AN: This will always be one of my favourite AU stories, and one that was received so warmly by everyone that read it. Lots of you wanted me to write the "One Day..." that Jack alludes to in the previous chapter, and though it's taken a long time for me to get around to it, I've finally done it.

This is just the beginning...

Please review x

Jack's fingers trembled as he stood in front of the mirror tying his tie. Fixing it in place he checked his reflection in the glass, smiling a little at himself in an attempt to settle his nerves. Things had been rocky for him and Ianto, and there'd been times when he wasn't sure they'd make it to this day, but he was finally stood in a hotel room on the morning of their wedding. Walking back into the bedroom he checked his watch. He had two hours to go. He sat down on the end of the bed, his head falling into his hands as thoughts of John swept through him again.


Jack was the master when it came to entrances. They always tended to be just that little bit dramatic, most certainly flamboyant whenever possible. That's why he'd decided to give John this entrance, let him have the grand arrival, leaving Jack waiting patiently at the alter.

Jack had smiled at the guests as they'd arrived, each filing in and taking their seats, some coming over to wish him luck. As the clock neared the time for John's arrival Jack felt his heart rate increase, the traditional nerves kicking in.

"You okay?" Gwen asked as she joined him.

Jack nodded. "Course." He said, his voice suggesting he wasn't.

"Nerves are perfectly normal lovely. You look gorgeous. Good luck." She said with a fond smile, hugging him tightly before returning to her seat.

Jack took a long steadying breathe as the assembled guests all settled in their seats and a hush fell on the room. The doors at the back of the room opened and John appeared. Jack's face broke into a beaming grin as he locked eyes with his soon-to-be husband and he felt any nerves he'd had melt away.

And then the music started.

"The minute you walked in the joint..."

Jack couldn't help but laugh as John smirked. He hadn't told Jack what song he'd chosen for his entrance, but he wasn't entirely surprised by its none traditionalism. The guests were all giggling too as John practically strutted down the aisle, soon reaching Jack's side.

"Subtle." Jack remarked with a wry smile.

"Pot. Kettle. And black." John replied with a knowing look.

"Point taken." Jack conceded as he took John's hand and they turned to start the ceremony.


"I've got what...?" John practically whispered as he felt Jack's hand tighten it's grasp on his own.

"I'm afraid the cancer has spread. It's inoperable Mr Hart. I'm very sorry but there is nothing more we can do for you." His consultant explained grimly.

"But the chemo... I've been having all the chemo you've asked me to... I've eaten all this organic rubbish... I've done everything you asked me to." John replied angrily.

"I'm truly sorry." His consultant repeated.

"Sorry?" John echoed softly.

"How long?" Jack's voice choked.

"It's hard to say... but we're looking at weeks rather months." The consultant replied.

John rose to his feet and left, Jack following numbly behind him, both silent until they reached the car.

"So what now?" Jack asked.

"Now... now we get incredibly drunk." He said simply before turning the ignition and heading out the car park.


John was led in bed at home, an oxygen cylinder beside him, mask covering his nose and mouth as he fought for every breath. The nurse was downstairs, acutely aware that the end was near, but leaving the two men alone to share John's final moments.

"Remember... what I... said." John's voice was weak and laboured.

"You said a lot of things." Jack said with a fond smile as he held John's hand tenderly.

"Don't... grow old... alone." John said.

"I've got Gwen." Jack pointed out.

"You need... someone." John said.

"I need you." Jack admitted as tears filled his eyes and his voice broke.

"Always." John smiled, his eyes dropping closed as he fought desperately to keep them open.

"I love you." Jack said as the tears spilt down his cheeks.

"I love... you too... Jack." John said before his eyes slid closed a final time.

Jack removed the mask and kissed his husband softly one final time. "Sleep tight." He choked before walking out the room.


On another floor Ianto was pacing around his room, much to the amusement of Lisa who'd been drafted in as his 'Best Woman'.

"Ianto could you maybe calm down?" She smirked.

"I'm calm." Ianto lied.

"Sure you are." She grinned. "You've got an hour till you need be downstairs. Do you want a drink?"

"Am I making a mistake?" He asked suddenly.

"Seriously?" She asked.

He nodded.

"Sweetheart Jack adores you. And you adore him. I know things haven't been easy... but I have no doubt you two are meant to be together forever. I promise you... I wouldn't let you go through with it if I thought you were making a mistake." She assured.

Ianto smiled. "Thank you." He sighed. "Wasn't that long ago that I thought the only person I was ever going to marry was you." He said softly.

She smiled fondly. "Me too." She admitted. "But I think we've both picked the right men."

Ianto nodded. "We have. Jack deserves a bloody medal for putting up with me." He remarked as he thought back to the many ups and downs they'd faced.


