Disclaimer: I don't own 9

Author note: So, here it is. You asked for it, so I delivered. I'm really nervous about posting this...I honestly think its sucky, but thats usually just my self doubt getting the best of me. Updates are going to be slow for a while, (especially for this one since my older stories have first priority) because I've gotten back into doing art so my spare time has been halfed. Anyway, enjoy!

Brace Yourself

Chapter 1

A wind blew though the trees, rustling the leaves and making the branches dance.

Kelly loved that sound.

She loved the chill on her face, the moonlight guiding her way, the flickering shadows.

This was the only place and time that she felt free.

She ran a hand over the number on her shoulder and froze. She used to be so proud of her number, her place. But she couldn't handle the stress and the screaming so she ran away.

Kelly had been on her own for a month. She saw the others at school but she wouldn't say more than a quick greeting. Except the twins; she still talked to them, of course, because they understood.

She wanted to be free, even though she knew it would never be possible, because of what she was.

Kelly knew it was a bad move to leave the group. She felt so weak without them and she hated it. She hated that she had to rely on the system so much.

But she also hated the stress of being on her own. She had to be alert at all times. No risks could be taken; if she messed up, it was game over.

She was torn between her freedom, and her safety.

She froze at the sound of a mumble. Slowly, she crept around the bushes, constantly on alert for the hidden stranger. She caught sight of red- a red scarf and ducked.

It was a boy, a teen, a black beanie only allowing a few strands of brown hair to be seen. He sat on his knees in the frosted grass, his face scrunched up in concentration. His gloved hands were stretched out evenly in front of him on either side of a stone.

The girl's breath caught in her thought as the stone rose and wobbled in the air. It dipped, then rose again until it finely found balance.

'He's one of my kind,' thought Kelly in shock.

The boy's right eye opened, and he smiled at the sight and opened up his other eye as well. "I did it…I did it!" He cheered loudly and suddenly the stone shot up like a bullet through the trees.

He winced…and their eyes met. Kelly quickly got to her feet and ran, but she had to be careful not to go too fast. She could never take the risk of going too fast.

"Wait, wait! It's not what it looks like, I swear! Just…please stop!

The girl did stop. She had to remind herself that he was just like her. They were the same. She didn't need to hide from him.

"Thank you. I wasn't practicing using my powers unauthorized, I swear. I just found out and---"

"I'm not going to tell on you," Kelly smiled, remembering when she had first been found, "So you're new then."

"Um…yeah…" he blinked uncertainly.

"Government hasn't come knocking on your door?" She started circling him, and he turned around, trying to keep her in his sight.

"No, like I said, I just found out."

"What were you going to do when they came?"

He shrugged, "I don't know…my parents would probably make me go."

"But you don't want to?"

"Not really…I don't think I have what it takes to complete super hero school."

"Well, the gov. would have taken you either way. But now you have a new option."

She stopped and pulled the boy forward by his scarf, her face firm and serous. "Meet me here tomorrow if you want a way out."

She let him go with a shove and took off through the bushes. The boy fallowed, reached out for her, "Wait! You didn't tell me what your name was!" In a flash, she was gone. His jaw fell open in shock as her questioning finely made sense.

She was just like him.

7 blasted through the park at her top speed, just this once.

She had finely made up her mind.

She was going back.


Ace looked around the park uncertainly as he waited for his mystery girl to show up.

Like any other kid, he used to spend his Saturday mornings watching the super heroes on T.V and dreaming that he could be just like them.

But then he found out that he was one of the rare few with potential.

He realized for the first time, that the super hero life wasn't for him. Ace had a bad streak when it came to luck, he was one of those dorks that always made themselves look like an idiot in front of the cute girl he had a crush on. The same kind of dork that said the wrong thing at the wrong time and ended up in fist fights with the jocks.

And horror movies still made him wet his pants.

Not that he would ever admit it.

But still, definitely not the stuff heroes where made out of.

So he didn't tell his parents.

So he snuck out to secretly practice.

He knew he could be arrested since it was illegal to keep your powers hidden from the government, but he didn't know what to do.

Then she found him.

She knew something, something big, and he wanted in on the secret.

"There you are!"

Ace spun around to where his mystery girl was battling with the hedges. She had rich golden blond hair, cut short into a razor bob and a pair of dainty, round wire rimmed glasses.

"You know, when I said 'meet me here', I didn't literally mean this spot."

Ace blushed in embarrassment and said, "Sorry…"

"No, no. It's my fault, It makes sense, actually. I should have looked here first." She thrust her open hand to him, "I'm Kelly."

He smiled and took her hand. "Ace Harps."

She giggled at him, amazing him with the trickle of her laughter. She took his blush negatively though and apologized, "Sorry, but that's too cute! Almost like ace of hearts!"

