Edited: 4 December 2014

Disclaimer: I do NOT own either Inuyasha or Yu-Gi-Oh GX

Summary: As Kaiba Seto's eldest child and co-heir to the Kaiba family fortune, one would expect Kagome A. Higurashi-Kaiba to love the game that has ensnared her father and everyone he knew. In reality, the young Kaiba loathed the game. Since she was small, Duel Monsters has been the source of many of her problems such as kidnappings and the splitting of her family. Now, Duel Monsters was once again ruining her life by taking her away from the school she loved to the school filled with people obsessed with the game she detested.

By her father and mother's orders she must now find a husband at Duel Academy before the school year ends, or else she might end up being engaged to a complete uttered stranger, who may not even care for her.

Was Duel Monsters finally going to fix the problems it has caused her, and will she finally learn to love the game again? Or will she end up in a loveless marrirage all the while continuing to follow in her father's footsteps without the passion that she once had?

AN: There is a difference in the time skip between the two series of Yu-Gi-Oh, so instead of it being only ten years it is going to be twenty and it is an AU from the Inuyasha series. Names have been reverted to Surname, Given name order rather than Given name, Surname. This excludes characters who are not Asian natives such as Edo Phoenix, Chronos de Medici, and Vice Principal Napoleon

Character Translation:

Tenjouin Asuka = Alexis Rhodes

Tenjouin Fubuki = Atticus Rhodes

Manjoume Jun = Chazz Princeton

Yuuki Judai = Jaden Yuuki

Misawa Daichi = Bastion Misawa

Marufuji Sho = Syrus Truesdale

Marufuji Ryo= Zane Truesdale

Edo Phoenix = Aster Phoenix

Maeda Hayato = Chumley Huffington

Ayukawa Emi = Fonda Fontaine

Chronos de Medici = Vellian Crowler

Chancellor Samejima = Chancellor Sheppard


Fubuki and Ryo = 17 - 18

Hayato = 16 - 17

Kagome, Asuka, Jun, Sho, Judai, Diachi = 15 - 16

Souta = 11 - 12



Kagome sighed for what seemed like the hundredth time that day as she patiently sat in a comfy black leather seat in her father's company office, and tried not to fidget with her clothes. Her clothing consisted of a dark cobalt blue baby doll top styled dress with a silver and white ribbon tied into a bow at the center edge of her dress' neckline. Tiny periwinkle and silver colored butterflies were also embroidered into the bottom of the skirt and set to appear as if they were fluttering around the edges in a valley shaped design. Adorning her dainty feet were a pair of matching peep-toe one inch heels.

Sitting before her and behind a black mahogany desk was her father, Kaiba Seto, and standing next to him was her Uncle Mokuba. Both she and her younger brother, Souta, have never really been all that close to their father and uncle as the two were almost constantly gone on either business trips or to duel monster tournaments in another city or country. It was for that reason that their mother decided to move them out of the Kaiba mansion at an early age and to one of their family shrines in Tokyo, the one which their maternal grandfather helped manage.

Their father had never really much paid attention to them until five years ago when both Souta and Kagome had started to show a more competitive interest in their father's favorite card game and in other activities. It was only then that the two siblings were able to start seeing their father on a more regular basis. Before that the only times that the siblings had talked to or even saw their father was either on television, at holiday dinners, birthdays, or on the telephone.

They finally caught and kept their father and uncle's attention when both children had won their first competitions in Duel Monsters and martial arts. However, it was Kagome who had the complete attention of their father after her first win at a duel monsters tournament and Souta who had the attention of their Uncle Mokuba. It was those victories that caused Seto and Mokuba to visit more often, so the two may see how the kids did in the competitions.

Now five years later, Kagome stood in the top ranks of Japan's Pro Dueling League and was known as the Ace Princess. She had originally entered Duel Monsters tournaments under Higurashi A., which was short for Higurashi Akemi, so that she would not draw too much attention to herself and her family while still being legally qualified for tournaments.

She had chosen to use her middle initial instead of her first because if the media ever searched for her by her family name, they would never be able to find her as there were many other Higurashi's with an A given name or middle name, and would prevent them from connecting her to her father and uncle. However, her alias quickly changed to Ace… at least when it came to the audience's cheers. It was mainly because almost all of her duels against other players usual ended within ten turns of the game; most of time the duels ended in one turn if she felt merciless.

However, today as she sat in front of her father she was not Ace Princess nor was she Higurashi KAgome, as she was known as to the rest of the world. Right now, she was Higurashi-Kaiba A. Kagome, eldest child and only daughter of the retired Duel Monsters World Champion, Kaiba Seto. Still sitting in the seat in front of her father's desk, Kagome waited anxiously for her father and uncle to tell the important news that had pulled her out of her gymnastics practice while she fidgeted with the skirt of her dress.

