This takes place two days after the slaying of the Corvinus brothers. Remember, Selene is now a daywalker.

The moon faded slightly in the purple sky, the horizon brightening slowly. It was nearly 4:00 in the morning in Budapest Hungary. It was mid-winter, the ground completely slick with frost.

"Shit," Selene hissed, as she slipped slightly on the frozen ground. She quickly regained her footing and continued running behind Michael, her P99 readied in her right hand. Four Death Dealers gained on them quickly, seemingly to never tire. They were heavily loaded with deadly Ar-15 machine guns. Michael took a quick glance over his shoulder when one of the Dealers stopped to fire at them. Selene stopped as well, shooting at them with her P99. She killed one of them quickly and continued to run.

Michael's sensitive hybrid ears picked up Selene's labored breathing, hitching every now and again. He stole a quick, worried glance at her and spotted her left hand clutching her side, her eyes focused on the end of the long champagne cellar tunnel. She was obviously in pain from her cramp. Michael took a deep breath and ran faster, urging Selene on as well. He knew that the quicker they got to the door at the end, the sooner Selene could stop running. Selene, being quickly left behind due to her ache, suddenly let out a desperate cry of pain and fell to the ground.

Michael instantly wipped around, running towards the fallen figure of the vampiress. She attempted to stand, but quickly fell again with a sharp cry. Michael shot past Selene, thundering towards the three remaining Death Dealers. They fired at him, but he quickly dodged them, running at a slight angle. Two bullets lodged themselves in his thighs, and he growled in fury. He quickly let the hybrid take over, and he ran faster. He leapt at them, landing ontop of two. He dug his longated claws into the back of their necks, quickly be-heading them. The hybrid man turned to the other, who had is Ar-15 aiming at him. Michael lunged at the Dealer, biting into his face as he was shot himself in the stomach. He ignored the pain, it would heal quickly with his combined bloodlines.

Turning back to his original form, he trotted back to Selene who was lying on on the hcold cement floor, slightly on her stomach, slightly on her side. Michael cursed at the rather large blood puddle surrounding the vampiress. He bent down and his doctor side kicked in. Her hand clutched her latex Death Dealer suit on her right side. He gently removed her hand, stained red. He looked quickly at the wound, it was two large holes in her side. The bullets were tightly lodged in her side, and one rib was cracked.

"Selene," Michael started, worry creasing his brow. "We need to get someplace safe, the door is about 100 feet away, do you think you can make it?" She didn't respond, instead she cringed as she took into a sitting position. Michael placed his arm around her waste, helping her up. She gasped and everything went fuzzy.

"Michael," she gasped. "Stop!" Her sides heaved with the little effort of standing slightly. Michael's stomach clenched. He couldn't bear to see her in pain. This wasn't normal Selene behavior though, she would usually be willing to prove him wrong and walk casually to the door, her face masked seriously.

Michael let her rest for a few seconds before pulling her slightly, forcing her to walk. Selene's legs buckled beneath her and she fell onto her knees. Her body convulsed as she wretched blood. Michael's heart skipped a beat. He frowned in determination and grabbed Selene, whisking her into his arms. He began running towards the small wooden door. He painfully ignored her faint and pained pleas to set her down. She raised her fist, readied to strike; but it barely grazed his chest as everything went black.