Hey guys!

So, this is definitely the work of a plot bunny gone awry. It started on the daily blog (link on profile) as a three day span of stories, before I moved on to the drabbles that are currently making up 'It's the Perfect Story', but one day, i got a message from Water Kangaroo asking if I was going to pick it up again. I can't on the blog, because I had to switch topics, but as per their request, I started expanding this into a full length story.

This is going to be my take on the 'Penny is in a coma/bring her back to life' twist everyone seems to be doing. It will (hopefully) be different from everything you've seen here, since you all know I like to twist an bend characters and plots to the edge of their canon.

Hope you enjoy!


The EMT's gagged when they saw what they were called to. The fact that they were called to a homeless shelter was not all that surprising, but the reason was. Reynolds looked at the call slip again, just to make sure he got the information right.

Battle between Dr. Horrible and Captain Hammer, laser shots fired, Hammer hurt, one female impaled with shrapnel.

Reynolds didn't even know what to think about what they were going to see. He'd heard about this Dr. Horrible guy, he didn't seem violent, and he'd never hurt anyone before. He knew the other guys on the team were nervous too, they'd never dealt with a super villain before and nobody knew what to expect at the scene.

The ambulance arrived to an eerily quiet building. The siren seemed unusually jarring and the driver flipped it off as soon as he could. The team pulled their equipment out of the ambulance and raced into the building.

It didn't take long for them to get out of there, the damn villain had literally handed them the girl.

It wasn't the worst accident they'd seen, but as they tended to the girl, trying to keep her feeble heartbeat there, Reynolds felt sick. His gloves were bloody, and the compressions felt wrong because of the punctures.

When they arrived at the hospital, Reynolds could see the girl was a lost cause. But he got a doctor and they went into surgery anyways, if there was a shot in hell, they were going to save this girl.

"Paging Dr. Hillard." The voice that came over the intercom sounded strained.

The doctor ignored it, they knew he was in surgery, he'd just find out what it was later.

"Dr. Hillard, it is imperative that you come to the frond desk immediately." The evil voice that had replaced the secretaries sent a chill down Hillard's spine. He rushed out, praying that the nurses and machines could keep the accident victim alive a little longer.

What he saw in the lobby made him freeze in fear. There was a man leaning casually against the receptionist's desk, which wouldn't be much cause for alarm, but he was wearing a lab coat and goggles and had some sort of gun pointed at the security team.

"Doctor. So good of you to make it." Dr. Horrible said casually. "Call off your men, I have a proposition for you." Hillard waved off the security personnel, knowing that if Horrible pulled anything they wouldn't be much use anyways.

"What do you want?" Hillard asked, his voice betraying how frayed his nerves were.

"I'm here to help, doc. See this little thing here." Horrible waved his gun around, causing some of the patrons to flinch away. "Is a suspended animation device I think you'll find useful." Hillard was more then a little suspicious about the Doctors motives.

"Of course, I'll get just payment for my services." Horrible trailed off, his demeanor becoming more agitated by the second.

"But what do you say, doc?" Laws be dammed. Hillard thought. This man was giving him the chance to pull off the greatest recovery in history, of course he was going to take it.

"Scrub up, sir. I'm going to need your help."

Hillard was edgy letting a villain into the operating, especially since he was the villain that had caused the disaster in the first place. But the enigmatic Doctor just stood by his machine, pushing buttons occasionally and staring emotionless holes into the scene before him. Hillard hadn't felt judged in a surgery since he had a mentor, but the way Horrible's eyes seemed to bore into everything made him jumpy. He didn't even take a break when most of the nurses during the sixth hour of surgery.

"She's done." Hillard sighed, after twelve hours. He had saved the girl's life. Two nurses started wheeling her out of the room, when Horrible stepped out of the shadows.

"Hillard." He barked, causing Hillard to squeal and drop the tool he'd been carrying. "I haven't told you my price." Hillard visibly relaxed. The Doc couldn't want much, at least, not more then the publicity would bring him.

"Sure Doc, what do you want?" He asked, tiredly, turning to face the villain.

"I'm taking the girl. You're going to tell everyone that you did your best, but you couldn't save her. Can I trust you to do that?" Horrible asked, cutting Hillard's protests off before they could begin. Dr. Horrible gave him another look.

"Actually, just to be safe." Horrible leveled a metal contraption on his wrist, and shot the doctor with out batting an eyelash. He didn't like killing, but what need to happen, happened. He left the doctor in a heap on the floor, and pushed his way through the doors to the hall. It was amazing how easily he was able to steal Penny away by simply leveling the gun at his wrist at anyone that moved.

Dr. Horrible loaded the stretcher into an ambulance and took off.

He settled Penny in the cot he called a bed. Dr. Horrible figured it would be best to go to his apartment, and just keep everyone out. Looking back, maybe this wasn't the best idea. He couldn't keep Penny like a pet, but if the League found out that she was alive, they'd kill them both. The situation began to hit him once he had transferred all the equipment from the stolen ambulance and sent it into the lake. He didn't know what to do.

Dr. Horrible woke up the next morning disoriented on the, admittedly disgusting, floor of his tiny room. He wasn't surprised though, he rarely made it to the bed most nights, but usually he'd end up in the enormous armchair in the lab, not on the floor. He sat up , rubbing the spot on his head where his goggles had been particularly unforgiving, and started when he saw Penny in his bed. The memories of the night before flooded back, and Dr. Horrible shook his head. How many more people would he have to kill. Horrible decided it didn't matter, and got up to leave the room. Billy wanted to stay at the bedside, and wait until Penny opened her eyes, but Dr. Horrible knew that she would be out for days, and that he had better things to do then wait around for sleeping beauty.

She is beautiful Horrible thought, once he was in the hall, she wore the deathly experience well, and he wouldn't even know she was hurt, except the snowy bandaging around her chest.

Billy finally took control, and while he didn't go back into the bedroom (Horrible knew what he was talking about, even if he was annoying as hell about it.) he did spend a huge part of the day googling information about comas, and people in them.

He was torn from his computer by the shrill ring of the phone, he scrambled up to get it, recognizing Moist's ringtone.


"Hey doc," Billy winced at the title. He didn't want to be reminded of his alter ego now.

"Moist, what's up?"

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to come over, get some food. You shouldn't be alone now Doc. It's not good." Moist suggested, sounding wishy-washy, which only grated on Billy's nerves.

"Nah, Moist, I'm good. I've got a lot of work to catch up on. Maybe some other time." The lie fell from his lips easily.

"You sure?"

"Of course I'm sure." Billy snapped. There was no way he could go out and leave a knocked out Penny in his apartment alone. Billy heard a faint beeping come from the bedroom.

"I've got to go, Moist, some other time." Billy hung up the phone, and rushed to the bedroom. Penny wasn't up. Most of him knew she wouldn't be, but part of him had hoped. He quickly took care of the beeping monitor, and left the room, going back to google.

So, tell me what you think, okay? It's really helpful, and the more people I know really like this, the faster I'll get chapters out. (Okay, so that's blatant bribery...) However, I am breaking my own don't-post-a-story-till-it's-done rule, so maybe you could click that little button? Tell me what you liked, didn't like, what I messed up on, how much you like the show, If you want a funny poster about NPH...

Pretty much anything, actually...

So Review!