Hi guys, I know its been forever... Years. I have no excuse other then I lost interest and stopped writing for a while. I'm sorry. Anyway I am determined to finish this though so here's this for anyone who's still with me.
My face paled and my heart dropped at her words. Why couldn't it be anything else? I hadn't been lying when I said I killed Victoria, but I had neglected to mention that it was with the help of everyone at camp and even still it had not been easy. We were lucky to have all survived. Still, this was one of our sisters, I couldn't just give up on her without consulting the others.
"How many?" I asked finally, trying to hide my fear.
She frowned, obviously seeing through my attempt. "Bella..."
"How many?" I repeated determinedly.
She sighed. "Five." My blood chilled. "They're a dangerous gang of vicious brutes, even by vampire standards. They-" She stopped and bit her lip, unwilling to continue.
"They what?" I asked with difficulty.
Alice's face contorted miserably. "They don't kill for food, they do it for fun. They enjoy causing pain.. So they torture their victims as well."
My blood was boiling now and my hands clenched into fists as I stood comprehending her words.
She spoke again quietly. "I'm sorry. I couldn't do anything. By the time I tracked down her scent and found them there was no way I could rescue her without confronting them. I never would have made it back to warn you." Her face was grim and she looked guilt ridden.
I cooled down quickly and hugged her. "Oh Alice, it's not your fault, I know that. No one could possibly blame you. But I can't not tell Artemis. If there's a chance we could still save her we have to try."
She gripped me tightly in fear. "No! You can't Bella, it's too dangerous. You'll all be killed."
"We've killed vampires before." She looked surprised. "We killed Victoria. With all of us we could take them down."
She looked doubtful still and shook her head heavily. "But would the price be worth it? That was one vampire. Chances are high you'll lose more girls then you might save. And it may already be too late. I'm sorry, I hate to say it, but it isn't worth it. You should all leave the area."
I chewed my lip as I contemplated her words. She had a point. But this wasn't my decision, I couldn't keep it from Artemis, or the rest of the group.
"We have to see Artemis." Alice looked like she was about to argue but I held up my hand. "Anna was her hunter too and she is our leader. You can explain everything and she will make the decision."
Alice still clearly disagreed but she saw I was firm in my decision and nodded. Everyone had gone to bed by the time we walked back to camp so we walked to Artemis's tent together and requested permission to enter. She sat cross legged on the floor. Her expression was deeply unsettled and thoughtful reflecting her actual age rather then her youthful appearance.
"What is it you wished to see me about?" She asked, gesturing for us to sit.
Alice made no move to speak so I swallowed hard and said "Alice knows where Anna is."
Artemis turned sharply to her with a more hopeful expression waiting for her to speak. Alice hesitated still but finally explained everything she had told me.
Artemis looked conflicted and distraught but spoke calmly. "This is a difficult situation. More so due to the fact that no one was close to Anna. Considering there is a good possibility that it is too late, it may be in the best interest of everyone to leave." She looked somber at her decision and Alice and I sat silently. "Thank you for informing me." We nodded and stood to go just as Thalia came rushing in.
"Kate, Jill, Lily, and Amy are gone! We heard a yell from their tent and when we got there it was ripped up and there was no sign of them."
Artemis stood quickly. "Gather everyone immediately; I have an announcement."
Everyone gathered quickly and Artemis explained the situation quickly. People looked around in shock looking unsure what to do. The girls were all new to the group and no one knew them well. Of course no one wanted them tortured either, but everyone wondered: was it worth the risk?
"I will not ask my Hunters to risk their lives to this extent. This life is one of danger but under normal circumstances I will not willfully put us in situations where death is likely. Obviously there are no guarantees but we have never faced a situation like this. I cannot make this decision for you all. We have two choices, fight and risk possibly many lives, or flee."
There was more commotion at this as everyone talked it over. Thalia stood and stepped up beside Artemis. "Well I say we do it! Yes it's a risk, yes some of us may die and we don't know if we will be able to save them in time. But if we don't stop them, who will? Many more will be tortured and killed. It's our duty as Hunters to stop them." Everyone quieted at her impassioned speech as they thought about her point. "Well who's with me?"
People looked around and began nodding somberly and one by one raised their hands to clasp their goddess necklaces. Artemis looked impressed and proud and stepped forward again.
"Then we can't waste another moment. Prepare to hunt."
I hope you enjoyed it... Please, please review if anyone is still interested in this and I will continue. Again I'm really sorry, feel free to yell at me.