AN: I know there has been no update in like forever, but I've been slightly busy with exams and summer holidays in places i couldn't bring a laptop. But now I'm home so the updates will kinda get back to normal, i think!

I'm really not to sure where i'm heading with this story, i'm making it up as i go, so give me some time to come up with some ideas. Feel free to suggest any in a review :D

Disclaimer: Don't own anything.

Chapter 7

Bella Point Of View

We finished singing the last note and waited in silence for the click indicating recording had stopped. I took the time to study everyone's faces... Natalie was absolutely beaming, probably just short of doing an 'Alice style' happy dance. Jake had sat up on the couch and looked at me with sadness and pride written all over his face. Alice, Rose and Esme were all leaning on their husbands, tearing up, their partners almost comforting them. Lastly, I turned to Edward, clearly shown on his face was an emotion I recognised and had seen a number of times previously; it was the look Liam constantly gave Claire, love. This alone sent my thoughts into a flurry of confusion... he left me, I wasn't good enough for him, he even told me as much. So why is he looking at me like that?

The red 'On Air' light switched off, so Liam and I stood up from our stools and tidied up the sheet music,

"I think that was really good. It'll definitely be a big hit!" He exclaimed excitedly.

"You only think that because you're singing on it..." I chuckled

"Yeah well, I am pretty awesome." Laughed Liam.

"And you have a huge head too." I punched him lightly in the arm, "What did you think Nat... Jake?"

"Brilliant" they shouted in unison, turning to each other quickly and pulling tongues.


She sniffled loudly before answering, "Absolutely beautiful Bells... where did you get your inspiration from?"

"I'll give you three guesses..." my feeble attempt at a joke went down without any laughs; an awkward silence engulfed the room.

"Well... moving on then" Nat broke the thick silence,

"I think you're pretty much done recording for the day" Liam said, sitting back down at the controls. I followed him and stood behind his chair. "Well, I'm going to start editing and layering on the tracks so stay here in case I need your opinion on something."

"Yes sir" I saluted him mockingly, and jumped onto the arm of the sofa next to Jacob.

"That was amazing bellyboo."

"Flattery will get you nowhere Jake." I laughed

"Well I'm serious but I'll keep that in mind." He joined in the laughter. I slowly turned to face the Cullens.

"You guys don't have to stay if you don't want to..." I trailed off. Alice stepped forward, almost hesitantly.

"Can we talk to you, Bella? Just for a little while?" she asked.

"Urm," I hesitated, unsure of my own strength to have the conversation, "Okay. Nat, you stay here and help Liam please. Jake, I think I'll need you with me for this" He reached up and grabbed my hand in his and I instantly felt safer, protected, even though I had more than enough power to protect myself, sometimes it's nice to have some reassurance.

All seven of them followed me wordlessly into a small room containing a large wooden table and a number of chairs. It was like a small conference room in the studio. Jake pulled up a chair next to me at the head of the table with Rosalie doing the same at my other side, whilst the Cullens took the chairs.

"So, how have you been?" Alice asked, attempting to start up the conversation.

"Alice, I can tell that's not what you really want to ask. So ask away, I don't mind." I grabbed onto Rose and Jake's hands tightly, gripping them as if they were my lifeline.

"Bella?" Jasper's calming voice spoke, "I just want to say that I am so sorry for what I did. If I just had more control none of this would have happened, you wouldn't have been alone an-" I could see the intense pain in his eyes and could feel the guilt rolling off of him in waves. If vampires could cry, I think he'd be nearly there.

"Jasper, stop. It's okay." He stopped his apology and looked at me questioningly. "I never blamed you for anything, at all. You were just doing what comes naturally to you, and I understand that. What has happened to me since you guys have left is not your fault at all." I kept trying to reassure him that I didn't blame him; he looked so lost and vulnerable. "Your power makes it harder for you to control your thirst, you not only feel your own bloodlust, but added to that is everybody else's. So naturally it's harder for you."

