Hey Guys- This is my new story... if any of you want something shorter, I wrote another story (A drop of whisky in the wind) under another pen-name, Gypchi. I hope some of you will read it ^.^
I wanted to explain my chosen title for this story before I begin- Forbidden Apple; an apple is traditionally put on a teacher's desk and that hints at the teacher-student relationship Misaki and Akihiko are edging towards. Men have an Adam's Apple, so there's the reference to the story surrounding two men. Then, most importantly, it was, allegedly, the apple which Eve took a bite of. Forbidden Fruit...
Anyway, guys, I really hope you enjoy this story. I'm loving writing it!
Part One- Bite Of The Apple
Honor. Wealth in happiness. Kindness to others. To not be assuming.
Four lessons, only four, but they meant something… mean something. Before my parents' death, those four rules for life were bestowed upon me, along with the knowledge that I was loved. But could a child still be loved once the people loving them are gone? I didn't know…
"Misaki? Misaki! Are you paying attention?!"
"Huh? Oh, yes, sorry. I-I was just-" But Misaki did not have enough time to answer his friend completely, as another voice interrupted him. Deeper. Clearer. Unnervingly quiet.
"Takahashi? Is that your family name, boy?" Never, in all his wildest hopes, did Misaki think Usami Akihiko would speak to him. The tall, silver haired man was a professor at his school, sure, but it was widely known that the almost ethereal tutor only spoke to the most accomplished of students. Misaki was satisfactory, not accomplished and yet still, here was the successful author and academic asking him a question.
All these thoughts crawled at snail speed in Misaki's head as all feeling absconded him and it took the eighteen year old at least a minute to realise he'd be staring, mouth open, at his questioner.
"Y-Yes, sir." Misaki took that moment, foolishly, to look into Usami's eyes and was all at once lost in those blossoming violet irises. He felt a nervous blush creep up his neck and over his cheeks.
"Pardon?" Usami Akihiko spoke, his voice still so quiet. He rested the side of his body, with its broad shoulders and long, strong arms, against the open door of his office and continued to stare back at Misaki. The boy noticed how a pen in the teacher's white shirt pocket was leaking, but could not find the confidence or words to explain this to him, so he repeated himself, louder this time.
"Yes, sir. I'm the brother of-"
"Takahiro, yes, I know." His voice is so cold, Misaki thought, did I say something wrong? Misaki felt his breath catch in his throat and, panic-stricken at the intensity forming in Usami's eyes, stared down at the floor. Merciless floors, the boy remarked to himself as he saw the upside down reflection of Usami in the highly polished ground. Misaki found his eyes trailing over the reflection of the man's long, brown-trousered legs and for an instant thought he heard the tutor laugh, but when he looked back up again, the man's face was unchanged. Pale. Tired. Almost translucent. Handsome…? No! He's a man, Misaki!, Misaki scorned himself, grabbing his left elbow with his right hand over his chest. The boy shocked himself as he felt how cold and clammy his hands were against his skin and tried fruitlessly to unlock his gaze from Usami's. Why isn't he saying anything? Why is he just staring at me?
Surprisingly, Misaki found the silence quite calming after a while and after moments of chastising himself for wanting to look into those eyes, he gave up and observed the purplish colours. And, Usami continued to stare back at the boy, his expression a mix between boredom and icy disdain.
"Right," Usami finally spoke, kicking the door wedge from under the door and striding into his office as the door swung closed. Misaki felt like the man had ripped something from his eyes as he had looked away so abruptly.
He sighed, blinking wide eyed at the closed office door, spotting shelves and shelves of messy files and papers alongside neatly piled stacks of important looking books.
Reluctantly, he glanced to his right and noticed his friend had disappeared, along with the babble of other students going to their lessons. By the clock on top of the blue double doors in front of him, Misaki saw he was three minutes late for his next class.
He shook his head, trying to shake himself out of his daze and was surprisingly pleased by how clear his breathing was and by the tight, happy feeling in his throat.
Still in an unfamiliar daydream, Misaki walked forward, arm outstretched to push the door open in front of him, but his eyes stayed fixed on the office as he passed it. As he noticed Usami Akihiko sat behind his desk, his legs resting on the desk, and saw how peaceful he looked with his eyes closed and the cigarette in his hand, his head bashed into the wall next to the door.
"Ow!" Misaki cried, instinctively, rubbing his temple as he checked to see if the teacher had seen his mishap. Nope. Still sitting peacefully, cigarette hand leaning against his chin… Lesson! Misaki's brain reminded him and, hurriedly as he could, he rushed through the doors and up the stairs to his next period, the Violet eyes in his mind…
Please comment and review- I'd be really grateful for any constructive feedback... any tips are welcome and I hope you guys all enjoyed the first chapter =)