Sephiroth moaned unwillingly into the kiss as Genesis' hand reached into his pants. It was the fifth time that week that Genesis had shoved him against a wall in a deserted hallway or room and sexually tormented him. Genesis withdrew his hand and pulled away with a smug smile before adjusting his clothes and leaving the office, leaving a frustrated and bewildered Sephiroth behind.

Sephiroth had known the moment he moaned that Genesis would leave. He adjusted his clothes with shaking hands and sat himself at his desk, gripping his head in his hands with a frustrated groan. Everytime Genesis had cornered him he had willed himself to be quiet, just so Genesis would make it last longer, but he could never hold himself back for long. He couldn't quite understand why Genesis enjoyed toying with him so much, but he suspected that he only did it to feel some measure of power over his superior. Sephiroth hated Genesis' ability to make him writhe.

He tried to work on his paperwork again but knew it was a futile effort, he reread the same line seven times before he ever registered its meaning. Genesis had completely destroyed his train of thought and with it, his work ethic. He shoved the file away and left his office, slamming the door shut forcefully before locking it.

He briefly toyed with the idea of tracking the Soldier down and forcing him to give him what he wanted but the idea was dismissed quickly. Rape was something he condemned and though he had few morals, the ones he did have he deemed sacred. He didn't care how frustrated and tense he was, he would never force anything on or ask Genesis for anything.

He made to leave Shinra building in a hurry, anxious to get away from it's oppressive white walls. He cursed as he saw Rufus Shinra heading towards him. Probably wants something from me, I hope I'm wrong. Sephiroth groaned internally but greeted his superior with a calm demeanor. "Rufus."

"Sephiroth." Rufus eyed him coldly, Sephiroth doubted he could show any expression that wasn't cold, "On your way out?"

"Yes." Sephiroth really wanted to leave.

"I'll join you. We can take my car." Rufus was demanding, something that wouldn't normally have bothered Sephiroth but tonight it annoyed him to no end. Sephiroth grunted an agreement and followed Rufus to the parking garage.

Rufus' car was waiting for them and they climbed in wordlessly. Rufus directed the driver and then sat back in his seat to stare out the window. "Thank you for the company this evening Sephiroth."

Sephiroth raised an eyebrow, "You're welcome, why is it necessary?"

"I'm simply not in the mood to be left alone with my thoughts at the moment. I'm sure you can relate." Rufus rested his chin on an overly manicured hand.

Sephiroth grunted an agreement. He wanted to be alone to wallow in confusion and frustration, but he also wanted someone around to keep that from happening.

"I also wanted to speak with you about something business related. Do you mind?" Rufus stared out the window, his usual apathetic gaze in place.

"No." Sephiroth had known Rufus wanted something.

"As you may have heard our company is having some diplomatic issues with the ambassador from Mideel. He found out we're looking for him and is hiding in Icicle right now." Rufus ran a pampered hand through his hair.

"What do you want me to do about it?" Sephiroth raised an eyebrow.

"I need an excuse to have Turks in Icicle. If you're there on 'vacation' and I send Turks to accompany you no one will get wise to the fact that we know where he is. Or at least they shouldn't. I know it's humiliating to have people think that I'm sending Turks to protect you but I need a ruse to hide our actions behind." Rufus didn't even look at Sephiroth as he spoke.

Sephiroth frowned slightly, "I'm guessing you want him killed?"

"Don't worry, I won't be having you do that. I need this to be a quiet kill and lets face it, the Turks are better suited for such things." Rufus grinned evilly.

Sephiroth snorted lightly, "So they are."

"Is it safe to assume that you are willing to go on 'vacation'?" Rufus' tone suggested he expected nothing else.

"Yes." Sephiroth exited the car as it stopped outside his apartment building.

Rufus rolled down the car window, "I'll see you tomorrow at three to finish filling you in on the situation and all it entails."

"Understood." Sephiroth turned towards his apartment as Rufus drove off. Going to have to move around some appointments. At least it gets me out of that stupid meeting with Heidegger for awhile.

Reno moaned and clutched desperately at the white coat in front of him. Rufus had him pinned against the desk and was working to undo the buttons on his shirt. The air in the office was heated but Reno knew instinctively that it wouldn't last. Any moment now his happy passionate moment would be interrupted by someone walking through the large oak doors leading into Rufus' office. Everytime Rufus cornered him and pulled him into this fight for dominance he had someone scheduled to walk in on them. Reno hated it but he couldn't say no to Rufus.

