Title: Miss Me

Pairing: Belphegor/Fran

Summary: Fran hopes that when he's really gone, that Belphegor will miss him.

Notes: I own nothing. I also don't know what gender Mammon really is, so I'm just going with 'he' until told otherwise.

Fran knows that Belphegor is capable of missing someone. Mammon was proof of that, since he was reminded of how much everyone wished he was Mammon since the very first minute he joined the Varia. Bel would be constantly comparing them, having no trouble with pointing out how much he disliked Fran and liked Mammon.

But Mammon was dead, and Fran had to wonder if they showed the kind of devotion to him when he was still alive. (Fran doubted it.)

He didn't care so much about the rest of the Varia, but he wanted Belphegor to like him more. He didn't kill him, which was a good sign, but it was hardly telling of their relationship. Fran knew he would miss the fake prince when the man finally croaked (which would likely not be anytime soon, judging by how strong he was, but they encountered a lot of crazy strong mafia members, so one never knew when they would die) and he just hoped that Belphegor would miss him if he died first.

He wasn't asking for much. He wasn't expecting the man to cry over his dead body, or to bring his grave flowers every anniversary of his death. He wasn't expecting dramatic deaths that included the prince revealing his deepest feelings of love for the teal-haired boy (he had actually created an illusion of this scenario during one particularly tough battle, and while the enemy was distracted by the illusionary Bel molesting Fran's mouth, Belphegor snuck up behind them and killed them, promptly attempting to murder Fran once that was done).

He just wanted Belphegor to miss him when he was gone. To have some kind of relationship with the man that would let them be close, so that when the time came that Fran's death was not part of an illusion, Belphegor would not just kick his corpse over, realize he was really dead, and promptly walk away to find some other illusionist.

He wanted to matter.

He didn't think that was too much to ask for.