A/N: Hi, guys! It's me again, crawling back to this fandom begging for forgiveness for being gone for so long. Hey, have you ever stopped and thought to yourself, "Man. What would a straight Genesis be written like?" Look no further, for these 100-themes are going to have all the straight Genesis you can handle. This is going to take place before Crisis Core and during Crisis Core. We're not going to go into VII, because... Yeah. XD

You guys know why.

Other people will be in this too, like Angeal, Zack, Sephiroth... Having a good time. This is a 100-theme pairing challenge, so it's going to be focused on Genesis and the OC, who is named Mireya. Genesis/Mireya. And the wonder girl Sharada, who is my sister, decided to call the pairing name Minesis. XD

Anyway, I wrote this to Angels and Airwaves "Breathe", which the proceeding line comes from.

A blue-black shade of love, sent from above. My hands are tied, two worlds alone, and this I know.

I.) Holding Hands

It was my job to make sure that First Class SOLDIER made it back to Shinra HQ on time. They could have sent a Turk to do that. But no, I had to do everything because I was Mireya. I wasn't even a Turk yet—I was still a Junior Turk. You know whose fault I think this was? Reno. He liked making me mad and insinuated that I liked Mr. First Class Genesis. That I actually had a soft spot for Mr. Crimson. That I liked it when he told me random lines of LOVELESS. Reno, that jerkwad. It was really cold outside too, and everything had snow on it. How I hated snow. Back home—since I was the only child—my mom used to make me go outside and shovel since my dad was with Shinra and all, trying to be a SOLDIER.

He writes me cards all the time, but he didn't really care whether I made it to a full-fledged Turk or not. But that isn't the point! The point was that dating men made you look like you couldn't stand on your own two feet! Dating anyone made you weak, and I didn't want to be weak! Who wants to look weak? Not me. Not Mireya! As far as I was concerned, all SOLDIERs were monsters.

Yeah, that's right, you heard me.

Did I stutter? Monsters! And they were all dirty cheaters, too! They carried around cellphones and used Mako enhancements to get around! Whatever happened to working hard to get what you want? Because my dad just left my mom and I to become some SOLDIER, I didn't like him too much. I hated Third Class SOLDIERs, Second Class SOLDIERs, but more than anything, I hated First Class SOLDIERs! They thought they were so much better than everyone else, and I hated Genesis Rhapsodos!

I hated the way he walked.

I hated the way he talked.

I hated the way he acted like he knew everything, and I hated the way he always said complicated things. I hated the way he tried to sound smart with his words, and I hated the fact that he couldn't walk his ass to Shira HQ by himself! I wasn't his damn escort; I wasn't someone he could have just used. I bet he was under the impression that I owed him his life because he saved mine. I snorted. I didn't need his help.

I didn't need anyone's help!

What did I look like? Some helpless chick? I could fight by myself! Do you know how frustrating it is hearing about Genesis each and every day? I'm a part of the Study Group, and all we do is talk about Genesis. Unfortunately, I know way too much about the guy. I would quit, but someday, I want to be a writer. That's much different than a poet. And being on the Study Group looks good on anyone's record. I looked at Genesis and rolled my eyes. Everything about him was a lie. Everything about him was artificially made. He must have hated wearing that same red coat everyday. I bet Shinra made him do it since people payed big money to see him.

But you know what was the fakest thing about Genesis?!

Oh yeah, it was his stupid earring! Gaia, why did he only wear one earring?! And it jangled all the time... And that smirk he was always wearing. It made me sick. I could see Shinra HQ up ahead, and I couldn't believe that we had walked a couple of miles without sustaining a real conversation!


I think I started smiling from joy. Genesis walked a little bit in front of me, so I failed to see why he needed me.

But why wasn't Genesis talking? That was weird of him, usually he'd say something. Anything. I hid my face underneath my scarf and poked him with my gloved-hand. "Genesis, are you okay?" I asked. I didn't really care if Genesis was feeling okay or not, honestly! He just kept walking like the jerk he was, not even acknowledging me. Great, there was something wrong with him. "Genesis?" I said once more, standing in one place. He just kept walking... And that made me mad. Did he not see me behind him?! It was really cold outside and I didn't have time for his SOLDIER mood-swings!

I stomped my foot on the ground, listening to the sound of his earring jangling. Damn jangling earring. "Genesis! Get back here now!" And he still didn't listen to me!!! He was getting too far away from me, so I decided to run after him. Next thing I knew, I saw the sky and I fell down backwards. Damn Genesis! He made me slip and fall! I started rubbing my head, and I tried to get back up, but I only ended up falling again. This time I fell on my butt. "Gah, I hate this stupid thing!! I hate ice, and I hate the cold, and I hate SOLDIER and—kyaahaaaaa!" My whole face turned red, and when I looked up, I saw Genesis smirking at me. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up on my feet. And he wouldn't let go of my hand! Dammit, who the hell did he thinking he was?!

"My friend, the fates are cruel. There are no dreams, no honor remains," he began, smirking playfully. "You never told me that you did not know how to walk on ice, Love. The Goddess shines down on those who don't suppress their emotions, but you hide them well, Mireya. The Goddess has her bow ready; her gaze locked on you." I wasn't in the mood for Genesis' bullshit. I scowled and snatched my hand away from his.

"Shut up, Genesis. Just keep walking and pretend like you never saw me fall. Gaia knows you're not going to let me live it down." I tried walking again, but I fell. I couldn't believe this! Was it the type of boots I had on that was limiting my ability to walk straight? But I was wearing the standard Turk uniform!

… I got it!

This was all Genesis' fault! Everything was always his fault! I was hoping that I would land on the ground again, but Genesis caught me by my arm with his left hand. With his free hand, he got some of his brown hair out of his bright, blue eyes. He pulled me up again and I rolled my eyes at his facial expression.

I bet he thought he was so damn smart! "Let go of me, Shakespeare Boy. Go home and read your little LOVELESS poem."

"Love, LOVELESS is a love story," he said with an air of superiority. I wanted to punch him in the face, but we kept walking. And he was still holding my hand! Where did he get off?!

"I don't care what it is, Genesis. Love story, piece of hot crap, however you want to say it, it sucks and you shouldn't say things to me that I don't understand!"

"There is no hate, only joy, for you are beloved by the Goddess—" Genesis waved his free hand across the air, his irritating earring jangling with every move he made. "Hero of the dawn, healer of worlds—"

"Dreams of the morrow hath the shattered soul, pride is lost, wings stripped away, the end is nigh..." I said, looking ahead of us. We were right in front of the steps that led into Shinra HQ. He glanced at me, his blue Mako eyes piercing into my eyes. Oh Gaia, Genesis was beautiful, but there was no way I was going to tell him that! I started blushing like mad, and he held on to my hand until I couldn't stretch my arm out anymore. He walked up the steps and didn't even say anything to me!

"Aren't you going to say something, Genesis?!" I huffed, rubbing my cold hands together. He turned around and smirked at me. He was always smirking at me.

"Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return." He bowed dramatically, and then he went inside of the building.


I looked down at my hands and smiled.

The sneaky bastard got away with my glove.