It was funny, Ty Lee thought, how even in sleep she retained the appearance of the diabolical genius she was. That was just one of the more amazing things about her.

She was beautiful. From the curve of her lips to the silk of her hair and the way she carried herself, Azula was every inch the queen she was destined to become. Add to that her keen wit and intelligence, and she was as close to perfection as a human being could possibly get.

Any future consort would certainly be lucky to have her...if he was worthy, of course. Azula didn't deserve anything less than the best.

And yet, if one of us were a boy, I'd marry her in a heartbeat and I'm far from the best.

Ty Lee sighed, reaching out to gently trace the contours of the princess's cheekbones, immediately realizing she shouldn't have when Azula began to stir. Her eyes opened, then narrowed a bit in annoyance.

"You don't have to watch me sleep, you know," she said. "I'd be more worried about Mai and her ankle sprain after that fight, why don't you hover over her for a while?" Ty Lee blushed and made a small noise, quickly standing up.

"Right, of course! Poor Mai, I hope she doesn't think I've forgotten about her!" she giggled nervously. "Goodnight, Azula! Sweet dreams!"

"Sure, same to you, Ty Lee," Azula muttered as she went back to sleep. Ty Lee lingered a moment longer, taking in the view of her before sadly walking out of the room. Even at her most obnoxious, Azula was perfect.

Maybe it's best that we're both girls. There's such a thing as too perfect, after all, she thought, but deep down she knew that was a lie.