Disclaimer: I don't own The Vampire Diaries.

I was sure I was dreaming.

I felt warm, and safe, and loved. I was in a comfortable bed, with Damon's arms around me. His hands were running through my hair, just as he was fond of doing.

I was loathe to open my eyes and shatter the illusion, even as I could feel the sunlight pouring in, warming my skiing further.

I yawned, and stretched, and felt Dream Damon move with me. My eyes fluttered open, and they met Damon's.

I grinned, pulling myself closer to him, moving my hands to his neck to get him close enough to kiss.

He obliged, grinning back at me.

It had been a year since we both left Mystic Falls far behind in the dust. Things had changed in my absence.

It hadn't taken very long at all for Damon to tell me he was now human. However, that didn't stop him from trying to protect me

from the world. If anyone even looked at me funny, Damon was there, looking as fierce as ever. Even if he had been defanged,

he had no trouble holding his own in a fight, and doing more damage than one would think possible.

We had stayed up late many nights, talking through this and that, and in general resolving most of our old issues, and

healing old scars. He was still as passionate, and forceful, as ever. Nothing had truly changed, only now we had a actual


Pulling apart, I gave him my biggest, most delighted grin, before stating, "I was certain I was dreaming."

His grin turned cocky at that. "Well, I /am/ every woman's dream." I grabbed my pillow and hit him over the head for that,

more playful and light than serious. "It better just be dreams, Mister," I declared, mock sternly, "Or they'll have me to answer to."

Damon pulled me close at that, and didn't let go for a long time.

Finally, he said, "I want to get married."

I froze for a long moment, before saying , "Good luck with that."

His face was mock-hurt as he whined slightly, "You don't want to marry me!"

I laughed a bit at his expression. "I never said that. You said you wanted to get married. You never asked me if I wanted to

help you achieve that goal."

Damon raised his eyebrows at me, facing me seriously. "Oh, Dearest, Delightful, Most Beloved Ally," He began. "Could you possibly,

in any way whatsoever, maybe consider, joining me in marriage?"

I pretended to think about it, while he pretended to agonize over my response.

After a pause, Damon question, "Well? Don't leave me hanging here."

I laughed at his impatience. "Not today," I decided. "I have things I need to do today. Try again tomorrow."

We laughed, and held each other close, both knowing my real answer.

THis is the end. Four hundred and seventy five (475) words. It's been a long journey, but Damon and Ally finally have their ending. Goodbye story limbo.


1. Are you writing a sequel/ rewriting the story in Damon's POV?

No. Or at least, not right now. Two main reasons why. One, I don't think there's any interest in a sequel anymore. Two, Damon's version would be significantly longer and more bloody, gaining an "M" rating at the very least.

If you have any questions to add review or PM me, and I will add the answers and questions here.

Give me a head's up if you're still reading this after the long hiatus. I just might have to bake you cookies.

Have fun, and keep reading stories, hopefully of author's who update more consistantly.

Over and out,

Dustfinger's Cheering Section
