holy friggin' crap this took forever! i blame the fact that i have never really written Ban before, so sometimes it was difficult to get a good feel of him. Also i blame Aizen, Grimmjow and Sesshoumaru for taunting me with sexy ideas; made it very distracting.
ah well, this is the last chapter and i am somewhat happy with how it turned out. also it's the longest of the four, making up for the last two chapters that were pretty short. with any luck i have not destroyed the characters and Tempest 78 will not be displeased.
Now i'm free to write whichever guy bugs me the most, maybe i'll be not as cluttered in the head. -smile- i kind of got the fight towards the end from one episode with the band of seven, you'll probably recognize which one when you get there.
thanks for reading and enjoy!
As soon as they reached his chamber he threw her down, already at her tie binding her kimono parting the thin garment to devour what lay beneath. Smoothing his hand over a breast, he squeezed and molded her bosom to fit his hand while she gasped and groaned as he found her nipple.
He discarded his bothersome armor as it was hindering his progress. Next his haori came off and once more the girl was caught with indecision, torn between fear and lust as they raged inside her. The teen smiled a knowing and smug smile before lowering himself more onto her to kiss and lick and nip the female below him.
It had been a couple days since their last attempted rendezvous and his hunger was incredible. Oh he had tried in that time but with his injury it had been far easier for her to escape him; one wrong move, a jostle in the affected area and he was rendered weak, which further fueled his anger and want of her. Besides that his brothers always seemed to find the wrong time to come to him with their needs, distracting him with a different lust, the call for blood.
But now there would be nothing preventing him from obtaining what he desired.
He tortured her slim body with practiced ease, her pert mounds hardened and sensitive from his ministrations. She wriggled about trying to alleviate the pleasurable tinge he was steadily coaxing from her however Bankotsu would have none of that.
"Now now, that's enough of that." He told her his hands gripping her wrists, held above her head. "Take your punishment, like a good little girl." As he lowered his head down again, encompassing her small breast. Swirling his tongue around he flicked her nipple, forcing her to arch and moan. Still she tried to protest, moving about to shift her legs, partly to move him and also to lessen a building need.
Growing more impatient with her unwillingness he bit down on her captive bosom, not hard enough to draw blood but to bruise certainly, enough to get her attention as she yelped with the unexpected pain. Her hurt expression found him as he glared up to her before releasing her breast, sitting back.
"Why do you have to make this difficult" he groused irritation clear. Taking one hand he skimmed her abused breast, stroking the nipple while she exhaled shakily. "You want me, don't you?" his other hand traveled to her core, feeling the heat before a finger was inserted. She was wet and twitched shutting her eyes as he moved within.
"Your body tells me you want me" he replied satisfaction lacing every word. Still teasing her, he lowered back down so his face was near hers. The girl had yet to open her eyes.
"Stop fighting me and I will be sure to make this very pleasurable for you." he told her, lips by her ear. She gasped in surprise while he continued his rhythmic ministrations. He sucked at her throat, nipping here and again then journeyed lower to her clavicle. He had inserted another digit and increased the pace, working her up well on her way. However just as her release was to come, he halted and withdrew sitting up before completely leaving the girl for favor of shedding his bulging hakamas.
He smiled seeing the look on the girl's face at having been obviously so very close and enjoying it. Her face was red and she was panting lightly, watching him as he came back to lie over her. The boy positioned himself at her opening, his hands on either side of her. Smirking "I told you I would make this enjoyable" he said then without further delay thrust his wanting into the girl as she cried out.
Taking his time at first he thrust deeply but slowly savoring the feel, pleasant and wondrous. It had been too long. Meanwhile his mouth was occupied, kissing her neck, leaving his marks on her. Before too long she climaxed, already having been stimulated enough from before. She moaned deeply and it was like music to the teen. Revitalizing him, Bankotsu decided to up the pleasure, taking her legs and adjusting her so she was situated at just the right angle before he plowed back into her, this time more vigorous; each thrust sending him deeper and making the girl cry out louder. With his forceful plunges and almost frenzied pace she came again not long after the first, her walls squeezing him, coaxing his own release close to the surface.
