Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Titans, however this idea is mine. I would like to thank my sister xXME AGAINST THE WORLDXx for helping me write this and others of this series.

A/N: I know it's been a long time since I updated this one. But I am determined to continue all of my Through the Eyes of a Titan stories. I am gong to try and regularly update all of my TTEOAT stories once I catch up with this one, BB's and Starfire's.

Chapter 3: Growing Up

After my ninth birthday, everything changed. My life changed, the night I heard my parents arguing.

"Silas, he's our son," my mom said.

"I know that Elinore, that why he's perfect," my dad said.

"We can't do this to him," my mom said.

I rolled over in my bed and tried to ignore them. They had been fighting a lot lately. It all seemed to be because of me. I didn't like to hear them fighting.

"Elinore it's only a few tests," my dad said.

"It won't affect him?" my mom asked.

"Not in a bad way," my dad said.

"Silas," my mom said warningly.

"I swear he'll be fine," my dad said. They stopped arguing and went to bed. I hope.

The next day I woke up and went down stairs and everything seemed normal. I didn't know at the time that everything was about to change.

"Morning," I said as I sat down at the table.

"Victor your father would like you to come to work with us," my mom said. I nodded not sure what they wanted. I only went to work with them during the Summer when the sitter couldn't come. After breakfast I followed them out to the car. Had I known what was coming that day I never would've agreed to go with them.

Years later the effects of that day are still with me. That was the first day they ran the tests. They made me smarter and I excelled academically, but I wasn't happy. I needed something more. I wanted to be able to do something on my own. Something a test couldn't do, something I could do on my own.

I discovered sports. Football was my best sport. I was the team's star quarter back by the time I hit high school. Still that wasn't enough I wanted to get back at my parents for what they did.

Then I met Ron Evers. He was different from all the other people I had hung out with before. He wasn't afraid to do anything. He did as he wanted. My parents hated him and did not want me hanging out with him almost as much as they didn't want me in sports. They didn't have a say though. I was my own person I did as I pleased.

"Come on Vic it's just a couple of things," Ron said.

"I know that," I said, "but if I get caught I can't play in tomorrows game and they need me," I said as I looked at the store. Ron wanted to get a few things but it was closed. I suggested we go elsewhere and he said no.

"Come on we'll be fine,". Ron said.

"You go this I'll stand watch this time," I said. That seemed to satisfy him. He nodded and walked over to the door. He picked the lock and went in. I stood there and waited for him to return. When I met Ron I had no idea what I was getting myself into. We got into fights and were almost always getting in trouble. I stayed away from him at school, when he showed up. I did not want to lose my spot on the football team. I told him that and he just shrugged and left me alone at school.

"Hey," he said as he walked out f the store. He was holding a couple six packs and a couple other things.

"Let's go," I said.

"Come on Vic live a little," he said as he started down the street. I shook my head and followed him. We arrived at out destination. His hang out spot. Others were already gathering. I had no idea others were gonna be here.

"What's going on?" I asked as we walked through the crowd.

"You'll see," he said. I followed him tongue center of the crowd where a big bonfire was already going strong.

"I'm glad you could all make," Ron said stepping up on a rock so everyone could see him. The crowd stopped talking at once. " brought party favors," he said holding up the the beer, "this is only for after we finish our jobs tonight," he said. I looked up at him confused. What was he talking about? I had no idea what he was getting at.

"Come on tell us what we're here for," a boy yelled from the crowd. The very same question I wanted to ask.

"You all know a majority of the school hates our guts," Ron stated, "well tonight that's about to change. Tonight we attack," he said.

"You mean fight?" I asked.

"Yes they'll be expecting us, but I think we can take them," he said.

"Who are they?" I asked.

"You know who I'm talking about," Ron said bye turned to address the crowd again. "This is all voluntary you can leave," he said. Several people moved to leave, "But just know if you leave you are not welcome back and you will be considered one of them," he said. Everyone stopped moving. Ron was extreme. I realized that once you agreed to be a part of his cult you never left or you face the threat of being turned on by everyone. I was the only exception, and even then it only lasted during school hours.

"Alright then let's consuls those morons who they're messing with," he said. He jumped down and set the beer down and walked away the crowd followed him, even me. I was his right hand man, he fir some reason he wanted me at his side. I followed, Ron was my best friend. Like I said before I only hung out with him because my parents hated but some where I had come to see him as my best friend.

I sat up and looked around. The previous night was a blur. I slowly registered that I was in the hospital. I had no memory of getting here or what happened. I looked down at my arm which was in a cast and my head was wrapped in gauze.

"Victor," I looked up as my mom ran into he room. She stopped by the side of my bed.

"Hey," I said horsely.

"You had me so worried," she said.

"Elinore he's alright," my dad said walking up behind her.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You were in a fight, and you got hurt," my mom said, "We got a phone call at eleven last night and we rushed here," my dad said.

"What time is it now?" I asked looking to the window. It was dark outside so it must be really early or really late.

"It's nine o'clock at night you missed school and the game," my mom said, "Your out for a few weeks anyways your arm is broken," she added. I fell back onto my bed. This was unbelievable. How had this happened. I didn't even remember last night.

"Now do you see why we don't want you hanging out with that Evers boy," my dad said. I nodded and put my hands over my face. That's it I was done. No more, Ron went to far his time.