at the last minute because I stink at writing lemons. Even so I hoped you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed typing it. If anyone wants to see this story continued say so in your reviews.