"Yeah, something like that…" he didn't want to admit that he got teased about that a lot because she made it sound like such a good thing.

"K, honestly, I'm new to this whole…"

Before she could finish Ace threw in hopefully, "Super Power thing?"

"No, helping a newbie out. So I'm just going to cut to the chase and take you to my provider."

"Your what?"

"My provider. They like, take care of us and our special needs, if we have any. And most importantly they help keep us safe."

She paused and rubbed the number on her sweater nervously. "I'm…well, I'm actually in a tuff spot with my Provider, Mr. Anderson. I haven't been keeping my appointments with him for the past month so he's…probably pissed at me. He can be such a jack ass sometimes…but I'm stuck with him because he's the closest provider in town."

Noting the worry on his face, she added, "Don't worry; He won't be too rough with you. He's always nice to newcomers. We just have a very bad history."

"You don't have to do this for me. Just tell me where to go and I'll go on my own…I don't want to get you into trouble or anything…" Ace ran a hand through his hair.

Kelly shook her head and motioned for him to follow her back though the bushes, "It's okay. I kind of need something so I was going to have to face him sooner or later."

The home of the provider was only on the other side of the park, which meant it wasn't too far away from his home. Ace blushed in realization that it meant that Kelly probably lived close by too. And she looked close to his age, so she probably went to the High School as well. He studied her for a moment as she walked up the side walk to the front door, and tried to remember if he had seen her before.

The house was a small, cozy little one floor home with tan bricks and several garden statues occupying hiding spots between the bushes. It was at the end of the street, spaced oddly away from the other houses, right next to where the road ended and became a dirt path leading onto someone's land that had been fenced off.

"Smells like Harold's baking something. That's good. Means Mr. Anderson might be in a good mood." Kelly then jammed the doorbell repeatedly while screaming, "Oh Mr. ANDERSON!"

"Kelly! I know you're out there! Knock it off!" came a yell from inside the house.

Kelly chuckled, "Yeah, he's in a good mood."

"Could have fooled me," grumbled Ace.

"Well, he hasn't thrown anything out the window yet, has he?"

Ace blinked at that. She said it like it was obvious, a normal occurrence.

What was he getting himself into?

Someone tried to open the door but it was stopped by a chain lock. The person on the other side of the door grumbled, then finely threw the door wide open.

"Ah, Kelly my girl! We were so worried about you!" the old man hugged Kelly and kissed her on the forehead. So, not Mr. Anderson.

"… And who's your friend?"

"Ace. He wants to join the youth group."

"I see. I'm Harold Mathews." Before he could question what they were talking about, he was ushered in. "Come in, come in. Cake should be done in a bit. Jeb is in the den watching some telly."

Harold turned to Kelly and said, "He's going to want to have a word with you."

"I figured as much" groaned Kelly.

Ace tried to follow her down the hall, but Harold grabbed him. "It's best to give them their privacy. It might get a little tense in there and I for one don't like getting stuck between those two when they fight. Well, hang your coat up and you can sit with me in the kitchen while we wait."

Ace quickly shed his jacket off, hung it on a hook next to the entrance and followed Harold. The old man pulled a chair out for him and ushered him to sit.

Harold took the seat across from him and propped his cane against the little Kitchen table. "Now, Jeb is the real provider here and he should be the one going over this, but I like helping out and I'm sure he would appreciate that I'm taking care of his least favorite aspect of new recruits."

"Let me start by explaining our role. The provider corps started back when some millionaire cooperate owner or something like that's oldest son got taken by the hero enlisters. So he helped start this underground system and massed produced products for us to help keep us all safe.

Providers take in people like us under their care and insure that we can live normal lives. They provide us with gear to make things easier. In Kelly's case for example, she needs specially designed shoes that won't tear apart when she runs. Not that she' supposed to do any running…" He eyed the kitchen door momentarily, then turned his attention back to Ace.

"For younger ones like you, they make sure you get trained. It takes a while, because of timing and subtlety but until then they'll make sure you won't have any accidents…Then there is a special unit that works undercover to bail out anyone that gets caught. I believe that I've covered everything…"

As an afterthought, he said, "Sorry I didn't ask before, but what exactly is your ability?"

"Telekinesis," Ace answered automatically.

"Oh dear…he's not going to like that one bit…Jeb has a thing against telekinesis."


"I honestly don't know…" Harold smiled mischievously as the oven opened up and a loaf of pound cake let itself out, flipped itself over on a serving plate and glided to the table.

It seemed so natural to Ace that it took him a minute to realize what was wrong with that scene. Harold crackled, "Sorry, but I give telekinetics a bad name. Would you care for a slice? It's my favorite, spice cake."

