First Snow

Ichigo yawned and stretched as he woke up the next morning, lying besides Grimmjow. As he noticed the blue haired man he stopped in the middle of his little morning ritual.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM, GRIMMJOW?" Ichigo shouted and pushed himself away from the man. Ichigo didn't have anything against sleeping besides his lover, but if his father would have noticed the arrancar, well, Ichigo wouldn't have been glad about it.

Grimmjow who was torn out of his dream by Ichigo's scream (AN: it rhymes!) flinched and turned around to shout back.


Ichigo went silent and looked at his surroundings; he was already so comfortable in Grimmjow's apartment, that he didn't notice the different smell.

"Why am I here?" Ichigo asked stunned.

"That's what I would like to know." Grimmjow said annoyed. "Yesterday around midnight you suddenly popped up at the balcony and meowed, 'cause you didn't get in." Ichigo looked at Grimmjow with disbelieve.

"I think it was because of this guy, Kenpachi. The two other jerks who are always with him are also here, they told me that Kenpachi hugged you and then you snapped." Grimmjow was poking his ear while talking and after he had finished he looked to Ichigo, to find the teen lying on the bed with his usual scowl, that had nearly disappeared from his face in the last couple of weeks. Grimmjow growled, he liked Ichigo much better without that stereotype, but it was just a habit of him. The man looked away.

"I'm sorry…" Ichigo mumbled.

"Huh?" Grimmjow looked at Ichigo again. "What are you talking about? That Kenpachi should be sorry, and I swear, I will make him sorry!" Grimmjow nearly shouted now.

"…but if I wouldn't change all the time…" Ichigo looked away, so he wouldn't have to face Grimmjow.

"Snap out of it!" Grimmjow shouted and leaned over to Ichigo and forced the teen to look at him. "It's not your fault, 'kay? Not everything is your fault, so don't blame yourself all the time, it's getting on my nerves!" Grimmjow shouted, but as he saw that he just made the situation worse he let go of Ichigo and tried to calm himself down.

"It's not your fault…" Grimmjow repeated, now in a low tune. "; sometimes things just happened and you can do nothing against it, because other people were the ones that triggered it. If you want the person who did it to feel guilt, then you have to get into action." Ichigo lowered his head, but nodded in agreement. Grimmjow sighed. One of Ichigo's biggest and strangest issues was is problem to think he was the one guilty for everything. Grimmjow supposed it had begun with the death of Ichigo's mother, but the arrancar didn't think he was authorized to talk about such deep things, when they were still rather at the beginning of their relationship.

As they silently sat on the bed something caught Grimmjow's attention and the blue haired man smiled suddenly.

"Look Ichigo, it's snowing."

Outside of the building snowflakes danced around the streets and began to cover every object with their sheet of pure white.

"This is amazing!" Ichigo shouted as they were walking around in the park nearby Grimmjow's apartment. Grimmjow grinned as he saw how Ichigo was loosing up again. The park ways quiet empty and nearly no footraces were smashed into the snow. Ichigo giggled lightly and ran a bit.

"Have you never seen snow before?" Grimmjow asked with a sighed because of Ichigo's child like behavior. As Grimmjow said that, he remembered the winter war, which was now nearly one year ago, where he had encountered normal snow for the first time, not the one Hitsugaya or Rukia used for their attacks.

"Well…" Ichigo began cautiously, "; of course I've seen snow before, but with my senses improved it's much more impressing." Ichigo held his hands out to catch some snow flakes.

"You cold?" Grimmjow asked monosyllabic as he saw that his friend was shivering a bit.

"Yeah, but it's okay." Ichigo answered with a smile.

After they had walked a few more minutes, Grimmjow noticed a McDonalds nearby. (AN: I'm not making advertising here, it's just that these things are everywhere! Maybe it's a cunning plan to dominate the world…?)

"Hey, Ichigo, I'm getting us some coffee, 'kay? You wait here." Ichigo nodded and set down on a yellow bank as Grimmjow crossed the street to get to the McDonalds.

"Hey, Ichigo." A dark, dangerous sounding voice suddenly said from behind where Ichigo was sitting. Ichigo spun around and saw…


"Kenpachi!" Ichigo shrieked and jumped up from the yellow bank. "What are you doing here?" Kenpachi chuckled as he sensed Ichigo's panic.

"I'm here for you." And with that Kenpachi jumped over the yellow bank and tried to grab Ichigo, but this time the teen was prepared and swiftly ducked and avoided his arms.

After Kenpachi had found his balance again he turned around to see Ichigo standing behind him, looking pretty furious. Kenpachi licked his lips and charged at the teen again, this time pinning him to the yellow bank.

"Kenpachi, let me go!" Ichigo shouted and wiggled in his grip, but the said maniac, didn't listen to him.

Suddenly Kenpachi leaned over Ichigo and kissed him.

Grimmjow's POV

I tipped with my foot on the floor as the woman in front of me took her sweet, fucking time to choose a freaking cheeseburger and a medium sized cola. Impatiently I ordered my two coffees and glared furiously at the vendor as she handed them to me and smiled. I never understood why vendors were always that happy, and I certainly wasn't. I felt bad for not being helpful to Ichigo and therefore I felt angry. Sadly enough no stupid punk tried to attack me, so that I could beat him up.

Quickly I left the building and took a deep breath. If I wanted to help Ichigo, the first thing to do was to calm down, if I would explode like I did in the morning, the situation would only get worse.

I crossed the road again, even though the traffic lights were red, and as I reached the park, I saw Kenpachi leaning over Ichigo, kissing him heatedly.

I stood there, getting more and more furious by every second that passed and finally they broke the kiss. Ichigo, who was somehow sitting on the yellow bank, didn't do anything to push the hulk away.

I dropped the coffees and turned around, walking back to my apartment. If Ichigo wanted him , he should have said it.

Normal POV

Ichigo closed his eyes and after a time that seemed to be endlessly, Kenpachi finally let him breath again. Ichigo looked up to the man, and tears started rolling down his face. Why, oh why, was he always so weak?

Kenpachi noticed the tears and stopped for a second. Ichigo reacted quickly and ran away as fast as he could. Surprisingly he wasn't in 'cat mode', but for the first time since his change, Ichigo wished he would have been.