"Kagome," started Seto as he watched his daughter with a calculating eye. "Your mother and I have decided that now that you are almost sixteen and can be responsible enough for yourself, you are to attend Kaiba Corporation's Duel Academy…"

Before he was able to finish speaking he was interrupted because Kagome had by then shot up from her seat and spoke to her father in a respectful tone, "With all due respect chichiue, why do I have to go to your academy? You know my team and I are in the middle of our competition season, and how serious we are about competing. Our season won't be finished until after Duel Academy's term has started. From what you've shown me about the curriculum, I have already met all of the academy's graduation requirements. I really don't see the point of having to re-start my entire high school career when graduation is a little more than half a year away, not like you'll come to it anyways." She grumbled the last part quietly to herself.

Seto patiently let his daughter finish her rant about not going to the academy though his eyebrow twitched involuntarily when he heard the last statement, knowing that it had not been meant for his ears.

He knew he had not been the best father to his children as he could be despite promising himself that he would not behave the same way as his adopted father, Gozaburo. Even with that promise, he had still ended up being a poor father to his son and daughter. His obsession with his favorite game had caused him to miss many events that his children had deemed important to them, and had even nearly ended his marriage to the only woman he ever loved.

That Kisara girl from his past life did not count, no matter what Yugi and the others said. He held no affection for that long dead woman who he never met in this lifetime, and never will meet. As far as he was concerned, all romantic notions and attachments from one life did not carry over to the next one after a person's death.

When he was sure his teenage daughter was finished with her rant, he began to explain his and his wife's reason for sending their daughter to the family's boarding school, "Kagome, whether you like it or not, you will be attending Duel Academy. You'll be learning more strategies for your duels that you and your tag-duel partner have not learned, and you will also be showing why our family is the dueling champion."

"But can't I do that while still attending my current school?! You've already have me dueling and practicing against you, Yugi-oji-san, and a bunch of other people almost every weekend for the last two years. If I go to the academy I'll be stuck on an island in the middle of nowhere with maybe a handful of people even worth dueling," Kagome complained hotly as her legendary temper started to rise and her hands clenched into fists by her side.

If she had her way, she would never go back to that island except to visit people she considered family. If it wasn't for her father, uncles, and best friend, she wouldn't have had anything to do with the card game that had split up her family. "I don't want my intelligence or skills to degrade from being around less skilled duelists!"

Before her temper could reach an all-time high and get the better of her, her Uncle Mokuba interrupted, "Kagome, you are going there for more than just learning strategies and proving yourself as a Kaiba. Nii-sama and Fumiko-nee have decided that while you attend Duel Academy you will look for someone to be your future husband, a fiancé in other words. Someone who will be able to help you and Souta-kun run the family company."

For the first time in a very long while, Kagome was left speechless and slowly slumped into her seat as her mind tried to comprehend what her uncle had just announced to her. When her mind finally caught up to what was just announced to her, Kagome started sputtering and exclaimed, "Wh... what?"

Turning towards her father, Kagome awaited an answer from him. As soon as he gave her a solemn nod of his head she searched his eyes to see if he was truly serious about this decision, seeing that it was absolutely true she continued earlier exclamation. "Why do I have to look for a fiancé already? I'm only fifteen!"

Tired of hearing his daughter yell, Seto cut her off and tried to reason with the blue-eyed girl. "Kagome, you are almost of marrying age, and it is time for you to look for someone who can help you run and take care of the company. So far every boy that you have brought home to meet your mother and the rest of the family has not gained our full approval," stated Seto calmly.

'Why couldn't she just accept this like her mother had? Fumiko was never this difficult even when she was angry with me,' Seto thought, mentally sighing at how difficult his eldest child could be sometimes.

"I can understand that, but what about Sesshomaru? He must have met most of your unreasonable expectations and conditions! He certainly gained hahaue's approval. And what am I supposed to do about my competitions?" complained an unhappy Kagome.

It was at that time that her Uncle Mokuba answered her first question that was directed towards her father. "Well that Sesshomaru guy was the closest to gaining nii-sama's approval of having a relationship with you, but..." dragged out Mokuba.

"But what?"

"He didn't meet one of the most important standards in nii-sama's book."

"And that would be?" Kagome prompted with a bored look and her arms crossed over her chest. She really didn't care. She could probably already guess the most important standard on her father's list of requirements.