"He can have a tea party with you latter. We have business to take care of first." Another old man marched into the kitchen, scrawling. Yep, that had to be the Jack ass.

"Ace, this is Jebahdiah Anderson."

Jeb grunted and impatiently waved for them to follow him to a door at the back of the kitchen, which led to the basement.

"You can skip to the part about the rules; I covered the intro."

"The rules, then," Mr. Anderson said quietly as he carefully went down the stairs."

"First of all, I expect you to show up at all of your appointments. You're still in high school, right?"

"Yeah, I'm a sophomore," Ace answered distractedly while he looked around the underground room. It was dusty, dingy and piled with boxes; Just a normal basement.

"Then you'll be part of our youth group. That's our cover up. We're just some old lonely men trying to give back to the community. Meetings are on Friday's at 4," Mr. Anderson spun around and shook a finger in Aces face," And I mean it. You better show up. I don't appreciate my kindness being thrown back at me."

The provider went to the furthest wall and…did something. Ace couldn't see what he was doing from the angle he was watching from. Suddenly the wall pulled away, revealing an elevator. Smiling like a moron, Ace hopped in and grabbed onto the railing as it descended.

"If you can't make it, call. If you unexpectedly have to move, tell me and I'll hook you up with a new provider. If you so much as sneeze a strange way, tell me. I can't protect you if you keep secrets from me. That would be rule number two. Keep In contact with me as much as possible. The more I know about your life, the safer you are."

Ace's smile widened when the elevator stopped. It was just like something from the shows on T.V. The room had a round platform in the center where a table and chairs were set up. A super computer claimed the back wall and bins and boxes claimed whatever left over space was available.

He gasped in surprise when he was suddenly shoved against the wall and Jeb growled at him, "Rule number three…you are not a hero. There will be no gallantry, no foolhardy bravery. I don't care if it's a bridge about to collapse, or a cat stuck in a tree. You leave the saving to the heroes. Don't like it, then get out of here."

Jebadiah released him and started going through a file cabinet and collecting papers, "The whole point of this operation is to keep you out of the spot light. If you do something idiotic that could endanger the others under my care, I have the right to kick you out."

The provider walked up the ramp to the raised area and slammed the papers down. "The forth rule is secrecy. Not a word, or it's your head. I honestly don't give a damn if you change your mind and join the circus the feds are running. But keep in mind that we have a well connected network. If you try to let our little secret out, well…you won't be talking for long."

"What about my parents?"

The old man's eyes narrowed, "Not a word, especially to parents unless you want to be shipped off to be mind washed by the government. So, are you in?"

A question came to Ace, and while he knew it was silly of him, he just had to ask, "If I say no are you going to use some sort of mind erase on me?"

Jeb smirked, "No, with this economy mind erase spray is getting too expensive. We'll just clobber you over the head with a shovel and claim you were hallucinating."

Ace's goofy smile returned, "I'm in."

Jeb motioned to the pile of papers he had collected, "Alright then, read these thoroughly and fill them out."

The boy took a seat and as he was rereading one of the forms, Kelly came down in the elevator.

Mr. Anderson sneered at her, "I thought you were leaving."

"Wish I could, but I need a band. Are you going to do your job, or do I need to start hiking to the other side of town?" 7 took up a chair and stretched her arm out across the table.

Mr. Anderson took something out of the bins and scrawled, "Don't let this go to your head. The only reason I keep you is because you haven't given me a reason to deny you service …and Harold will nag at me until my dying day if I refuse a client."

"Dully noted." Kelly nodded in agreement.

Mr. Anderson tossed the object to Harold, who snapped it on Kelly's out stretched arm It was some sort of strange, neon blue glowing band that made a hissing sound and Kelly jumped at the contact.

Ace was pulled from his observations when the provider snatched up the papers from in front of him, and climbed down the ramp to the computer at the back. He could hear the man groan, "Good god, not another one…"

"So when do I start training?"

Jeb snapped around at the question, and glowered, "Not until we start our camping trips. I'm not going to take the risk of my bedroom furniture trying to take a stroll down the hall again."

"Am I going to get any cool gadgets?"

"Not at your age. Once you're through your developing stage though?" Jeb threw a box to Ace. He fumbled with it, but didn't drop it.

Ace's excitement was replaced with disappointment when he read the box's title. "'Nasal strips?' Aren't these for like, stopping you from snoring at night or something?"

"Or something. Even with years of training, telekenetics just can't control themselves while there asleep. It just feels so natural for your kind that it comes unbidden when you're in a relaxed state."

Jeb jabbed a finger at the other old man, "I started ordering those back when bozo over there dropped himself on top of a desk and screwed his leg up. But like I said, you won't be needing those until you're older."

