
Another supershort Saiyuki piece from me, courtesy of yet another LJ time challenge (love 'em =)). The cue was "clothes". ==I always seem to end up writing these from Gojyo's POV, and this one's no exception.

Usual disclaimer: I do not own the characters, situations or etc. of Saiyuki, which belong to the blessed Minekura; I just like to take 'em for a spin now and then, cos I love them so damn much.

He never looks the least bit ridiculous. Put just about anyone else Gojyo knows, male or female, in that getup--robes, veil, the lotus-petal crown, that pointless breastplate even Sanzo doesn't know the use of--and they'd look uncomfortable and silly, and about as impressive as a dressed-up dog. Not Sanzo. A silent and awesome thing happens when he puts on his priestly regalia, transforming the surly, bluejeaned monk into a figure of absolute, regal authority: stately, relentless, a Master of the Law. Gojyo's no respecter of titles, but he's never considered giving sass to this Sanzo, not even once.

Not that Sanzo could ever remotely look silly, of course. His dignity's down in his blood and his bones, you could wrap him in nothing but daisy chains and he'd still have it. But there's something more to it than that, something easy to miss in the cussing and drinking and gunfire. He hears the gods' voices, for real; that red spot on his brow is a seal of the heavens' approval. He's human, but he's no more like Joe Tougenkyo than Goku is really a teenager. And likely his temper and bitterness come from all that, from the burden and pain of it, but...Gojyo thinks about it sometimes, the way you think about things around two in the morning, over that last cigarette. They're all one-of-a-kind, the ikkou; not one of them belongs in any one world, and whether that makes them special or monsters, well, that debate's open. But what's it like, when your whole life is touched by the gods? What's it mean to him to put on that crown?

He sets it on top of the veil, and lays the ancient sutra over his shoulders, where it settles in that graceful, folded-wings way it has. The hanyou watches the Master of the Law stash the gun in his sleeve, and he looks sure of himself and his purpose, calm and immovable. Beautiful, Gojyo thinks.

--Sanzo glances behind him. "Goku?"


Go get 'em, gorgeous, Gojyo wants to say, but he doesn't. 'Cos, well, you just don't.