When Wally was 12 he found his parents brutally murdered. He was decomissioned from the KND the same day. Three years later he's back in Cleveland, co-owning one of the most happenin' places in town...and out to lead the baddest gang to ever haunt Cleveland's alleys. But when this bad-boy meets a familiar face on the dance floor he finds himself head-over heels. 3/4
I own nothing. But the plot, don't steal it.
So I can't get enough of this couple now, this is a bit ridiculous.
Starting yet another fanfiction, taking place in their teen years.
In this version Kuki is part of the TND.
Wally is not.
Read the rest and figure it all out. Huzzah!
The ages won't be exact with the show, don't flame me for that okay, I'm doing my best.
This is rated T for violence
and Drugs and Alcohol
Chapter One- The Day Everything Fell Apart
Wallabee Beetles wasn't an unhappy kid. At all. He had good friends, who wouldn't, working as a Kids Next Door operative? He got to kick the crud out of anybody who threatened him, especially cranky adults. He had a good family. In the future, what little he would remember of those days would be regarded with a jealousy towards his younger self. They were good times.
Wally wasn't known for smart decisions. In fact he was probably the dumbest person on his team. He was AMAZING at fighting battles though, his skills in hand-to-hand combat were nearly unmatched. He had great instincts. It was what made him know instantly that something was wrong.
"You going home then?" Wally's friend of nearly five years said, glancing down at him. (Curse his small stature!) His name was Hoagie Gilligan, though Wally usually called him Numbuh Two, for obvious reasons. He was part of the Kids Next Door. Wally shrugged his shoulders.
"Ah was goin' ta the arcade but..." He shrugged. Hoagie put on a look of slight sympathy. Wally had been grounded because he 'accidentally' broke one of Joey's toys. Accidentally as in he got a little too grumpy at it and tossed it at the wall. Still, the young boy couldn't get out of this one. KND operative or not. "See ya later!"
"Yeah, see you!" Hoagie called after him.
Wally couldn't say that he wasn't mad about not being able to go to the arcade. There was supposedly some really awesome new game that involved smashing things. He was pretty good at smashing things. The young boy hunched over, something he did when he was mad without realizing it. It only served to make him smaller, but he hardly noticed since someone would have to be missing half their brain to call him a shrimp.
With a melancholy look plastered on his face he pushed the gate open. He didn't live in a very impressive part of town, it was right where the clean buildings ended and the factories started. He didn't mind it though, it was home. The gate creaked open and...it kind of echoed around the yard a bit. That...bothered him. Wally narrowed his green eyes and looked down the cracked sidewalk that led to his house.
He wasn't smart, but he could fight the best of them. The kid knew how to follow his gut, and right now his gut was screaming at him that something was wrong. Something was very wrong. Wally crossed the yard and reached out to open the door...only he didn't have to since it was ajar. Something like worry twisted around his stomach.
"Mum? Dad?" Wally asked, his parents worked a lot but they wouldn't leave the door open if nobody was home. Plus the car was in the yard. Oh yeah! The car, why was that there if his parents were at work? Joey was crying somewhere in the house too, little choked sobs. "Mum?"
Only Joey's cries.
Wally shut the door behind him even though everything was screaming in his head not to. Alarm bells were going off in his mind, telling him to turn around and get an authority figure. Wally ran upstairs, because it felt like the normal thing to do, and went into Joey's room. It smelled AWFUL. Like poo, somebody hadn't changed the guy in hours. Wally scooped his brother up, it didn't matter how bad the kid smelled to him at the moment he just wanted him to stop crying.
It worked a bit, Joey's sniffles died down and he buried his little face in Wally's neck. Wally stood there for a moment, cradling his kid brother and wrestling with every instinct he had. The twelve year old pushed himself into the hallway and peered down it. Somebody...somebody was lying down at the end of it.
Don't go down there. Some part of him screamed, Turn around, and go get help. Get the guys. Just don't go back there alone because you know you can't handle what is there.
