Hey fellow fans! I just want to tell you that this is the next to last chapter of Kurayami no Hime! *gasp* Thirty Chapters in total…well, please enjoy! Well, this is the last real chapter, since the last one will be an epilogue.

Sitting out here in the middle of the night, right outside a skanky club, with an annoying, aggravating, arrogant brat—well, I wasn't going to lie. I loved it. The fresh island air was invigorating and energizing. The moon shone on every object, making it seem as if it was coated in silver. It was almost magical. And then, there was the idiot that I was leaning on.

"What time is it?" I yawned loudly, indicating that I was exhausted.

"Lady-like," Sasuke scoffed, not answering my question.

"What time is it?" I asked again, with more of an edge to my voice. He just stared at me, not saying a thing.

"Let's go in." He suddenly stood up, causing me to fall.

"Yeah, real chivalrous," I muttered under my breath, following him back into the club. Once we got in, more than half the girls turned their heads over to the 'new hottie' (according to them) that entered the building. Okay, sure he was hot, but I thought that they were overreacting. Half of the girls that stared ran up to him and started to practically bow down to him—practically. And the leader of the rabid pack of girls? The one and luckily only, Karin.

"Sasuke-kun!" Her high-pitched squeal made me want to punch her face in. Now, her drunk and normally annoying voice made me want to kill her than kill myself.

"Let, go, Karin." His voice was cold—commanding, even. But Karin didn't let go. I debated on whether I should help him or not. Deciding that he was nice—enough—for today, I made my way over to the crowd.

"Hey, you. Rabid fangirl!" I singled out a single fangirl, having a plan in my mind. "That girl over there," I pointed to another random Sasuke fan-girl, "Thinks that you don't deserve Sasuke. Better give her a piece of your mind." The honey blonde girl gasp and waltzed over to the girl. I made my way deeper into the crowd and tapped the shoulder of another fangirl. "Those two don't think you deserve him." I pointed to another pair of random fangirls.

And so on. I felt kind of demoted going around in a crowd, randomly tapping people's shoulders. But the result was definitely worth it. There was no catfight like a fangirl catfight over a guy. I almost pitied these lesser beings.

"The time's 2:15," A deep voice whispered into my ear. I turned around and amethyst clashed with onyx black. Sasuke held an amused smirk, which soon disappeared. And so did he. The crowd basically swallowed him up.

"A normal person would have said thanks," I grumbled. But hey, who said he was normal? I take what I can get.

"Hey pretty lady." Some bulky, drunk guy loomed over me. I gave him a cold, hard glare.

"Hi and bye." I spun around to walk away, but the man grabbed my arm. His hand crushed my delicate arm and I held back a scream. I swore, if he gripped harder, my arm would have broken.

"Don't talk to me like that, baby." He spoke in a dangerous tone. With my other arm, I swiftly pulled out a kunai and stabbed it into the hand that he was holding my arm with. With a loud scream, the man's grip loosened. I pulled my arm out and ran the hell out of the club. Oh, it wasn't easy at all.

By the time I got outside the club, the man had probably found himself a little gang to beat me up with. Honestly, I bet that they would be all brawn and no brain, considering the big purple marks he left on my arm. Ouch. But not a smart thing to do.

No sooner than five minutes, the man, holding his bleeding right hand, came out of the club with six other big men. The men began throwing punches at me blindly, only fueled by anger. I dodged them all with ease, wondering if this was too unfair. I could beat them with taijutsu alone. I threw a shuriken at one man, hitting him in the eye. He yowled in pain and collapsed onto the floor. To make sure that he didn't get up, I wrapped my dark chakra around him, covering him in a blanket of darkness and pain. As another man lunged at me, I swiftly slit his throat, barely lifting a finger. I was pretty sure he would bleed to death. A third man, seeing his accomplices practically dead, brought out a switchblade. I was about to laugh. Honestly, did he think that a switchblade could hurt me? I instantly shot dark chakra out and claimed his switchblade. Just. Like. That. Then, using the same chakra, I wrapped it around his neck, slowly choking his life out. Meanwhile, the fourth man came lunging at me with blind fury. I stuck a kunai into him and quickly released dark chakra into him, causing him to fall on the ground pathetically. By this time, the other men had retreated. I smirked in sweet victory.

