AN: Welcome to SAY IT AIN'T SO!

This is a complete work of fanfiction based on the character of one Yukina in the Yu Yu Hakusho anime series. I'm not sure what brought you here, or if you'll even stick around to the end. But first and foremost let me thank-you for stopping by.

Now, this is supposed to be a funny mockup of a scene from a story I just recently read. It's quit cute about Botan and Yukina. It inspired this work of fiction, I just had to write this in response to it. Also this is dedicated to a fellow writer of fanfiction who goes by the name of Pyromaniac Kittie. You should check out her stories along with her co-writer Gene-sama.

Now see if you can guess what's going on before your told at the end. Have fun!

Say It Ain't So

"Oh Botan, I don't know if this will work?"

Yukina's soft hushed voice was still able to be heard by the boys that walked into the hallway. Their mission had left them staying at the old physics' Genkai's, which resulted in them wandering aimlessly till Koenma returned with more information.

"I think this is what males are for. More muscle."

"Oh don't be so shy, you said you wanted to, just let me get a better grip on this thing."

Botan's accented voice was perky as ever. She sounded hushed and little breathy.

"If I'm going to teach you these things, then you have to trust me. Plus, I think you'll feel more mature after this is done."

It wasn't so weird to hear the two chatting together as of late. Ever since this side mission Koenma had them staying together; with the 'not so grim' reaper keeping communication between the Spirit Detective team, and the other plains of existence, open. The two had been seen talking and spending time together, normally engrossed in conversations on the human realm. Yukina was quite taken with clothing, seasons and cuisine in the area.

What was the weird thing, was the non-formality that Yukina was using? The worrying thing came from both of them being in the bathroom together. With the door closed.

"Of course I trust you Botan, you know that." Yukina was using a hushed tone, but Kurama's demonic hearing could still pick it up. He paused in mid step down the long hallway. His curious nature getting the better of him. What could they possible be talking about?

Kurama leaned a little farther towards the door. His brain making deductions from the conversation he was purposefully overhearing. Botan's voice had suddenly changed. It was more husky, and sweeter sounding.

"I trust you too. I'm really glad you came to me with this request."

A giggling sound could be heard afterwards. Hiei stopped. Recognized it as his sister's kindly laughter.

What were those two women up to?

He back tracked little to stand beside Kurama, thus getting the attention of Yusuke. Kurama held a finger to his lips to signal the detective. A nod was confirmation from the green clad warrior that he knew to be silent. His shirt tied around his waist from an impromptu training session on the grounds. The party was now heading to the dorms to change and shower up for dinner.

"Now do you still want to try today; I can always wait." Botan responded to the young Ice Maiden. "I know how to keep this stuff good for days."

"No!" Yukina's panicked voice startled the boys outside. Hiei grabbed the hilt of his katana, his knee jerk reaction to anything. "No, I want to do this, I have to."

The determination in that statement was more than enough to bring Hiei forward. His hand on the doorknob, was stopped when there was a shuffling sound heard.

"Alright then I have to get you out of this dress." There was more shuffling and the sounds of fabric rustling as well. Kurama caught the perverted look on Yusuke face and frowned.

"Oh Yukina!" Botan squealed. "You look so cute in that new dress we got you. But this works better without anything in the way anyway. Also we don't want that pretty dress ruined."

"Oh, of course. Could you help me untie this ribbon?"

"Oh, that's really pretty." Botan murmured. "Here let me help you with that too, just lean back a little. Perfect. Now raise your leg up a little, I can't get the angle right."

Yusuke glanced at the tense fire apparition, his knuckles had turned white on the hilt of his weapon. What was going on in there? It sounded almost like Yukina and Botan were…


That would never happen.

Could it?

"Oh yes, that is better Botan." Was that Yukina? Why was she sighing?

Kurama's eye brows raised into his hair line, and Hiei just about breathed fire onto the door. Yusuke just managed to hold back the fire demon from tearing the door off its hinges. More shuffling could be heard till it sounded like the shower was turned on. Was that music, now in the background?

Why were they playing music?

"I can't wait." Botan's squeals hit its perky high pitch. "This is going to be so good!"

"You think so Botan?" Yukina glanced back at the bubbly girl. "I'm still really nervous."

The last of the conversation was lost on the boys due to Hiei punching Yusuke. A loud crash was heard as the man fell through two rows of paper screen. Hiei swung open the bamboo door, it hit the latch with large bang, rattling off the slide hinge and clattering to the floor inside the bathroom.

"Just what the hell is going on in here!"

His voice echoed in the little bathroom and the residence in the little space both gave a frightened shout. Botan dropped a bottle of weird smelling liquid, and it splattered up the side of the bathroom counter. The room was filled with steam from the shower and it wafted out into the hall with the scent that was purely pampered female. Botan; clad in a pink robe synched around her waist and matching fuzzy slippers, her eyes wide and face slathered with green mud. Yukina; perched on top of the counter her legs swinging with purple foam shoved between her toes, and what looked like teal and purple polish that was still wet. A large towel was draped around her and tied under her arms, her teal locks of hair tumbled down her back, wet and half pinned up in some places. Botan stood on a little stool, her hands were stuck into large plastic gloves, looking like she had seen a ghost.

"Mr. Hiei?"


Did you get it?

They were about to dye Yukina's hair!

Hahaha, I have no idea what the adorable ice princess would look like as a blonde, Ginger maybe?

I think everyone should start a revolution about the BLONDE YUKINA!

Sorry, I apologize if I offended anyone. I warned you at the beginning that there would be some content that may not be to your liking, although in my opinion this was pretty tame.

If you didn't like it than let me know why and what you'd have done differently. I would love to hear your opinions.

Happy writings!