Only later did he realize that he knew, probably from the moment that he opened the gate, what had happened. He knew it from then because the car was still in the drive and the door was open and everything was quiet except for Joey. Wally inched along the hallway, and peered down at his mother's still body.
He didn't know why, but he didn't have to touch her to know. (Apparently he didn't even need to see it.) It was enough that she was lying like that, it was enough that there was a little hole in her back, and that blood was everywhere. He still DID though, even though he was stupid and young and had no idea how to make sure somebody was alive or dead he still touched her. He put Joey down and turned her over and realized about halfway through it all he was screaming.
Joey was crying again, and Wally jerked back into reality somewhere along then. No, it wasn't reality. It was more like a numb inbetween place. He was aware of the things he was doing, but he wasn't putting any feeling behind them. He turned his mother back over because...he didn't want to look at her eyes anymore. On an inkling he looked into their bedroom, and then turned and fled. He almost forgot Joey.
He picked Joey up and scrambled into the boys room. He didn't know what he was doing, or why. Just that he wanted him and Joey out of the house NOW. Because somebody had come along and killed his parents. He didn't know why, he just knew that it was done. That his mom and dad were dead. Part of him was trembling with fear, were they still here? The other part was busy screaming at him.
Are you heartless? Why aren't you crying! Why aren't you screaming anymore, or feeling angry and wanting to kill the guys who killed them? Your parents are dead boy, and you haven't shed a single tear. It was a surreal few minutes, where he grabbed for a bag and shoved some of his jeans and hoodies inside, and scrambled for diapers too. And bottles. What else did babies need? He didn't know, Numbuh Three did that kind of stuff!
His friends...he'd go there. That'd be safe right? Wally picked the bag up in one arm and smelly Joey in the other and hauled it out of the front door. What were you supposed to do when you found somebody dead? Did it count if they were your parents? Wally just wanted to...
It hit him in the middle of the street, where he fell down and got Joey all scraped up and just started to cry. He had wanted to before, and now he just lay there in the middle of the road ready to become roadkill and crying his eyes out like a baby. Joey was crying too. It must have been a long time before he got up, he was still crying, he was still confused. He was going on the oldest instinct the human body has.
He was curled up in some kind of half-pipe. He hadn't called the cops. He hadn't called a hospital. Or any adults. He hadn't even gotten a hold of his friends. The only thing he HAD managed to do was figure out how to change Joey, and he was pretty sure he'd put the diaper on backwards too.
He spent half the time crying, and the other half was spent freaking out and trying to remember what he should DO. He knew he was stupid, but...it felt like something inside his head had gone to pieces when he saw his Mum and Dad like that. He kept seeing that too, every time he shut his eyes. Even though it was really late and Joey was sleeping pretty soundly he couldn't do it. He kept seeing it over and over again.
Wally wished it was a nightmare. A dream. He wished that it was a trick the Delightful's had pulled. He wished that his mother and father had decided to pull some awful elaborate prank on him. He would hate them forever, but they'd be okay. It was around the time that he was sitting there, on the verge of a breakdown that the half-pipe lit up.
He thought it was the cops, and he wasn't sure why he was afraid of that. Wouldn't that be a good thing? It wasn't though, it was Numbuh Eighty-six, they must have tracked him down using his communicator, which he had jammed into the very bottom of the bag he had grabbed. "Wallabee Beetles, you are scheduled for immediate decomissioning."
Oh, well isn't that nice. Wally thought, deciding to reply by giving a death-glare. At the moment he was trying to figure out what to do because his parents had been killed. Let's just slap THAT cherry on top of this pie of a day why don't we? It was the only thing he had left, and he wasn't thirteen.
"Whoy." He asked, and it was about all he could manage because he was afraid he was about to burst into tears that very instant. He didn't want to cry in front of FANNY. Wait, his parents died, he could cry in front of her, then she'd feel like a jerk for even suggesting his decomissioning on the day that his parents were murdered.