Instead of Uncle Mokuba answering her as she had expected it was her father who spoke. "He didn't even know what Duel Monsters was," said a furiously scowling Kaiba Seto as his thoughts brought up the memory of the discussion he had with his wife, Higurashi-Kaiba C. Fumiko, about the last boyfriend his daughter had brought home for his wife and his approval. Not that any of the boys ever got to see him, of course. 'Can't believe someone actually doesn't know what Duel Monsters is. If they don't even know that how do they expect me to let them date my little girl,' Seto inwardly ranted to himself.

'Of course, it'd be Duel Monsters. What else would be more important than that stupid game?' Kagome thought with a mental scowl though her face remained rather bored in regards to her father's response. Since a little after her twelfth birthday, she had retained a cool façade in front of her father, never really showing the oldest Kaiba when he would upset her.

'I guess it's a good thing Sesshomaru-aniki and I were never actually dating, and had only gone as far as that one mistletoe kiss from last year's Winter Solstice Gala.' She quickly pushed those thoughts out of her mind as she continued the conversation with her father and uncle. "And your other requirements, chichiue?"

"Before we begin, know that these requirements are not only from me," Se stated now that he had finally snapped out of his thoughts. "But as well as your mother and the Higurashi matriarch."

"First," Mokuba quickly started, seeing that his niece wanted to be finished with this impromptu meeting as soon as possible. "He has to be comfortable with living in a wealthy environment, but that doesn't mean you have to marry someone who's rich. He just has to be a respectable young man, and can't be a jerk, a weirdo, or a snob," the younger Kaiba male continued, knowing how much his sister-in-law's family hated arrogant and obnoxious people.

"Alright," Kagome agreed as she reached into her hand bag and pulled out a small notepad and a pen to write down the standards she would have to follow to find her future husband.

"Secondly," continued Seto as eyed Kagome with a serious look. "He must be healthy and exceptionally athletic especially if you want him to be able to keep up with you," he added pointedly, remembering how often his daughter trained in her chosen sports.

"Thirdly, he has to be able to provide for you through his own career, and not through the use of his family's wealth or his trust fund if he has one. He most definitely is not allowed free load off your efforts," Mokuba scowled. Oh how he hated free loaders and gold diggers.

"Fourthly, he has to be able to duel, and I mean with Duel Monsters not a physical fight. That is the main reason why your mother and I are sending you to Duel Academy. At the moment most of the best junior league and most prospective duelist are attending our school. As my daughter and junior champion, it is somewhat expected of you to date someone one who has some decent skills," Seto stated.

He took care to not mention about his daughter's withdrawal from the Japan Championship Tournament back in March when she was the defending champion. Just thinking about that time and what had happened to his little girl had him seething and murderous for the person's blood; a similar feeling had also boiled in him eleven years ago, but much more ferociously.

"Lastly and most importantly is that..."

"We want your future husband to love you for you and truly care about you," finished the two elder Kaiba's together.

"I know I have never been there when you needed me most, nor have I been a very good father to you and Souta, but know this," Seto spoke softly, and as he spoke he quietly rose from his seat and walked around his desk.

As his daughter sat stiff in her seat and unknowing of his intentions, the blue-eyed man wrapped his arms around his daughter in a fatherly hug; one that he rarely was able to give her and his son. "I love the both of you very much, and I only want what's the best for my little girl, Gome-chan," said Seto softly as his arms tightened around the young Kaiba.

Kagome sat in her seat stock still as her mind slowly processed what had just transpired, her heart hesitant to accept the older Kaiba's words as the truth. Her body subconsciously stiffened further upon feeling her father's arms wrap her in his embrace. When she felt the older Kaiba's arms tighten around her the blue-eyed girl finally began to relax into his hold. In the far recesses of her mind one of the walls built around her heart began to crumble as she slowly returned her father's hug.

For the first time since after her move to Tokyo, she called her father the one thing he had longed to hear from her. "I know tou-chan, I know," Kagome whispered as joy filled tears sprung the corners of her eyes and began trailing down her cheeks in small rivulets.

As this display of father-daughter affection was going on Mokuba remained completely silent as he watched his older brother and niece make up for past transgressions. 'Well this was unexpected,' thought Mokuba as he leaned against the wall that was behind him with his arms crossed over his suit covered chest and a smirk crawling onto his face. 'But it's a good unexpected.'

When father and daughter finally pulled away from each other and out of each other's embrace the two quickly recomposed themselves and were back in their seats sitting still with straight backs. Seeing that the two other Kaiba's were back to their normal selves, Mokuba began speaking again, "Now that we're all back to normal. How about we address Kagome-chan's competition problem, ne?"