I doubted that Kakuzu would let me on his territory again.

"Katsumi," The said man growled form behind. "You killed my customers."

"If I didn't, they would have killed me, and Pain would kill you." My logic made sense.

"You owe me money." I gaped at him.

"Oh, yes, holy master." Sarcasm was dripping on every word.

"You're a lost cause." Kakuzu sighed, probably wishing that I disappeared. Soon after he said that, the rest of the Akatsuki members emerged from the building. The merely glanced at the dead bodies on the floor, having seen them too much. Only Karin stared at them, looking like she was about to faint. Truthfully, I wished that she would.

"I bet we're all very tired, especially Katsumi." Pein looked at me with no emotion in his ringed-eyes. Sorry Konan, but your taste in guys are a little off.

"Exhausted." I glared at the dead bodies, kind of hoping that they would burn.

"Why would you kill these guys?" Karin suddenly squealed at me. I pivoted around and glared at her. I probably looked like an insane serial killer. I mean, I was holding and knife and there was blood all over me. She winced. "You look crazy." Who said that great minds thought alike?

"And yet, I'm still more attractive than you." I figuratively spat at her. She gasped in horror.

"W-what did you say?" She used her 'tough girl' voice and I yawned out of boredom.

"Loud music is bad for you." I shrugged nonchalantly and began running back to the house. Once I got out of the city, the scenery was being beautiful. It could make anyone believe that life was gorgeous and precious. But it wasn't. Life was precious, but it wasn't all a big, perfect masterpiece. Life was a puzzle. You had to figure out the pieces that leads to the perfect picture, and yet, there are still lines interrupting it.

Once I got back to the house, I was already done pondering about life. Should I try to make my life better? Should I even try? Questions were bouncing off my mind like little balls. And I hated not having any answers.

"That was slow," Was what I got as soon as I step foot onto the compound.

"Deidara." I growled. Yeah, I knew I was slow—and that's what sucked.

"Maybe she was out with her new lover!" Karin sighed dreamily at Sasuke, hoping that he would feel anything. He didn't even flinch. For some reason, it hurt. Like someone was pinching my heart.

"I was looking at the scenery." They all stared at me like gawking idiots. Actually, I didn't blame them—I never took time to appreciate the beauty of life (or anything, for the matter).

"You're going soft," Deidara scoffed, adding his signature un at the end of the sentence.

"No I'm not! I freaking killed five guys and you call me soft?" I glared at him menacingly.

"Dude. Just shut the fuck up, bitch, alright?" Hidan looked up from his sacred 'ritual'. I held up a senbon needle in my hand, hoping it triggered his memories and boy, did he look scared.

They looked at us with a look of surprise. We ran.

And ran.

And ran.

Behind us, a whole hoard of people, mostly ninja were chasing us. Lucky for us, I had a transportation scroll. I opened it swiftly and activated it, transporting us back into the Akatsuki's main base.

"About time," Kakuzu glared at us, "Did you use any money?" So he doesn't care if we almost died, huh?

"Shut the fuck up, you bastard and just sew me back together!" The cursing 'priest' screamed at the money whore, "And what are you looking at, bitch?" He glared at me, willing me to make a move. I just threw a senbon needle into his eye—yes, into.

"Insult me and you'll be blind," I growled, waltzing off into my room. Wait, I don't waltz, I stalk. Actually, no, I just….walk.

"You know what? I'm going to sleep. So don't you dare interrupt me, alright?" I huffed as I sashayed into my room.

As I slowly turned the knob on my door, I wondered about a certain thing. Have I really changed? Frankly, I felt the same. Nothing was unusual. But deep inside, I knew that I felt different. I was different. By the time I got to my bed. I had probably chanted 'I have changed' in my head over a thousand times. It was pitiful, really. Laying on my bed, I drifted to sleep, being carried away by the ocean air.

Guess what guys? I have decided to continue Kurayami no Hime :D I really do love this story and I don't want to end it. I hope that makes you guys all happy!

BUT it will take me long to update so bear with me!

Please do check out Tamashii Ai and Dangerous sweet love!