Too enthralled however, he didn't give in to his own need, shifting her again so she was on hands and knees, still driving into her at a maddening speed. Finally after she had come for a third time he succumbed to his body and came within her, grunting and collapsing fatigued by his desire.
After a bit of a breather he removed himself and flopped down on his back, stretching out relaxed with his hands behind his head. The girl however was not so keen on his prolonged company, staring at him as she lay on her side. There was only the one bed roll and he seemed to be taking up most of it. Still she didn't want to tell him to move, afraid of what may happen if she did.
No longer focused, she was lost in thought when Bankotsu became aware of her staring. "Oi girl, what's the big deal?"
"Huh?" she came back from her wanderings, though obviously still uncomfortable about the situation. He seemed to sense this and asked snide "What, you don't want me sleeping here?"
"I- didn't say that…" in the past whenever she had slept he had either been elsewhere, occupied with drinking and killing or he had slept against the wall, propped up with his halberd nearby. Not once had they actually slept 'together' discounting the time he was injured and their more intimate moments. It was disconcerting to say the least with him so close.
"Ha, you lie girl." He told her as she abashedly shifted and faced away from him on her opposing side. Finding this amusing he rolled closer on his side, grabbing her about the waist to hold her against his firm chest. She gasped and the tan teen put his face near hers. "Even after our amorous adventures; you still feel this way?"
The girl's face heat up with her embarrassment making the teen laugh mirthfully at her plight.
Calming down "You shouldn't fear me; I'm satisfied for the time being so you can relax. I won't attack you in your sleep." Not reassuring she appeared more freaked out then before. The boy's arms around her tightened and he buried his head in her hair, inhaling.
"For now, this is fine. I'm content just like this." He said, while the girl's heart did an unexpected flip.
He soon fell asleep and for a while after the girl lay in his arms, feeling her heart pound while his did the same. Softly a smile broke on her face, slight but genuine until exhaustion swept over and she could rest knowing for a short time she was safe.
The next day the girl awoke and she was alone. Her night time companion was gone and sitting up she could not find his sword, as it was no longer resting against the wall where he had placed it. Curious she got dressed and went in search of him, seeking any traces left behind but there was none; he was gone. A feeling of disappointment filled her being at the sudden loss of the teen.
However searching further she could not find the other members of his bloody gang. Now more alone and confused she sat down near a table where the group had eaten and drank prior.
Was that all? Was she no longer needed? Had he decided that he had had his fill and left, without any word to her? After last night she had thought that maybe there was more to the boy than killing and a hearty sex drive but perhaps that was merely romantic fantasy.
Then again why was she so suddenly concerned for his whereabouts; was he not a murderous mercenary driven to kill, steal, rape and kidnap merely for its own sake. Eyes downcast, she absently placed a hand where her heart lay, clenching the fabric tightly.
Why then did it hurt so much?
Abruptly footsteps could be heard and the screen door slid open revealing Renkotsu. He glanced in her direction and hope filled the girl stupidly.
"Ah, so here you are." He came in fully, walking over to stand opposite her, eyeing her stoically; however to her immense displeasure no one else followed. Confused she thought to ask the bald man but he spoke up first.
"The others will be around shortly" he informed, grabbing a cup to pour out some tea. He stared at its contents for a moment then asked "Would you like some?"
Not thinking much of it and too preoccupied with thoughts of their return she inclined her head and he poured out another cup.
Listening for any sounds of the rest of the band, her face was turned away when he set the cup in front of her. "Here ya go" he said and she faced him, grabbing the cup with both hands, thanking him. She looked at it and inhaled the aroma before taking a gulp, the warm liquid running down her throat pleasantly. Setting it back with a sigh, she gave a small smile before something happened.
Something didn't feel right and her insides burned before a numbness set in. "What-?" looking naively to Renkotsu for answers, he still held the same emotionless gaze, watching as the effects took hold.
Her hands shook steadily and she dropped the cup as it splashed the table then floor. Beginning to panic "What's going on—I" trying to stand she soon collapsed, falling back down, unable to speak. She watched in horror as the traitorous mercenary loomed over her, smiling devilish before her eyesight blurred and she went unconscious.
Later the other six members returned from their raid and slaughter of a village not far off. It had been productive to say the least and everyone seemed in high spirits, including the young leader.