"Because you betrayed some of the most top secret information we have to a teenager." She sneered. Which Wally hadn't done. He decided to point this out when he was hit in the head.
When he woke up he was confused. He was sitting in a chair somewhere, Numbuh Eighty-six had Joey. The rest of his sector was there, Kuki was crying really hard. Wally stared ahead and tried to recollect why it was that his heart felt so sick.
His parents were killed. He was being decomissioned. Oh, right.
"By order of the supreme leader of the Kids Next Door, this TRAITOR, Numbuh Four, is scheduled for immediate decomissioning. His FRIENDS decided they'd like to say goodbye first. Get on with it." The frizzy haired girl screamed. Wally just stared at his shoes. He wasn't going to fight it. What was the point? His parents were dead. Apparently there wasn't much to fight for.
"Why'd you do it boy?" Numbuh Five asked. Wally's heart wrenched a little. Everything was just adding to the hurt. He lost his parents, he would never forget that. He was about to loose his friends, and even though his head would he knew in his heart that it would hurt just as badly. For some reason that hurt the most, as his friends surrounded hime they asked similiar questions. All of them, except Kuki who was crying too hard to talk.
They all believed that he did it. It took the rest of the fight out of him, the little he had left that pushed him forward left with those questions. Hadn't they known him long enough to say that it wasn't true? To deny it for him? No, not at all. He wouldn't even remember not to make friends anymore in a few seconds. Still he felt terribly bitter.
"Ah didn't." Wally said, but he had no fight in those words, just a tired resignation. Bottle all the hurt up kid, because the world isn't going to be there with a tissue for you anymore.
"WALLY!" Kuki wailed, and she flung herself on him. It surprised him, and he actually found himself hugging her back. He buried his face in her shoulder and wished harder than he had ever wished before that this was all there was in the world. That he could just stand like this and not have to face a future without friends, without his parents.
"THAT'S enough!" Numbuh Eighty-six said, cutting short the goodbyes. Kuki released him after about ten more seconds despite the loud call. The misery in her eyes made his heart hurt even more. Wally's head just slumped forward, he was hauled to his feet and marched into the room.
"Do ya think it'll take away any memories from mah real loife?" Wally asked, and it wasn't fear that he had for this but hope. He wanted the image of his mother and father to be erased from his memory, because he knew when he thought of them he'd never remember them as alive again. They'd always be those lifeless bodies on the floor. He never wanted to think about that moment again. He felt tears flood his eyes as Numbuh Eighty-six snorted and shook her head no.
He stepped through the door, and knew that when he was stepping out he'd be lost and alone and even more confused than he had ever been in his entire life.
Three Days Later
When he woke up it was in the police station. He was holding Joey, and the officer came up and asked him everything he had been doing for the last twenty-four hours. Wally told them everything then, about his parents and finding them. About how he got scared that there was somebody bad and he and Joey left and he didn't know what to do. About how he couldn't remember half the afternoon.
He had been taken to his Aunt and Uncle's house immediately afterwards. They only came back for the funeral. Wally had to wear a suit, and he didn't think that made any sense. It wasn't like he ever wore a suit before then.
He remembered standing there, staring at the urns and trying to make the connection between those and his parents. He cried, and felt embarassed for crying even though he had every right to. Because of the way people stared at him when he held his baby brother and sobbed his heart out. With that sympathy, but that slight embarassment as well. As if they couldn't believe he'd do such a thing in public. And why the hell not? His parents had died dammit!
They were at an airport now. They were going to Australia, Wally was not. He would be staying in the states with a distant friend of the family. He wasn't exactly known for a good reputation, and it had taken Wally ages just to convince them to let him stay. Why? Because he didn't want to be around people that would want to watch him make friends. Friends were pointless.
He couldn't remember having any.
Finally, finished it! I rewrote this several times because it wasn't coming out the way I wanted it to.
But I like how this first chapter turned out.