Mr. Anderson pulled took out another band and demanded, "Hold your arm out."

"What is that?"

Jeb dangled it playfully from between two fingers and with a smirk answered, "Consider it your Pampers pull-up diaper."

"A power band; It will help keep your ability under control until you can do so yourself," Harold answered more helpfully.

Ace eyed the band nervously as the provider placed it on his upper left arm. It looked like a lava lamp, bright neon blue liquid swirling around within it.

Mr. Anderson adjusted the straps and announced with false cheer, "This shouldn't hurt a bit!" and snapped the device closed.

Ace screamed in surprise as a sudden burst of energy hit him. It was like living electricity snaking through his veins. He could feel it pulsing, moving around inside of him, and it made Ace sick to his stomach. He could feel it curling up in his chest…ringing in his ears…

"Are you okay? …Ace?"

Awareness came back in an instant, as if a flip had been switched. He tried to stand up from where he had apparently fallen from his chair but Harold kept him down.

"Easy! First time is always a dozzie."

Ace groaned and grasped the band that dug into his arm. "Shit…you could have warned me!"

"Well, I'm done with them. I'll be in the din if you need me." Jeb told Harold and left in the elevator.

Ace managed to pull himself up shakily. Harold stood behind him, ready to catch him if he faltered.

"I told you he was an ass," Kelly spit out bitterly.

Harold chided, "Now, be nice. He really could have denied you if he wanted to. He might act crude but he really does care for those under his supervision."

"Now come on, no need to stay in here. There's cake to be devoured. And Ace…" He pulled a card out of his vest. "This is for you in case something arises or if your parents would like to contact us. The information on the back is for if you need to find me at the school; I work there as a teacher."

"Thanks," Ace took the card put in his pocket, and rubbed his arm.

He could still feel the band pulsing.

Avery paced the room nervously, rubbing his arms and fluttering his wings in agitation. He was a bony teen with a long black braid running down between his feather covered appendages. He snapped his head up in fear every time he heard a noise. "Oh…he is not going to like this…no, no…he's not going to like this at all…"

"Oh, shut it, bird brain. It's your own fault for screwing up."

Avery shot the man lounging on the couch with a glare. He was brown haired, lean yet muscular man who oddly enough sprouted a tail and cat ears. His right eye was mechanical and tinted a dark, bloody red. "As if you've done any better, Marco. Not boasting about hacking the underground's main frame? Oh wait- you couldn't even get into the room!"

Marco growled and leapt to grab the skinny boy but the door opened, allowing light into the dark room. Avery and the man quickly bowed down on one knee for the siluate standing in the door way and gasped, "Master!"

"My beasts," returned a cheerful voice, "tell me how your missions went."

"You tell him," Hissed Avery to Marco.

"No, you first," the cat man hissed back.

"He's less likely to shoot you…" Avery stopped when he noticed his master's impatience by his skeptical look. The bird stuttered out, "W-we…we fai failed, Mr. Fabulous."

Avery squeaked and ducked when a lamp was lodged at his head. "You bungling fools! Is this how you repay me?! I, who took you into my care, made you stronger, cared for you as if you were my own blood?!"

"I-it's not that easy, sir. The underground has so—some sort of complicated system. We can't---"

"I don't care for your excuses. A rabbit always makes an escape hole; there is always a second entry."

"I don't even get why you're so agitated about the neutrals," Grumbled Marco, "How do those cowards fit into your master scheme?"

"Given the chance, they will jump out of their hole and help defend my sworn enemy. So they need to be crippled before things are put into motion. Besides, if I'm going to pull this off, I might as well get some revenge while I'm at it."

There master went back to the door and called, "Sierra!"

Avery recoiled, and even Marco seemed uneased by the name. Sierra was an older woman with thin toughs of wispy white hair. She was as pale as death and wore a hand sewn brown jacket with many pockets filled with needles and yarn. She crackled cheerfully as she entered the room, a doll that she had been working on still in her hands.

"Sierra, my dear lady," Mr. Fabulous took her hand and gave it a kiss, "I'm afraid my little buffoons have failed me." He spoke teasingly with mock distress.

Sierra hissed, "Sssso I've heard," and glared at the two henchmen.

"Make sure that there are no more mistakes, won't you? I would hate to have to end their miserable existence so soon because of their incompetence." Avery gulped loudly, and Sierra had picked a dusty chair and started to thread her needle threw the cloth.

" I've got an assignment for the three of you and you're going to absolutely love it, darling. After all, who better to frighten the rabbits then a snake?"

Sierra laughed shrilly at the idea. Finished with her little doll, she snapped the needle free and jabbed it into the doll's chest.

Avery jumped in shock when someone upstairs screamed in agony.