"Ah, that was fun, wasn't it brother?" Jakotsu grinned ear to ear having found a particularly handsome man that had reminded him a good deal of his beloved dog eared hanyou. Needless to say the man had not made it out alive, however the kimono wearing mercenary had been able to sooth some of the hurt from not having seen his cute Inuyasha in a while, lifting his mood.
"Yah" he replied only half hearted spotting Renkotsu whom the teen had noted went missing on their outing. He was there one minute then the next was gone, though in the confusion of the villagers fleeing and screaming he bet his smart companion had planned on his absence not being noticed. Still at the moment the tanned mercenary could care less his reasons for disappearing; he had a certain little female set in mind, grinning as he walked to his room.
Indeed last night had been fun and if he got what he wanted then today would be fun as well. "Hey girl, you awake yet?" he sounded hopeful and carefree, a light tone coming to stand in the doorway. However soon his face fell and his brows creased; the girl was not in here. Performing a quick scan of his room and the other rooms in the house turned up the same. Playful mood destroyed he stalked down the hall to his brothers as they sat and drank sake, completely oblivious.
"Oh big brother; here you want some sake? It's pretty good!" Jakotsu spoke, not noticing his brother's temper had risen.
"Where is she?" he growled. Seeing the confused looks from his companions "Well!?" he yelled.
"Who big brother? What are you talking abo-""The Girl! She's not in my room or anywhere." Realization lit up his brother's face but nothing was uttered.
"So which one" he stated, fist balled "Which one of you has her?""Big brother…"
"Answer Me!" he shouted, his eyes cold but heated in fury. For a while no one spoke or even so much as moved; clearly they did not want to receive their big brother's wrath but then…
"Maybe she ran away." Renkotsu calmly sipped his tea, appearing uncaring though his brother was furious.
Bankotsu glared in his direction. "And why would she do that?" he questioned. The bald mercenary shrugged, aloof. "Perhaps she grew tired of your company."
"I wouldn't know, go ask her." He clarified as Bankotsu's face hardened more angry than before. He huffed angrily, retrieving his Banryu and headed for the door when Jakotsu called.
"Hey! Where are you going?"
"Where do you think" he responded, walking back the direction they had come. Oh he would find her.
Find her and then kill her for her impudence.
Elsewhere the girl had woken, surrounded by forest in an unfamiliar setting. She was still groggy and everything appeared out of focus. Where am I she thought, blinking slowly, trying to clear the fogginess that seemed to invade her. It was still light out but from her positioning amongst the trees it was darker than it should have been. About to move, she heard something. A deadly growl sounded not far from her and she was able to shift her head enough to see what it was.
Huge and disturbing, what was before her was not man or even remotely human. A beastly creature with gnarly claws and sharp looking teeth and it had found her, eyeing her as she lay helpless. It began towards her, its hulking body coming closer forcing a silent scream from the girl.
Attempting to flee, she soon found was difficult; apparently whatever had been given to her was still taking hold as she tried in vain to move her heavy body. Unsuccessful she could only look on in horror as the beast was soon on top of her, huge gapping maw wide open, roaring and drooling its' nastiness upon her. Freaking out she tried again to move, this time able to lean slightly away from the creature before its claws descended, tearing fabric and flesh equally. She moaned in a whisper and began her struggle, willing her dumb body to move and escape but she was still sluggish, only further injuring herself as it tore into her.
It seemed to only be toying with her however, not killing her just yet, savoring the pain as tears welled and fell from her face. Still, the girl tried even harder to get free and after a time her efforts were rewarded when she was able to flip herself over, trying to crawl away. She made it a small distance when the demon latched onto her, pulling her backwards towards its' awaiting jaws. She turned over once more to face it, feebly lifting an arm to strike it when it decided enough was enough, hitting her rendering her unconscious.
The young leader of the Shichinin-tai was having difficulties locating the runaway girl, his temper still high and growing steadily worse the longer he searched. Thoughts of what he would do to the girl when he found her ran rampant, tightening his halberd. Before long there was a fork as a forest lay before the mercenary. Unsure which direction to go he stood a moment until he heard a familiar buzzing. A Saimyosho appeared and flew to the teen. It buzzed around him a bit, as if communicating with him then circled and flew down one path. Watching it go, Bankotsu decided to follow it, trailing behind the insect.
