Anya's Density
Here is another sequel for the film and I'm planning on using old characters from my previous stories. Enjoy!
Our story begins at the Catherine Palace; the time of year is spring where everything changes and the time of love and romance. Everyone is into it . . . expecting for one person . . .
"Wow, I've ever seen everyone so happy before," said Izzie the bat, nephew of Bartok.
"Yeah, that's because they're all up in the clouds with this romance thing," complained Ryan the cub, nephew of Zozi, "Makes me sick."
"Oh, come now. You're not certainly going to ruin this loving holiday. Are you, Ryan?"
"Whatever," mumbled the cub, "Hey, wanna race?"
"Oh, I don't know if you can beat me," bragged the bat.
"Why not?"
"Because I'm getting a head start!" The bat takes off.
"Hey! No fair!" Ryan starts running, "I want a rematch!"
Meanwhile, Anya comes up to a door and steps in. She looks around and smiles. Then a little girl name Tani enters the room.
"Hi, Anya," greeted Tani, "Whatcha doing?"
"Oh, not much," said Anya, "Just looking back a few things."
"Did you miss this place?"
She smiles, "Yeah, I did."
"It sure is big. What's going to happen to some of these rooms?"
"I'm sure they'll come in handy."
Just then, both Ryan and Izzie run in at the same time. "Yahoo! I won. I won. I won," Ryan singed.
"I so beat you by a mile," Izzie claimed.
"Did not! I was so ahead of you."
"Hi, Ryan. Hi, Izzie," Tani waved.
"Hello," the two animals greeted.
"So, what are you too arguing about now?" asked Anya.
"Well, we had s race," Ryan explained," and I won."
"Did not!"
"Did too!"
"That's ridiculous."
"No, you're ridiculous!"
"Uh, guys," Tani step in, "I don't think there's no need to argue."
Ryan and Izzie look at one another, "How about a tie?"
"Work with me," Izzie says as he turns to Anya," So Anya, that Dimitri guy look nice."
"Yeah, He one of a kind."
"Oh, what kind?" Ryan asked,
"The sweet and gentle kind."
"Oh," Ryan sighed, "So, any plan for the future?"
"I don't know-"
"You'll still have us around, right?" Tani asked.
"Of course, I will."
"Oh also, you'll have the palace staff, and guards, and you'll even have your kids and-"
Anya turns to Ryan, "Wait, wait, wait. What did you just say?"
"'You have the palace staff and guards-"
"No, no. Not that. Did you mention 'kids'?"
"Well, you are having some. Are you?"
Anya bit her bottom lip and sighs, "Guys, look. Having children is not an easy thing to do and it's something that I'm . . . not ready for."
"Well, we truly understand," Izzie confesses.
"Yeah, but what about the Romanov line?" Tani points out, "What going to happen to the family name?"
"I don't know," Anya answers, "We'll just have to see."
Just then Dimitri comes in, along with Pooka. "I'm sorry. I'm interrupting something here?"
They look at Anya, "No, not at all."
Dimitri clears his throat, "Um, would you three please excuse us for a moment?"
"Sure, of course," Izzie says," Come along, guys."
All three exits the room leaving Dimitri and Anya alone in the room.
"So, you wanted to talk to you?" ask Anya.
"Yes, um, I did," Dimitri starts," Anya, how do you feel about me?"
"Well, I think you're sweet, kind, and . . . I can't stop there."
Dimitri smiles, "I think you're generous, smart and very beautiful."
"Thank you."
Then, Dimitri reaches in his pocket and pulls out a small box. "Anya, you are the one who changed me. I was nothing without you and I want to be with you for the rest of my life." That this point, Anya is shock. Dimitri gets down on his knees and opens the small box. "Will you marry me?"
Anya looks down at the ring and smiles. "Yes, I will." She hugs him, "I love you. More than you know."
At this point, everything is prefect.