Sorry for the delay between chapters. Once again, I procrastinated, like usual on tumblr. After this chapter, there are seven chapters- so I hope to finish this story by September 6th (One week) as that is when school starts, and all my spare time will be zapped away. (I procrastinate on homework too)

Chapter 18

For once, I couldn't go and meet Hermione off the Hogwarts Express, as there was a dental convention in Oxford I could not miss- it was vital to my career. At first, I wanted to cancel my place, jeopardise my career, as I couldn't miss seeing my only child for the first time in eleven monthes. David was the one who talked sense into me, saying that Hermione would rather me be working instead of worrying about me, and that Hermione would be home when I came back. So I went off to that convention on a sunny day, no idea what was to befall me when I came back. I came back, and squealed when I saw the suitcase of my daughter in the hallway.

I ran to the living room, and saw my daughter sitting on the sofa, in deep conversation with David. I was sort of taken aback by her; she had grown into a beautiful young woman. Maybe I notice this because I hadn't seen her for eleven months, or I thought she was beautiful anyway. She had the smile that you just wanted to smile back at.

"Mum" She interpreted the conversation to pull me into a deep hug, which I returned. When I sat down next to her and David on the sofa, she embarked on general chitchat- including exams, but she seemed quite vague. I had no wish to find out why, I was perfectly and blissfully happy.

I changed the subject, during a silence when David and I couldn't think of anything to say to one of her stories. "So, Hermione, I'll wash all your clothes- as you have enough here, and your red-"

"No, Mum"

"What?" I asked, in surprise. "Why not?"

"Because tomorrow, I'm going with the Weasleys- "

I interrupted her, as she had interrupted me. "No. Not again. Why is that family so important that you can only spend a few days with your own mother and father, when you see Ron all day every year?" I was venting all my feelings from the past few years, when I had to put up with barely ever seeing my daughter.


"Mrs Weasley already has seven kids- It's alright for her. But I only have you, and we dedicated our lives to you, for you to go and not appreciate it." David took my hand, and whispered, trying to calm me. It didn't work.

"Mum- Harry has to stay at his aunts and-"

"Oh, so poor Ron will be lonely? How about the loneliness I felt, when I get your vague letters or having to wave goodbye to you, knowing I won't see you for another year."

"Mum!" She exclaimed," Can you just let me explain?"

The room was silent, and the only sounds were the sobs I was choking out. Hermione was quiet, and she seemed to be pondering, before she said." I don't know how to say it, but here goes. Okay, you know I told you Harry was an orphan."

David said 'Yes' I was incapable of speaking.

"Well. His parents were murdered. By someone we call 'He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named' Or 'You-know-who'"


"After that, he kind of disappeared. The only thing that remained was fear, and his followers, who claimed to be innocent."

"You mentioned a tournament." I whispered the first thing I had said since my outburst.

"Yeah. Kind of irrelevant in this story. But anyway. Harry was a competitor, not through his choice. On the third task, you-know-who returned."



"A murderer? A worldwide one."

"Exactly." She tried to smile, but it crumbled down." He tried to-"She gulped." Kill Harry. But thank God, Harry escaped."

"So he's trying to murder Harry?" David deduced, and Hermione gave a slow nod.

"Where in God's name is the police, trying to catch him?" I asked, struggling to make sense of my murky thoughts.

"They don't believe Dumbledore. But if you can't trust Dumbledore, you can't trust anybody."

"So, why does this mean you've got to stay at the Weasleys?"

"Because as I need to help decontaminate the house for the order."

"The order?"

"I can't explain it, Dumbledore told me I couldn't."

"So you're going off, yet again, potentially becoming a murder target." I asked.

"I'm going yes, but I won't be murdered."

"How do you know that though?" I asked, angrily. "I don't want you going; you can stay here in the holidays."

"What?" Both David and Hermione asked. "Why?" They said again in unison.

"You can't. And that's that."

"But that's not fair." This was the first time she had come close to whining. But in her defence, looking back, I was quite unfair.

"Susan-"David said, looking just as bewildered as Hermione had.

"I don't care if it's not fair, I'm your mother, and you can't go."

She stood up suddenly, and Crookshanks fell (he had curled up on her lap) She went to her bedroom, and there were no tears in her eyes, only fury. David leant back on the sofa, and he seemed to be thinking.

I couldn't sleep that night. I felt guilty, I felt horrible, I felt anxious. I thought I heard David fidgeting too, and I woke early. David wasn't there, but in my sleepiness, I didn't begin to wonder why. I went to check on Hermione, force of habit. I saw her bed was empty, room still exceptionally tidy. I panicked for a minute, till I saw a note on her bed in the corner of my eye.

I'm sorry Mum. Dad's taken me. I'll write, if you want me too. I love you. There were clumsy kisses printed on the edge of the page, and it was obvious she had written it in a rush. I dropped it in rage, and curled up on her bed. It smelt like her so. The thing that annoyed me was, even though I was furious at Hermione, I still wanted her to write. I still wanted her presence, even though she had hurt me so.

I want to stab this chapter. I really don't like it, as it's mainly dialogue. Plus, Susan is getting way too emotional.