The hapless girl, now unconscious lay unmoving as the beast loomed over her. Enticed by the sight and pleasant aroma of her blood it licked its' lips, preparing to feast. However another smell caught its attention, turning to the new prey.
Bankotsu stared at the demon, seeing the huge body, large yellowed eyes and smelling the reeking stench.
"Well, aren't you just dandy" he remarked as it growled, tail swishing behind it in agitation. It stepped away from the girl, now more interested in the boy.
"You got something that belongs to me" he told it, never wavering his stance. The creature roared and more disgusting juices flew from its uproar; its' claws extended, it made a go for the teen who stood unflinching.
He smiled "Alright then; let the games begin!"
Bankotsu dodged the first go, the beastie running and skidding to a stop behind him to turn around and come at him once more. The thing may have been big and ugly, but it was definitely not slow. Most likely it used its speed to the advantage.
Nevertheless the tanned boy was just as quick, slashing at the creature as it released a pained cry, having its' right arm lopped off. The young mercenary laughed, while the beast came at him again, slashing and roaring angrily. It was too easy.
Not in the mood to play the teen finished him, slicing clean down its middle, cutting it in two. With a satisfied humph he turned his attention to the rebellious girl, face more serious as he approached.
She was a bloody mess her kimono in ruins, large gashes to her stomach and chest. Unconscious but still breathing, he hauled her to him none too gently and went back the direction he came.
When he arrived home, he went straight to his room, ignoring the looks he received from his brothers. He set her down on the bed roll and then glaring walked back out, relishing the moment she awoke.
After a good several hours of waiting finally the girl woke up. She mumbled and shifted in discomfort from her injuries before opening her eyes; though what she saw made her quickly rethink that decision. The young leader was sat next to her, a scowl firmly in place, arms crossed. His Banryu was beside him as always and the girl shrank inwards, not liking the expression he wore.
"Finally awake are you" he began, an angry timbre in his voice. "Good."
She stared uncertain, quivering inside. "Now you can explain to me…"
"Where the fuck did you go!" he exploded suddenly, making the girl start in fright. She was now able to move, having recovered from her drugging however her wounds stung terribly, neutralizing any movement she had regained. Instead she locked her frightened orbs onto the teen, and tried her best to explain.
"It's not—it wasn't like that. I couldn't move" she told him honest but this obviously was not what he wanted to hear.
"Don't lie to me! You ran away!" he yelled more enflamed. "Why?!" now his fists were clenched onto his lap, as he leaned forward in his anger.
Beginning to panic, her breathing became more labored. "I didn't-"she tried but he only grew more outraged. "Stop lying!" he screamed standing.
"I didn't run away!" she shrieked, tears forming in her eyes. He stared at her as she had begun to cry pitifully. "Please…"
Bankotsu's wrath dimmed slightly, though he wasn't done yet.
"Then what happened" his voice was dark and low. She looked up at him.
"I-was taken." She responded. Skeptically he asked "Oh, by whom?"
"Re-Uh" here she paused. No, she couldn't tell him that she thought. Surely telling him it was his own brother would hurt him greatly. She knew from brief glimpses she had been given that his brothers were everything to him; hearing this would undoubtedly cause strife, if he even believed her to begin with.
She couldn't do that. Still he waited expectantly. "Well?"
The girl looked to him, her brows creased in something like worry as best he could tell, narrowing his eyes. He knew it, she was lying to him.
Fine, he would just have to teach her what happens when someone lies to him. Approaching slowly, she watched fear etched in her countenance. He got close enough he could touch her, when the teen heard something. Stopping he glanced in the direction of the doorway then called out. "Oi, whose there?"
He waited for a response but nothing happened. "Show your face, I know someone's there."
Reluctantly a face appeared around the corner, his brother Renkotsu appearing sheepish having been caught. Bankotsu growled "I hate spying" he told him.
"What do you want?"
"Forgive me, big brother" he scratched the back of his head. "I wanted to inform you that Jakotsu and Suikotsu left." Seeing his brother's demeanor, he went on. "They-grew bored waiting and went to find something fun." He replied.
"I see…"
Glancing to the girl "Did you find out why she ran off?" knowing full well what had transpired. Bankotsu turned back to her, noting her expression of fear before she looked down.