"Oh yeah… What are we going to do about that?" the youngest Kaiba asked just remembering one of her issues about enrolling into Duel Academy.

"Well you can just not go to the competitions during your time at the academy," suggested Mokuba as he pushed himself off the wall that he had been leaning on.

"I'm not going to the academy unless I can still compete in them," stated Kagome with finality. "Plus, I can't do that! My team's last competition is in September, and I have to keep in shape for my other competitions too. By attending that place, all the training I've put in will be for naught since more than half my muscles will be gone by time I compete in the fall," complained Kagome.

"There is a reason why I had a gym and other training facilities built with the academy," added Seto. "You may continue practicing your martial arts and routines there."

"So that solves one for you, but what about actually attending the competitions?"

"Well… I was hoping you would change your mind about sending me to the academy, and let me stay at my current school…," Kagome mumbled out meekly before adding her reason. "Because if I go to the academy, I won't be able to do any more of the Pro Dueling matches since I won't have accessible transportation to the Kaiba Dome anymore."

"That I won't allow," said Seto firmly, leaving the poor girl confused on whether he meant her staying at her current school or her hiatus from the Pro Dueling League. "However to compensate for taking you away from your friends and school, I will allow the use of one of the company's helicopter to get to your tournaments during the school term."

"Really?" asked Kagome, who had immediately perked up and began slightly bouncing in her seat as the last few words passed through her father's lips.

"Kagome, Kaiba's do not bounce around like a hyperactive lunatic with the exceptions of your uncle and brother on a sugar high," Seto chuckled softly as he tried to stop his daughter's sudden burst of bounciness.

Remembering where she was, Kagome stopped bouncing in her seat and calmed herself down. "Okay… but what am I supposed to tell my friends when they ask me why I am transferring schools?"

"How about the truth?" suggested Mokuba with an arched eyebrow as he once again leaned back against the wall, but this time with his hands laced together behind his head.

"Can't; I only have one friend who knows Souta and I are related to the 'Great Kaiba Seto' and his little brother doesn't even attend Issei with me or the others, and I would rather Souta didn't get swamped with more media attention than what he already will have to deal with." As the two continued with Mokuba shooting off ideas and Kagome putting them down for one reason or another they never noticed that as each idea was shout out that Seto was slowly starting to lose his cool.

"Just tell them that your father called, and told you that you have been enrolled into Duel Academy to find someone suitable to your taste in men," Seto said hotly. He was tired of the two younger Kaiba's talking as if he was not there and their crazy ideas to explain to his daughter's friends why she was transferring schools.

"That might actually work," exclaimed Kagome with a happy grin appearing on her face as she snapped her fingers. Despite being a child that could be considered a prodigy, the blue-eyed girl sometimes overlooked the simplest of solutions, and usually preferring the elaborate ones… much like her mother.

"Why didn't I think of that?" Mokuba asked himself.

"Because out of the two of us, you're the younger and immature one," Seto stated with a smirk.

"Hey I resent the immature statement; I am not immature!" retorted Mokuba while pouting and crossing his arms together over his chest. At that moment, he looked very much the part of an insulted child.

Ignoring his little brother Seto turned back towards his daughter and began to tell her how and who she will be going to school as. "Now that we have that taken care of, Kagome you will going to school using you current alias of Kagome Higurashi to keep away boys who are after you for the family fortune as that was one our standards in your future husband."

"I was going to do that anyways, I would probably get more suitors being Kaiba Seto's daughter than I would as the Ace Princess," declared Kagome as she started to play with the butterfly embroidery at the hem of her dress.

"Yes, that's because you will still be known as the Ace Princess. That may help you find a suitor who actually has some skills in the game instead of those pathetic amateurs."

"So may I take my leave chichiue?" inquired Kagome as she stood up from her seat.

"Yes, you may Kagome, but remember the entrance exam is in a month. Exactly one week before the academy school year starts and you have to take it if you want a good dorm," reminded Seto as he let his daughter return to his wife's home in Tokyo.

"Yes chichiue," answered Kagome solemnly as she remembered that she still had to leave her friends behind to attend her new school. Kagome then proceeded to calmly leave her father's office with her back straight and her dress moving about her like an ocean breeze was gently blowing towards her.

As soon as his niece was gone Mokuba turned toward his brother and asked, "Well shall we go tell the pilots to be ready to take Gome-chan to competitions during the school year."

Silently getting up from his seat, Seto headed out of his office towards the direction of where the company pilots stayed within the building while calling out to Mokuba, "Let's go, Mokuba."

Hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter of The Duel Champion's Daughter.

Please send criticism on how to make the story better and what I have to change. :D

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