I don't own Vampire Academy, I just wish I did.


Rose POV

Ahh, it feels good to finally put my feet up and relax. I need to enjoy it while I can because with the journey I'm on, I won't be doing much of it, I'm sure. I look over and see the man I gave my heart to, sitting in the next airplane seat, reading his western novel. Dimitri. He is everything I ever wanted. He is gorgeous, smart, strong, sensitive and loves me with all his heart. He is also my finance. I can't wait to marry my Russian God and make him my husband. But he isn't the only man I love. There is also Adrian. That relationship is a lot more complicated.

I met Adrian at the Ski Lodge the academy went to after a Strigoi attack scared the crap out of the Moroi community around Christmas time. He was there too and as soon as we met, he wouldn't leave me alone trying to get me into bed, sending me gifts and always showing up at the wrong time to harrass me. He came back to the academy with us to study Spirit with Lissa, with the bonus of trying to woo me. Adrian has a reputation for drinking and sleeping around with anything female. There was no way I was going to be another notch on his belt, I have more respect for myself than that. Plus I was totally in love with my mentor, Dimitri. I didn't find out his true feelings for me until a friend of mine who is empathic, told me he could feel that Adrian did in fact love me. Weird huh? Adrian and I got closer but I never felt more than friendship for him. We agreed to be best friends, until an evil Strigoi named Ezekiel decided to intrude in on our lives. He believed that I fulfilled some prophecy and that I am the Chosen One, greatest Strigoi hunter ever. He kidnapped Adrian to get to me. It almost worked too, but Adrian sacrificed himself to save me. Before he did that, though, I let him drink from me to give him strength. Doing that strengthened any love we had for each other. As it turns out, I did love Adrian, just not as much as Dimitri. But, back to his sacrificing himself. After Ezekiel drank from him, I held Adrian in my arms while he was dying and kissed him goodbye. When I did that, Adrian sent Spirit through to me and his soul came with it. Now he exists in my body. After Dimitri dragged me out of the house, leaving Adrian's body behind, Ezekiel turned him into a Strigoi. So now, me and my friends are searching the globe to find him so that we can heal him and send his soul back into his body. Sounds like a piece of cake, right? Nope. I already failed once. But, I won't stop until I get it right.

The Queen herself assigned me to this task since Adrian is her favorite nephew. I got to pick my team to go with me on my hunt for Strigoi Adrian. Of course Dimitri, especially since he was assigned to be my/Adrian's guardian. Unusual I know, but he always said he could never put any Moroi before me, and now he doesn't have to. Then there is my best friend Lissa. I was supposed to be her sanctioned guardian after graduation, but since I am leading this team, I have no official charge. Since we have a bond, though, I still look after her like I always have. Her guardian is Eddie Castile. We grew up together at the academy and he is like a brother to me. If I couldn't be her guardian, I feel better that he is. Then there is Christian Ozera, Lissa's boyfriend and fire using Moroi. He was there at the attack at the academy and used his fire magic to help the guardians take down the Strigoi. He even got a medal from the Queen for his efforts. His guardian is Rose Ann Popov, my newly found big sister. That story is even stranger. Let's just say a psychotic exboyfriend of hers thought I was her and harrassed and then kidnapped me. He's locked away now but Rose Ann decided to stay so we could get to know each other better. We look a lot alike, same hair and eyes but our body shapes are different. She is taller and more slender while I got my mom's curves and large chest. I haven't told my mom about finding my sister yet. She was already pretty pissed at me for getting engaged to my older mentor. I didn't want to kill her with this extra news.

Anywho, My sister Rose Ann is kinda dating my ex-boyfriend Alex Black. He helped me put my heart back together after Dimitri left me to be Tasha's guardian. He came back after he figured out he couldn't live without me. Tasha is Christians aunt and a sore subject for me. Let's not go there right now. Alex has been like a guardian angel to me. He rescued me from drowning in the ocean, protected me from Guardian Bloom, the psycopathic stalker, and helped me know love again. He seems to have a bit of a gift. From time to time, he gets visions. He had some visions before I transfered to his school. He saw me coming, but now we think that he also saw Rose Ann coming too, but we look so much alike, he didn't see the difference. The latest vision he had was a couple days ago. He dreamed that I was fighting Ezekiel back at the California academy. So that is where we are headed.

Alex is the guardian to Jacob Zeklos. What can I say about Jacob? He is the most annoying person I have ever met in my life. He seems to live to irritate me. At least he has stopped the sexual harrassment after Dimitri had a little chat with him. But that doesn't seem to stop him from flirting with every other girl on the planet. The reason he is even going with us is because no matter how much he rubs me the wrong way, he is a pretty good fire user. He also helped in the academy attack.

Also on the team is Peter Badica and his gardian Katie Newcomb. I met them both at the academy in CA. He is a Spirit user like Lissa and Adrian. He can feel everyones emotions. If it wasn't for him, Dimitri and I might not have gotten back together. He is shy, especially around girls, but me and the other ladies are doing what we can to bring him out of his shell. I don't know Katie very well, but she is pretty good at fighting and we all get along with her. And last but not least is Mia Rinaldi. We didn't start off as friends, but after the incident in Spokane where she helped me kill the Strigoi that captured us, we have become a lot closer. She is even training with guardians on fighting. Even though she is Moroi, she doesn't have a guardian, she refused to have one. She is a water user and works with the others to find more ways to fight with water.

Overall, I think I have a pretty good team. And the fact that they are all my friends, makes it even better.

Well I hope this story goes as well as Change of Scenery. I know this first chapter is a little boring but it will get better. If you have any ideas for what the characters can go through, review and let me know and I'll see what I can do. Thanks for reading.