Disclaimer: Despite how much I would love to say that I own The Mortal Instruments that honour goes to Cassandra Clare not me.


Clary carefully folded the last of the tops that lay on her bed and put it into the suitcase next to her. She spent a few energetic minuets forcing the lid down and the zipper across before she turned back to survey the room. The room that she had sat in while coming to terms with the information that had been concealed from her for most of her life was now completely bare except for the furniture, bedding and the large suitcases and boxes that were now on the floor by the door. The rest of the house looked the same, Luke's house was being kept as a holiday home and her Mum and Step-dad were moving to a new house in Idris, Clary however was staying in New York. She was 18 and had almost caught up with the training she had missed due to her 'little memory problem' as Jace phrased it. She was now an employable as a true Shadowhunter, as such she was moving into the Institute with the Lightwoods. Clary smiled thinking that from today she would be living with Jace, she had downplayed his point in negotiations with her mother, of course, but Clary knew that Jocelyn suspected this was her true motivation for staying in New York, and she was right.

Clary took one last look at the room where she had truly grown up then picked up the suitcases and left the room. As she entered the living room, she saw her Mum and Luke sitting together on the sofa. She loved that they were finally married and how ay ease they were around each other. Thanks to the signing of the Accords Downworlders and Shadowhunters were no longer segregated by events outside the control of either side. A knock at the door shook the family out of their thoughts, Clary raced to the door as Jocelyn and Luke stood and began bringing boxes and bags out of various room.

On the other side of the door was a massive group of people. At the front was Jace with Alec, Magnus, Isabelle, Simon and Maia were standing slightly to the left of them and behind Clary's friends were masses of wolves from Luke's pack and a few other Shadowhunters who weren't helping from Idris. All of these people had come to help move the objects of this family's life to the Institute where Clary would be staying and her parents would leave for Idris through the portal.

Clary stood to one side to allow them to file into the narrow hallway. She was amazed that they could all fit into the tiny hall and sitting room but as the wolves left one by one, laden with boxes there was more room to move and Clary managed to fight her way to the kitchen where the boxes that held all of the objects from her childhood were stacked. She handed random boxes to Magnus and Alec and groaned as one of the sides of Alec's box gave out and her teddy fell out of the gap that formed. She knew that she was too old for stuffed toys but to her surprise no one commented, she wasn't fooled though, they were just going to use it as ammo later. She should have left it behind but she had owned that particular bear since she was a baby and was not about to abandon it, after all it had survived dirt, teenage tantrums and, more recently, demon attacks. She quickly scooped it up and dumped it back into the top of the box that Alec had moved around so that he was holding the gap against his chest and nothing else was going to fall out.

After that incident she was more careful about who she allocated boxes to. She handed a box full of shoes and makeup to Isabelle, she knew that the fashion conscious Shadowhunter would not have a problem with this as she was the one that had forced Clary to buy most of the objects held in the cardboard in the first place. She gave Simon and Maia suitcases with her clothes in and paused before handing Jace a box full of art supplies. She hefted the holdall containing her weapons and Shadowhunter gear into her arms before switching out the lights and following the rest of the group out to the collection of cars and trucks parked outside.

Half an hour later, the vehicles were crammed with boxes, bags and people and were driving across town, or rather, were crawling across town as the New York traffic had gotten the better of them once more. Clary sighed thinking that at this rate it would have been quicker to walk. Jace smiled sensing the directions of her thoughts and lent across the objects stacked between them to whisper "And that, Clary, is why we take the subway when demon hunting." He didn't dare say it any louder, Jocelyn was in the front seat and had already shouted at a wolf for dropping a box of art supplies and sworn at the traffic very colourfully. Nobody had the nerve so step out of line today, Clary's Mum had been known to be more terrifying than Agramon when she was in a temper as she was today.

Despite Clary's pessimism, they arrived at the Institute a mere hour after leaving Luke's house. It took a further 45 minutes to unpack the cars and bring all of the boxes that were going with Jocelyn and Luke beside the portal to Idris. Clary smiled at the sight of her true home through the little window. Tears suddenly sprung to her eyes as she realised that this could be the last time she saw her mother and stepfather. Shadowhunters had a very short life expectancy and Clary would soon be hunting demons every night.

Seeing the water droplets glistening in her daughter's eyes Clary's mother pulled her into her arms and held her as she had when Clary was very young. Normally, Clary would have been embarrassed by this display of maternal affection but his time she clung to her mother as if the warm arms that held her were the only things keeping her attached to this life. Eventually they broke apart and Clary moved to give Luke a quick farewell hug before standing back and waving goodbye as her parents stepped through the arch that would take them back to their old home.

She could barely see through the tears as she helped the Lightwoods and members of Luke's pack pass the rest of the boxes through to the waiting arms of the Shadowhunters that were helping Luke and Jocelyn move into their new home. When the only boxes left were Clary's Jace pulled her slight frame to his chest and wiped away her tears as the guests left and Alec and Isabelle began moving the remaining boxes and bags into the room next to Isabelle's.

(A/N: This is my first fanfic so please review. Please, cyber- chocolate is available for the 1st person to review.)