Ok im gonna try to write another Chapter this weekend...but dont get your hopes up...i have basketball today and basketball and softball tomorrow...not that anyone cares...lol:) I stll dont get how ANYONE likes this story...But im gonna keep writeing it...cuz i want to... ;)
"Y-You what?" Aqualad asked, shocked.
"We want to go with you two" Kole started.
"Breaking that law...It just feels so wrong" Speedy finished.
'So can we?" Jericho signed.
"Yeah you guys can come....If we can even get out" Aqualad told them.
"Robins gonna be watching us. He really doesn't want us to leave" Raven said.
"We'll get past him!" Kole said with her natural cheeriness. A/N Is that a word?
"What we need is a plan" Speedy said.
"Sooo...Anyone got one?" Jericho signed. Everyone shook there heads.
"Why dont we just sneak out tonight when everyone sleeping?" Raven Suggested.
"Of Course! Why didn't I think of that?!" Speedy exclaimed.
"Do you really want me to answer that?" Aqualad askd with a smirk.
-L8r when everone is asleep-
Everyone had gone to bed, and Aqualad, Raven, Speedy, Jericho, and Kole had packed up already. Tonight was the the night they were leaving, to go live as normal city people. Or at least they were leaving.
Speedy was in the closet. They had found a door in there and Speedy was going to check it out. The others would follow later. He was going to make sure it led out. He slowly opened the door, and walked though it. In front of him was a long passage. There were Spider webs everywhere. He walked forward and almost fell through a hole in the floor.
'I guess the only way to go is down' He thought with a sigh. Then he looked down the hole and jumped.
He landed in water. It smelled and this water was filthy. When he surfaced he saw eyes looking at him. He grabbed a waterproof flashlight out of his pocket and turned it on. In front of him was... an alligator.
"Where the hell am I?! Is this a deathtrap!?" He thought as the alligator swam towards him. He knew he could outswim it.
'Dammit! Fish boy should be down here!' The animal was only a few feet in front of him now.
'C'mon Speedy! You've seen this all the time on Tv!" With that thought he jumped on the gator. The gator started to do a death roll. Speedy was getting dizzy, and the gator ramming him into a wall and randomly going underwater was not helping at all.
Speedy took a chance when the gator was near the edge of the water. He jumped off of it and onto the concrete. Speedy jumped up onto his feet and ran until he found another door. He opened it and ran through.
It led outside. He was Bruised, Bleeding, and his clothes were torn. He walked forward and Saw Aqualad, Raven, Jericho, and Kole.
"What happened to you?!" Kole asked him.
"Nothing important...Why did I have to go through there?!" He yelled/asked.
"Um...You didn't" Aqualad said sheepeshly.
"What?! How did you guys get out here?" He yelled/asked again.
"Uhh...The Front Door..." Aqualad said....
Awww Poor Speedy:(
Good, Bad, Terrible, Funny?? WHAT?!?!
Reveiws are greatly appreciated:D