Being able to locate Dudley Dursley wasn't much of a problem. His name was very rare, so we found him on Facebook and sent an email to him. The email explained that we were the Quileutes, the tribe of his grandfather, and gave him our number. It was around midnight when the phone rang.

"It's him," I said as Jacob picked it up and put it on speaker.

"Hello, I am Dudley Dursley wishing to speak with a Jacob Black?" a British male with a deep voice spoke. "The alpha, the great-grandson of Ephraim Black, who led my grandfather, Harry Evans, before he was drafted into Word War Two and imprinted a girl causing him to settle in the United Kingdom?"

"Yes, are you the grandson of Harry Evans, the one-fourth Quileute who lived off the reservation and shifted when the Cullens came?" Jacob asked.

"Yes," Dudley answered. "He imprinted in England during the war, and remained there. Years later, his daughter, my mother, shifted as well, then I shifted. Now, my children are wolves, sponsoring to their own ancient magic."

"We are so glad to have contacted you," Jacob said, relieved. "We were informed that you know how to go in the magical world."

"My children have access to it due to Iris's genes. They aren't witches and wizards, they have their own power," Dudley explained. "Do you need us?"

"Yes, a cold one has escaped into another world," Jacob explained.

"We prevent that in England," Dudley said proudly. "That is our duty, but the duty to protect your land is first. We owe our shape-shifting to them. I have seven children, six who are wolves. The alpha is my oldest, who has just imprinted. There is a fight between betas, my cousin's son just shifted. I have a set of triplets, Vernon, Vincent, and Violet, and I can send them to you."

"Yes," Jacob said. "We can make arrangements for them."

"I will send them to Seattle tomorrow," he said. "Why did you wait so long to contact us? I am very rich, and I would like to arrange for a scholarship among us wolves."

"We can set that up," Jacob said, surprised. "Right now we need your children."

"They are packing right now," Dudley said.


20 hours later

Jacob and I went to the airport to retrieve the Dursley wolves. They weren't able to get a flight until eleven hours after we called, and it was a nine hour flight. Dudley was rich enough to arrange for this at last minute. He also wired us money in pounds for hosting them. We waited at the Seattle airport for them to arrive. In the hours we heard from set off we arranged rooms with the Cullens and quickly set them up with some food. We then made plans for a campfire to inform the Dursley wolves about their history, and where they got their magical traits. I wanted to tell Teddy that others from England were coming, but I had to keep Jacob's orders in not letting the secret out about the vampire attack. We didn't want to create paranoia in a place it didn't belong.

We only kept in touch with the family who was in the process of locating their long lost relatives in England but kept running into dead ends. They payed for the shape-shifters coming from England.

The plane arrived, followed by a flock of British tourists coming to see the Washington wilderness packed with camping equipment. There was also an American tourist coming home with hundreds of souvenirs. I couldn't help but become thrilled with the idea of another female shape-shifter in the pack.

We saw them immediately; two very large males, and a skinnier female coming out together catching our eyes instantly. The female headed our way right away; she didn't look at all Quileute with her long bright white blond hair, fair skin with rosy cheeks and blue eyes. She had a petite body with well developed breasts and curves. She approached me; she was wearing high heeled shoes with a short orange mini skirt, and a white blouse with red stitches along with a brown headband and lots of jewelry. She dressed in a very bohemian style. She was playing on her iPad and talking on her phone as she came to me. I wondered if this girl truly shifted into a wolf like I did, because she definitely didn't look the part.

We saw them immediately; two very large males, and a skinnier female coming out together catching our eyes instantly. The female headed our way right away; she didn't look at all Quileute with her long bright white blond hair, fair skin with rosy cheeks and blue eyes. She had a petite body with well developed breasts and curves. She approached me; she was wearing high heeled shoes with a short orange mini skirt, and a white blouse with red stitches along with a brown headband and lots of jewelry. She was playing on her iPad and talking on her phone as she came to me. I wondered if this girl truly shifted into a wolf like I did, because she definitely didn't look the part.

"Are you Leah Clearwater?" she asked.

"Yes," I answered, wondering how this girl could possibly be a shape-shifter.

