Don't Own Anything.
This was a random idea, but I could just see this happening. Especially since Kensi's already sorta lost Dom, and these guys are her family. Plus, if anyone wants this continued, lemme know and I'll continue.
After Sam and G were cleared, Kensi walked up to them, "Idiots." She landed two hard smacks on their arms, "Nice job, but you were both stupid idiots."
The two men exchanged a surprised look, and Sam frowned, "But we caught the botulism before it leaked, and no one died."
G rolled his eyes, "I'd give it up Sam, we could save the world, and Kensi would still call us idiots for putting ourselves in danger."
"Excuse me for caring what happens to you two. Maybe next time I'll just leave you guys alone."
"No you won't. You're always going to care about me and Sam." G wrapped his arm around her and squeezed, "We're your favorites."
She shook her head, "Not for long."
Sam laughed, "Don't worry, you won't get rid of us that fast." He moved to her other side, and sandwiched her in between him and G, "We'll be around for awhile."
"Oh lovely..." Despite her annoyed tone, her arms went around the guys so they formed a three-way hug. However, she gave them a big sugary-sweet smile, "A girl can dream though..."
Four hours later everyone had left work, and it was just Sam, Kensi and G sitting around the latter two's desk.
"I think you gave me a sore neck when you tackled me into the fountain Sam."
"I saved your life G, you can't complain."
Kensi glanced at them both tiredly, and laid her head down, "That doesn't matter, he still will."
G gave Sam a grin, and turned his chair to face her, "Maybe if Kensi didn't take so long getting ready, we wouldn't get into dangerous situations like this."
Her head shot up and she glared at him, "I was ready five minutes before Sam was. Besides, there is no force on this earth, aside from death, that could keep you two from endangering yourselves. And that insult was uncalled for."
"I was just getting you back for saying I have a better face for radio than TV."
"I said that after you made that comment about how long it takes me to get ready. So you just lost your argument G."
Sam nodded, "It's true. I was there for that first comment. But I think I'll leave you two kids to your argument, I want to get home."
Kensi gave him a lazy wave, "Bye Sam. See you tomorrow."
"Later Sam."
"Bye guys."
After he disappeared down the hall, Kensi got up and went to the couch, "So do you think Esther is going to be okay?"
G shrugged, "With Alzheimer, she's going to get worse, but she's a tough old lady. I think she'll recover from this just fine."
"That's good." She closed her eyes, "And for the record G, if you think I take long to get ready at work, you should see me in the morning."
"Maybe I'll take you up on your offer."
"Not happening." She laughed, "Just be grateful I only take as long as I do, and suck it up. I'm female, it's programmed in our genes to take forever."
He wandered over and stood next to the couch, "You're saying your gender is the reason you take forever to get ready?"
"Yep." She opened her eyes, "Just like you being male is the reason you're an idiot. Now can I have some peace and quiet?"
"Nope." He pushed her over and sat down, "Unless you're gonna share."
Kensi waited until he was settled then placed her head in his lap, "I'm willing to share, but you're my pillow."
"Can't you sit up?"
"I was here first. Besides, I'm not that heavy."
"You'd weigh less if you laid off the breakfast burritos."
She sighed, "I'm not going to get rid of you am I?"
"Never, you're stuck with me."
They fell silent after that, and even as they drifted off into sleep, both were glad they knew the other would be there forever.