Rufus ground his hips into Reno and forced him further into the desk. Reno moaned as his hands were forced above his head and his jacket was removed. He held out a small bit of hope that Rufus wouldn't follow his humiliating pattern, but he knew it was stupid to even entertain the idea. As Rufus' hands ran over his stomach he moaned and let his hands wander shamelessly over his superior, relishing in the all to brief moment of happiness as the door opened.

Sephiroth had knocked, twice. The secretary had simply told him to walk in and he now regretted listening to her. Rufus was obviously 'busy' with the gorgeous red-head currently splayed on the desk in all his half-naked splendor. The red-head growled and shoved Rufus off him before grabbing his jacket off the back of a nearby chair and shoving past Sephiroth. Sephiroth stood with his mouth agape as he watched the red-head stalk away. He closed his mouth as Rufus coughed gently, drawing his attention back to the matter at hand. "Beautiful isn't he?"

Sephiroth cleared his throat and closed the door without a reply, choosing instead to seat himself in confused silence.

"To business then?" Rufus grinned and sat across the desk from Sephiroth, straightening his jacket as he did.

"Please." Sephiroth grunted, he was suddenly very anxious to get out of that room.

Reno buttoned his shirt angrily, "!" He swore so fast his words ran together as he realized that Rufus had ripped off a good portion of the buttons. The shirt was ruined but he covered himself with it as best as he could as he stomped down the stairs to hide in his office. He thought about skipping the rest of the day but he dismissed the idea regretfully. Humiliated or not he had to prepare for his mission the next day. It was bad enough he had been humiliated but why had Rufus chose to humiliate him in front of the man he was forcing him to spend the next week with? He had been looking forward to a break from the near constant public humiliation but now he was less than pleased to be spending a week in Icicle.

He slammed the door to his office shut and sat at his desk, banging his head against the paper coated surface. He heard noises coming from the other side of the wall to his left and he knew that his partner was coming to check on him.

He counted the few seconds it would take for Rude to make it into his office. The gentle knocking on his door went unanswered and he hoped Rude got the message that he wanted to be alone. He also knew that even if Rude did understand his desire to be alone he would completely ignore that wish.

The door opened just as Reno finished counting down to one, "Right on time."

Rude shut the door behind him, far more gently than Reno had, and stood in front of him with his arms folded across his chest.

"Not in the mood to discuss it right now if you don't mind." Reno didn't have to look up to know just what stance Rude had taken.

"You never are." Rude grunted.

"Think there might be a reason for that?" Reno's voice was muffled by the stack of papers.

"Always is." Rude snorted.

"So why do you insist on talking to me about it?" Reno frowned into his desk.

"I'm concerned." Rude's face stayed stoic.

"I don't need your concern or your pity!" Reno looked up from his desk, eyes watering in humiliation that was only increased by the look of pure pity in Rude's eyes.

"You need something." Rude felt his heart pang for the hurt his best friend was going through.

"I need a bullet in the head that's what I need." Reno grabbed fistfuls of his hair.

"You need to let me know what's going on so I can help." Rude had a very good idea of what was happening, he just wanted to hear Reno admit that he was being abused physically and emotionally. Just on the slim chance that he was wrong.

"You fucking know what's going on alright? I'm not going to talk about it and there's nothing you can do so get over this pity shit and look at me like I'm a fucking human being not some sick helpless fucking animal!" Reno snarled viciously as a tear leaked down his cheek.

Rude knew Reno had meant to hurt him, and he had succeeded. "If you can't trust me who can you trust?" Rude turned and left the office, slamming the door behind him.

Reno wiped the tear from his cheek angrily and slammed his head down on his desk again, the back of his eyelids broadcasting unwanted memories into his mind.

Authors Note: Let me know what you think! I need to know if this is a waste of time or not ^^

A shout-out to Soyna for the inspiration for this story. If you haven't read her story 'Tease' you're very deprived and should probably get on that because it's brilliant.

Since everyone else seems to post what song/s they were listening to while they wrote their stories I'll do it too, just for giggles. I was listening to 'Fully Alive' and 'Red Sam' both by Flyleaf. Rock awesome songs. \m/

I really appreciate reviews and I reply to them. I will answer ANY question you have about this story happily and quickly so don't hesitate to ask anything!