So, I got bored and decided to write something humorous. It's my way of procrastinating x]


"Hey! Everyone look at this!!" Sakura shouted, pulling a folded piece of paper out of her pocket.

'Oh dear god no!' Naruto thought, putting his face in his hands. 'She won't humiliate me this badly will she?!' a few days ago, the blonde ninja had been caught in a . . . compromising situation with another member of their team. And there was only one piece of evidence… and Sakura had it. Now, when all of their friends were around, she decided to show them all Naruto's slipup. Grinning broadly, the pink haired demon unfolded the paper and passed it around between them all. It was a picture of Naruto and Sai in full makeout. The room went quiet as the picture was passed around.

"I had no idea you two were in that kind of relationship." Shikamaru said calmly, handing the picture to Kiba, who laughed.

"Haha, homo!" He chuckled, while Naruto tried to stutter out something to defend himself.

"You assholes! Stop acting so immature about it!" He said, with quickly reddening cheeks. "It was nothing hear me! It was a ki… kiss… that's all." These guys were so fucking annoying!

"I'm sorry? What was that? I couldn't hear you." Kiba said with a smirk, holding his hand to his ear. Naruto cursed he dog loving bastard just then.

"I told you! I was just a ki.. a ki.." He couldn't even say the word, it was stuck in his throat. A hand came down on his shoulder from behind. Sai came out of nowhere, leaning in closer.

"A kiss! That's all it was!" His face was as expressionless as always. Naruto felt himself getting more annoyed with Sai than anyone else.

"How the hell can you be so calm? Isn't this even a little embarrassing for you? I mean, they're passing around a picture of us… kiss…. Kiss… argh!" Again, he couldn't say the full word. Sai turned his face.

"Not really, no." He said calmly with a small smile.

'I feel stupid for even asking.' Naruto thought with a dejected sigh. The others were still chattering around them, making catcalls at them. The longer it went on, the redder Naruto got.

"Alright everyone, that's enough," A new voice penetrated the teenage voices. Everyone turned to see Kakashi wandering into the middle of the circle they had created. "Stop all the teasing. You two have nothing to be ashamed of. Love is a beautiful thing, Naruto." His visible crinkled in a smile as Naruto nearly hit the floor.

"Hah?!" Almost instantly, the calls changed.

"I support your love!!!" Ino cried, throwing her fists in the air with a large grin.

"If you guys ever need a room, just say so!" Choji called from the back. Sai looked at Naruto, thoroughly confused.

"What is this? What's going on?" Naruto couldn't answer through his utter disbelief.

"You- you idiots! It's not like that!!" He cried, racing out into the dark streets. The others looked after him for a few seconds before turning back to Sai and congratulating him. He smiled and looked at Sakura.

"Thank you," He said, glancing after Naruto. "I don't think he would have told anyone on his own." Sakura chuckled and threw an arm around his shoulders.

"Anytime! I'm always here for love! Even sneaky love!" She said with a grin. "He should probably never know about this. He'd be pissed!" Sai nodded as everyone else continued to chatter on about this new development. If Naruto was lucky, they'd let it drop in about three years or so.

Aw, Poor Naruto. I hope you liked reading my small little story. I do apologize for the shortness

Sarang Hae!!