An AkuRoku one-shot, for Lightkeyblade. (This was the original one, the specific one you requested will be made shortly, Lightkeyblade! 8D )
"Hi, Axel." I sigh dejectedly, as the redhead takes a seat beside me on the clock tower.
"Hey, Roxy!" He chuckles. I hate that nickname.
'Don't call me th-" I get cut off when something sweet yet… salty gets shoved into my mouth. Axel laughs when I smile around my favorite frozen treat, raising a hand to hold the stick.
"You really love those, don't you?" He grins, unwrapping his own Sea-Salt icecream.
"Yup! Thanks!"
"So, what was wrong, Roxy?"
"Don't call me that. Please. And what do you mean?"
"You looked like your cat died a moment ago. And I will call you that until you kill me."
"That may be sooner than you think. Oh, I was just thinking about how much it would suck if we had to stop these Ice Cream dates."
"Don't think like that! You'll just get all depressed and ruin them. I'm sure they won't have to end."
"Oh. Sorry."
"Don't apologize."
"Sor- Ok."
"Better." He laughs, throwing his half eaten bar over the edge. I continue to lick mine, gliding it slowly in and out of my mouth, probably making my lips a sticky mess. Why does he never pick up any napkins?
"Oh, nobody… Roxas, stop molesting the thing!" Axel mutters, his eyes never leaving the frozen treat.
"What?" I ask, confused. I slide the popsicle even further into my mouth, savoring the sweet taste.
"Your practically… oh never mind." He continues, still staring at the popsicle. I pull it out of mouth, about to respond when- his lips crash onto my own, forcing me to lean backwards a little. At first I was shocked, staring at his closed eyelids, his long lashes brushing my cheek as he moves his lips against mine. But then I liked the feeling, closing my own blue eyes and responding fully to the kiss. Axel swipes his tongue out, licking the ice cream off my lips, before forcing his way into my mouth. I could feel the slick muscle inside my mouth, tasting every inch. Eventually, the need for oxygen becomes too great, and we pull apart.
"What… was that?" I breathe, wrapping my arms around his neck and snuggling into his chest.
"Just like every other time you've asked, Roxas, I'm not sure. But you like it, right?" He chuckles, running a hand through my hair. Hey, where'd my popsicle go? Oh, that's right, I dropped it…
"A lot. Yes. So much." I babble, breathing in his scent. Mmm… he smells like… like smoke… and cinnamon… and cherries. Weird mix, but I love it.
"Good. Me too." He picks me up by the waist, letting me wrap my legs around him too, and opens a portal leading to his room, where we can finish …whatever we were doing there.
Oh… this must be why he never brings napkins.
Love it? Hate it so much you wanna burn me? Don't really care? Either way, please review! 8)