"Really? You think that's the reason?" He asked, hope in his eyes.

"Of course it is... Jasper, you are one of the strongest people I know, I can't even imagine what you lived through. You aren't weak in the slightest; it is just a side effect of your power."

"Thank you so much Bella." What happened next shocked me; Jasper got up and encased me in a long and comforting hug. Somehow I thought my words had a greater effect on him than I'd realised.

"How did you become a vampire?" Carlisle got straight down to business and I wasn't surprised. I took a deep, unneeded, breathe to prepare myself.

"Don't worry we're here for you." Jacob whispered in my ear and Rose nodded in agreement.

"Okay, well here we go..."

Edward Point of View

"Well here we go..." my family sat with baited breathe waiting for the horror that would shortly but definitely commence. My angel was clinging to Jacob and Rosalie's hands so tightly her knuckles were turning even whiter than usual and I knew this would be bad. "After you guys le...left me," She stuttered over the words and my dead heart broke slightly more, "well I was obviously very...upset." She hesitated, seemingly unsure of what words to use. Jacob snorted.

"Upset? I'd use distraught, catatonic, dead. You wouldn't eat, or sleep, or concentrate on anything. You walked round lifelessly, a dead look constantly in your eyes; you were basically a living zombie." With each word my heart tore and I could feel my body begin to shake with sobs.

"Stop Jake." Bella tried to interrupt but he wasn't having any of it, trying to get his point across. He glared at me as he continued.

"Oh and don't forget how you always used to sit, arms around your chest, trying to hold yourself together, always muttering, 'The hole in my chest.'" As he said this I saw the picture in my mind, Bella sat alone on the floor of her bedroom, curled up and crying endlessly. "Oh and the nightmares... waking up screaming every night saying how you were all alone and that I couldn't leave you. They were so bad that I had to stay in bed with you whenever you needed to sleep, to calm you down." Another heartbreaking image hit me, Bella's bloodcurdling screams. This was the end, the sobbing started as I began to rock myself. Esme caught me up in her arms and held me to her chest, rocking with me.

"JACOB! I SAID STOP!" Bella roared out. Jacob cowered slightly and lowered his head.

"One day I was sat in the meadow, eyes closed, just thinking, remembering better times. I didn't hear any footsteps but I could feel a presence there, it was another vampire." My family gasped and Emmett growled. "He told me he was doing a favour for Victoria... she wanted to end my life because you guys killed James, her mate. He... He..." I could see Bella struggling with her next words.

"He raped her." Rosalie finished and let out a strangled cry. The whole room was cast into silence. To think that Bella, my Bella, had been hurt in such a way sent me into an intense fit of rage, as apparently it did to Emmett, Jasper and Carlisle. "Calm down please, the past is the past."

"But..." Emmett was cut off.

"It doesn't matter, Jake took care of him. And that is how Natalie came along. A month later I started getting bigger and I realised that it was not a human baby when I was so thirsty I drained a deer dry." I gasped again. "So I left. I went to Ireland and a month later Liam and Claire found me. They helped me when I gave birth to Natalie, because she was meant to eat her way out of my stomach but Liam cut me open with his teeth and took her out. But I had lost too much blood so he had to change me. That's it, my story." Everyone's thoughts were a blurry, Esme- My precious daughter, what have we done to you? Alice- How has she survived that? Emmett- Let me at that motherfucker! He's really lucky that he's dead right now! Rosalie and Jacobs thoughts were of sadness but also praising Bella for being strong enough to tell us her story; Jasper's were just silent, presumably taking in everyone's emotions. And Carlisle's were concerned and sorrowful but also wondering about how the pregnancy worked. I didn't even know what I was feeling, my thoughts completely messed up by the amount of pain I'd inadvertently put Bella through. All I knew was that I wanted to hold her close and keep her safe from all harm, I felt protective once again. Bit late for that now. Jasper thought at me.

AN: Thank you for reading and keeping up with my flakiness! Please review!