Hey! =] so this idea just got stuck in my head, and I'm not really sure where I'm going with it yet. I'm pretty sure it'll end up being a Kakasaku fic, but I'm still not a hundred percent positive. So please, read and review, tell me what you think of it, and where you think it should go.

Sometimes She Just Wants to be Loved

Chapter 1

I sat across the room, watching you flirt with every pretty girl who came your way; I was drowning drink after drink for an excuse to stay. It's only been two weeks, just fourteen days and already your ready to move on and be with someone else. My heart aches just to think about all the time we spent on each, I keep wondering if it was wasted time.

You swing your blonde hair and laugh as a particularly pretty red head sits down next to you. My friends keep trying to talk to me, but it's like I can't hear them. I'm dying to know what she said, what made you laugh that way, I can't remember the last time you laughed at some thing I said that way. She touches your hand lightly, but it's still a touch, and I'm furious, how dare she touch you, only I'm supposed to have that right.

Someone taps me on my shoulder, I don't respond, but they tap again. I turn my head and give them a pointed stare, raising my eyebrows for emphasis. Kakashi's standing behind me, his hand lying on my shoulder, what does he want from me?

"I think it's time you went home Sakura, come on I'll walk you and everything." He says, I want to tell him no, I want to say that I'm having fun and I don't know why I should have to leave. I look at the empty bottles and shot glasses on the bar in front of me, then over to where Ino and the red head sit. I know he why he thinks I should leave, I'm also vaguely sure he'll make me leave if I put up a fight.

"Alright Kakashi, take me home, but make it look good, okay?" I slur, he looks confused for a minute like he didn't understand what I just said. But then again I'm not really sure how clear my words are coming out right now, maybe I said something wrong. He nods and helps me off my stole, he waves good bye to a few of our friends, and helps me out the door.

I wish it was cold out, I hate the summer, it's to hot and sticky, I miss the snow. Everyone has this weird notion about me, because my names Sakura and I have pink hair and wear bright colors, I must love the summer. But they're wrong, I hate, no more then ever, I want this season to be over already, it seems to take forever.

Kakashi picks me up bridal style, but this doesn't really surprise me seeing as I don't think I can walk very well right now. He's looking down at me, his face is serious behind that mask, he must have asked me something and I missed it. "Huh?"

"I asked where your apartment is?" he's looking down at me expectantly and only now do I notice we're standing still. That's funny I know he's been to my apartment plenty of times. Me and Ino used to have our friends over for dinner and parties all the time, why doesn't he remember?

"Same place." I answer, even though I do wish I could tell him something else, I hate my apartment. It was mine, then Ino moved in, and it was our, then Ino moved out now it doesn't feel right. She made it a home; I haven't felt right being there by myself since she left.

He must have sensed the way I was feeling, "Sakura, why don't you come to my house tonight? I have a guest bedroom you can use, I don't really think it's all that healthy for you to be staying there after you and her broke up." Kami, Kakashi is a good friend; right now it's hard to remember all the reasons I used to hate him. I nod my head yes, he's probably right, maybe I'll be able to sleep peacefully tonight, those nightmares are starting to wear me down,

I'm surprised the next time I open my eyes, we're walking through a door, and only then am I realizing I've never been to Kakashi's place. He say's something, but I don't catch it, I'm almost asleep again. The next thing I know I feel the soft cushioning of the bed beneath me and I can hear the door close across the room. Closing my eyes again, I'm asleep, my last thought it that I hope Ino didn't go home with that girl, I don't want to have to kill someone I don't even know.

The whole time she was sleeping on the way home I couldn't help but kick myself, why had I let her stay at the bar so long. The second Ino walked in I knew I should have dragged her out of the bar and sent her on her way home. But I wanted to believe that she was as over Ino as she told everyone she was, because tonight Ino made it clear to everyone she was over Sakura.

Personally I'd never understood what Sakura had seen in the flirty blonde, they were nothing alike, and they fought all the time. I'm still in shock over why they broke up, I would have though Ino would have been the one to cheat. But I was wrong, she'd caught Sakura, red handed I might add, making out with Sai of all people. I didn't understand, if Sakura was gay, then why was she making out with Sai, and why was she dumb enough to do it in her and Ino's apartment.

That's another thing now bothering me, why was Sakura still living in that apartment, she couldn't be happy there, could she? No, obviously not after the look on her face when I asked her about it, she must hate it there now. I know what I'm going to do, I'm going to ask her to come live with me, she'll say no of course, but at least I'll offer. She shouldn't keep living their, especially after Ino left, her heart can only take so much.

"Welcome home." I say as we walk through the door to my home, her eyes slit open and she looks at me for a second then falls back asleep. My homes nothing special, just a two bedroom one floor house in the middle of town. I moved out of my apartment a few months ago, I got sick of having to depend on a landlord, and dealing with my neighbors. Having a house of my own is much simpler, and as of right now, it's being of good use.

I put her down on the bed in the guest room, it's nothing special in the way of rooms, but if she decides to stay I'll let her do it any way she wants. Silently I close the door behind me. I walk to my own room and throw on the sweat pants and tee shirt I sleep in. I make a quick check of the bathroom to make sure there are no cloths or anything lying about, I set out an extra toothbrush and some towels in case she wants them. Then I put a set of sweat pants and a tee shirt down in front of her door, I'm positive she'll want to change in the morning.

Back in my own room I climb into bed, more tired then usual, but in a much better mood. Tonight I don't have to worry about Sakura as much as I've been, she's in the room next to me sleeping safe and sound. Closing my eyes I wonder how tomorrow will go, since we both have the day off and few things we need to talk about.

Please read and review! Thank you soo much!