"I'm Violet Dursley," she explained. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Violet, we aren't here to see her." A male came up behind her. He was a large man; much larger than normal. Behind him was another male who was the same size as him. These two were beastly tall with short blond hair and green eyes. They were surely wolves, and I feared how large they would be.

"We are looking for Jacob Black, he is to be our alpha." One spoke.

"I am him," Jacob introduced himself. The two bowed as Violet curtsied respectfully.

"I am Vernon," one said.

"I am Vincent," the other said.

"We are at your service, great prince, son of the chief," the three said at the same time.

"That is nice," Jacob said a little unsure whether their European protocol could blend well with our tribal customs. "We will get your luggage and take you to La Push."

"We are looking forward to it," Violet said. "Who is going with who?"

"You're going with me," I said happily. She smiled excitedly and put on her sunglasses.

"And one of you will be riding with Embry, while the other is with Quil," Jacob explained as the two nodded.

"Well, then I think it's time we get our luggage," Violet said as we went to the claims, and the three of them grabbed at least fifty suitcases taking us hours to make it out of checkout and another hour trying to fit all of them in the car. Violet sat up front while Seth, spotting her, his hormones rushing, he came out to greet her and the twenty suitcases she brought with her.

"Are you Leah's brother?" Violet asked, smiling.

"Yes," Seth answered. "Seth Clearwater."

"Clearwater, Love that name. Mind helping me pack?" she asked. Seth nodded and started to put the suitcases in as she took out her compact and brushed a shiny mark on her face.

"I take it the gene was pulled?" Violet asked as she drove along the road.

"Pulled?" we both questioned.

"Did you arrange for him to be a shape-shifter?" Violet said casually.

"Can you bring out these genes on purpose?" I asked.

"Yes, of course," Violet sniffed. "My grandmother, Petunia, came up with the idea when she was a teenager. She got tired of being the only werewolf, so she arranged for a vampire to come into her sister's room to see what would happened. Unfortunately, it failed and she ended up killing it before it killed Lily. Dad then tried to do it with his cousin, Harry, but that failed as well. He did succeed with his son."

"Wait," I stopped at a red light. "None of you became a wolf naturally."

"Besides my dad and grandma, no," Violet said casually. "Anyway, we are happy to help."

"So all your siblings were forced?" I asked.

"Yes," Violet explained. "Well, except for my sister, but our youngest brother was just recently turned. The more numerous we are the better chance we have of swiping the cold ones."

"Swiping?" Seth asked. "As in getting rid of them entirely?"

"Yes, that's what we want eventually."

"Well, there are some willing to help," I started, confused. "Not all of them are our enemies. We have allies."

"Very funny," Violet said.


We drove up to the Cullens with our guests. I became nervous as Violet smiled at the beautiful glass house.

"This looks nice," she commented as she got out of the car followed by her two brothers who open the window a crack and became instantly aware of the harsh scent.

"Cold ones," Vernon called as Violet and Vincent growled, staring at the house.

"Did you know about this?" Vincent barked. That was when Carlisle and Esme came down. The three instantly shifted. Violet became a wolf with bright gold-red hair, Vincent became dark, shady gray, and Vernon was white, albino wolf. They growled at them.

"Are these our guests?" Carlisle said with a little sarcasm. Jacob then turned in an instant. He appeared smaller than them; even the two large males shrunk to be below him. It was clear they recognized him as alpha. I turned into a wolf just to have a peak on what they had to say.

'This is a disgrace, an ultimate disgrace!,' Violet called.

'How dare you call yourselves descendants of Taka Wiki?'

"Says those who have been away from the land for three generations. You don't know the full history of this land, these cold ones, look at the gold eyes, no lives have been taken through them, they defended us when an army of vampires came from Seattle, and they stood up for us when their leaders wanted to enslave us." Jacob shouted. 'Your father sent you here to help us, will you do your honor and follow Alpha command."

The three stared at Jacob, I could tell this was going to cause great trouble. They sat, looked up, and howled. They were now part of the pack, and had to obey. We had three new members of the pack. They turned back into humans, silently staring at the Cullens.

"Where would you like us to stay?" Violet asked shamefully.