I don't own Horton Hears a Who including all the characters, sadly including Jojo lol.
But I DO own Natalie, my OC (Well… she's me, OK??)
Oh yeah, I have a drawing on deviantART that this story is inspired by, so here we go
I know in my original JojoxNatalie story I said her hair was black, but now it's blonde, because my hair is blonde. Deal with it xD
It's hard to find another word for 'excited', so I apologise in advance, I think I used it way too much LOL.
Natalie walked away from the school building at the end of another school week. She was really excited; tonight was her first ever proper date. She was a bit nervous as well, but she didn't really know why. It was all new to her really. She got to her house and went straight upstairs, put on some music on, deciding on how to have her hair and things for that night. She didn't care if she still had about 3 hours until her date, she just couldn't wait.
Jojo got home and gently closed the door behind him. He went upstairs and sat on his bed, picking up his guitar. Quite suddenly, his sister Holly came charging into the room.
"I can't believe you're taking Natalie out on a date!!" She squealed with excitement. She seemed - on the outside, that is - more excited about the whole thing than Jojo was. "so where are you taking her? What are you going to do? Tell me everything!"
"Er, well, erm…" Jojo stuttered, a bit taken aback from all the crazy screaming, "I don't know, take her to eat somewhere, hang out for a bit, might take her to the old observatory or something afterwards,"
"Oh of course, that's where you two had your first kiss wasn't it, at your observatory!"
"How d'ya know about that?" he said, slightly in shock,
"I'm Natalie's best friend Jojo, she tells me everything,"
"Oh yeah, I forgot. So anyway, I've got to get ready so I guess I'll see you later,"
"Jojo, you have about 2 hours until you leave!"
"What, so a guy can't be organized in his life?" Jojo said with a small smirk on his face,
"Oh, yeah, ok, 'organized', sure, don't you mean eager? Excited? Or -"
"Ok, Holly, I get the point," Jojo interrupted, smiling. It was true though, he was a bit eager, but he couldn't help it.
It was 7 o'clock, and Jojo was walking slowly down the road towards Natalie's house. Natalie saw him coming, and came out when we was just a bit down the road. When they saw each other they smiled.
"Hey," Jojo said quietly,
"Hi, so what are we going to do then?"
"Well, just follow me, I'll show you,"
They walked up a large hill and stopped at the top when they reached a picnic cloth and hamper. It was set up under a tree at the top of the hill; a red and white checked blanket on the floor, large picnic hamper, over looking a large part of Whoville, which was particularly beautiful at night. It wasn't as good as being in the observatory at night though - that was amazing.
"Oh Jojo, you made a whole picnic for us and everything?"
"I thought you might like it," Jojo said smiling.
They say down together on the picnic blanket and Jojo opened the hamper. Inside were some sandwiches, fruit, lemonade and some chocolate. Jojo smiled to himself - his mum had made the picnic for them, and you could tell because she always wanted her family to eat healthily.
"Hope you like…" Jojo started, opening the sandwich to check the filling, "…tuna, or we have…" he continued, picking up the other sandwich and checking the filling of that one, "…ham,"
"Awesome, I'll have ham thanks," Natalie said smiling, taking the sandwich Jojo passed her. They sat and ate their picnic almost in silence. They said a few words now and again, mainly about music and films and things.
The whole of Whoville was still and silent. Jojo and Natalie leaned against a large tree, staring across the town and the stars. It was getting quite cold, despite it being in the middle of summer. Natalie shivered slightly.
"Hey," Jojo said quietly, "are you cold?"
"Well, kind of, but I'll be fine -"
Natalie stopped talking when Jojo moved really close and put his arm round her. She loved being with Jojo, and tonight was her second best night of her life. Her first best night of her life was, of course, when Jojo took her to his observatory for the first time. She put her arm around Jojo and her head on his shoulder. Neither of them wanted this moment to end.