"Nah" he told him "All she keeps doing is lie."
"Hm" he remarked, a satisfied grin before taking his leave. Bankotsu watched him go and then turned back to his captive.
A couple days later and the girl was resting, still recouping from her ordeal. Bankotsu decided against the punishment for the time being, not seeing much point when she was already messed up. The gang was out once more, this time for reconnaissance, trying to locate not only Inuyasha but the man who brought them back to life. He couldn't be trusted they had discovered, so now Bankotsu was after him as well as the mongrel.
Having deemed it necessary to keep watch over the girl lest something else happen, Renkotsu was left in charge; a perfect opportunity for the brute to finish what he had started.
Still deep in sleep he walked into the room, not sure exactly how he wanted to go about it. He could simply strangle her; that would require little effort and be painful but something about setting her aflame was immensely satisfying. After all he wanted the girl to suffer for influencing their leader as she had. She was changing him and that just would not do.
He encroached upon her, drawing nearer until he could touch her. He watched a moment, savoring his near victory, then took out his wires, readying himself. "Die" he said going for the kill.
"For someone so smart, you sure are predictable." Bankotsu was behind him in the doorway, face neutral despite the situation.
"What? B-big brother" he stammered caught. He moved away from the girl, stumbling backwards. "How did—what did you..?" Bankotsu stepped forward.
"It was fairly simply" he explained. "Once I put the pieces together." Renkotsu could only stare, his eyes wide. The teen moved again.
"I had wondered why you disappeared that day we raided the village." The bald man moved further back. "And you were the only one not afraid to tell me what you thought had happened when she was missing." As he closed the gap, his brother panicked trying in any way to escape.
"But I think the biggest reason I knew it was you was when you spied on our conversation. The moment she saw you, she was afraid; I no longer existed."
"You're the one who did it; now I want to know why." As soon as there was a gap, Renkotsu made a dash for the door, hauling ass, running down the hallway. He still had his wires and attempted wrapping them around his brother when he pursued. However Bankostu was much faster and easily avoided them.
Freaked he ran outside, seeing some of their gang lounging, drinking. When they saw him and his hurried state they queried but shortly the teen had caught up, Banryu in hand. They watched the scene unfold, unnerved to say the least.
"Big brother, what are you-?" ignoring them he focused on Renkotsu as he gulped his jug, creating flames that shot out at the tan teen. Scoffing, he stepped through the flames as if they were nothing. Renkotsu out of options decided to try and run, making it only so far before he was speared, run through with the large halberd, sticking him to a tree.
Incapacitated the blood gushed and fell in torrents as he choked. The only thing keeping him alive was the jewel shard still imbedded in his neck, Banryu lodged deep in his gut. "Bro—ther" he wheezed pathetic before passing out.
Turning to the rest of his band he warned "If any of you wants to try and take what is mine, be assured, I will not hesitate in ending you." he glared malevolent then headed back inside.
Jakotsu stopped him, asking "Aren't you going to take his jewel shard? I mean-""No, leave it."
"I want him to suffer for a while." Then he continued down the hall.
The girl had awoken from the commotion and was standing shakily by the doorway. When she saw him her face paled, there was a trance of blood on him and she grew concerned. "What…what happened?"
He stopped in front of her, appraising her minutely before responding "I killed him."
Her eyes were big. "Wha-?" "Well technically I suppose he's still alive" he gave it thought. "But that's only temporary."
His focused was back on her. "Why didn't you tell me." Making it obvious what he meant. She opened then closed her mouth, looking down.
"I figured—it would hurt you to know." "Ah" he said slow understanding "Was that all." "Huh?" she couldn't believe he was so blasé about this.
"Doesn't matter; anyone who would do what he did doesn't deserve to be called my brother. We're better off without him." Suddenly she knew why she liked him as much as she did and why she would never be able to run away. He put his hand on her shoulder.
"Go lay back down. You still haven't recovered." She blushed but he ruined it in a second.
"I want to have some fun so hurry up. I hate waiting" he told her, nipping her ear in shameless lust. She pushed away and turned, disgusted, scolding herself for ever forgetting what he truly was; a sex driven killer, albeit a cute one.