Ianto resisted the urge to scream. He'd stormed out the lounge for the third time that week, instead hiding out in the sanctuary of the bedroom. Raised voices, slamming doors and separate beds were becoming something of regular occurrence. Jack would no doubt be nursing a glass of whiskey shortly, before stalking off to the spare room where most of his things seemed to be at moment.

Ianto sighed as he sat on the edge of the bed, flopping back on it as he tried to remember what had started the latest fight. The end was always the same but he couldn't remember what random thing had triggered tonight's domestic.

It had spiraled as it always did into a fight about money. Namely the fact that Jack had lots and Ianto didn't. Whilst Jack's photography business was on the rise, Ianto was floundering. John had been forced to close the club due to illness and so Ianto had lost his regular gig. He was still helping Lisa at the restaurant but you can't live on tips. He wanted to be self sufficient and independent. Jack just wanted to help.

Ianto knew he was being ridiculous. He knew he was being stubborn. He just hated relying on Jack for money. Getting up off the bed he walked to the door, pulling it open cautiously. Walking into the kitchen he found Jack, leant against the bench, a short glass of whiskey in his hand. The older man looked over at Ianto as he walked in.

"I'm sorry." Ianto said. "I hate living like this... I'm so tired of fighting with you... and I know it's my fault we're fighting."

"Ianto it takes two." Jack pointed out. "I'm just trying to help. But I can see how it makes you feel... and I'm sorry too."

Ianto stepped closer, smiling as Jack set the glass down and opened his arms for a hug.

"I appreciate your help. I'm just not used to relying on someone." Ianto said as he nestled in Jack's arms.

"I know." Jack said. "But I'm not just going to sit back and do nothing."

"I know. It's one of many reasons why I love you." Ianto confirmed.

"I love you too." Jack planted a kiss on the top of Ianto's head.


It had happened on a random Sunday afternoon. There was nothing special about the day, no anniversary, no occasion. In fact it was about as normal a day as you could imagine when Ianto and Jack pushed their trolley over to the car and began emptying it's contents into the boot before Ianto returned the empty trolley to where the others were gathered and then joined Jack in the car.

"Marry me." Jack stated more than asked, his voice unsurprisingly nervous.

"What?" Ianto asked softly.

"I'm ready... and I love you... and you love me... so I want you to marry me." Jack explained.

"Of all the places in all the world you ask me to marry you on a Tesco car park in Cardiff?" Ianto checked.

"Well obviously I wanted to whisk you off somewhere fancy but that would have posed too many questions... when really there's only one." Jack remarked with a smirk.

"True." Ianto conceded. "The answers yes by the way. In case you were wondering." He added as nonchalantly as he could muster.

Jack's face broke into a beaming grin. "Yes?" He echoed.

"What you thought I'd say no?" Ianto asked with a smile.

"I thought maybe the Tesco factor might have put you off." Jack joked.

"You're right. Drive me to Waitrose and ask me again." Ianto teased.

Jack sniggered. "So we're engaged?" He checked.

"We're engaged." Ianto confirmed.

"I love you so much." Jack said leaning over and kissing Ianto.

"I love you too Jack." Ianto murmured before kissing him once more.


"Tosh left me." Owen said with a sigh. He and Ianto were sat in the pub enjoying their weekly beer night. They'd grown closer in recent months, enjoying regular double dates with Jack and Tosh, but a solid friendship had formed between the two men.

"What?" Ianto sounded shocked as he looked across the small table at his friend.

"She doesn't trust me. Thinks I'm having an affair." Owen explained.

"Who with?" Ianto asked.

Owen smirked, looking over at Ianto with one eyebrow raised.

"Me?" Ianto asked in surprise. "She remembers Jack yeah? The whole engagement thing?"

Owen nodded. "She does." He confirmed. "But she also knows how I feel about you. And knows that if you and Jack were ever to split..." His voice trailed off.

"Owen." Ianto said softly.

"Are you certain he's the man you want to marry? Are you a hundred percent certain that you want to spend forever with him? And not someone else?" Owen asked.

"Someone like you?" Ianto asked.

"Someone precisely like me." Owen asked. "Look I love you... I'm always going to love you... and I just want you to know that I'm always going to be here... if you ever change your mind."

"Owen I love you... but not like that. Not anymore. You know I love Jack... and I'm marrying Jack... because Jack is the man I want to marry... and I'm really sorry things didn't work out with Tosh... but you can't wait around on the off chance Jack and I split." Ianto explained.

Owen nodded. "I know." He admitted softly. "God life is such a mess." He said rubbing his hand over his face and through his hair. "I should never have screwed things up with you. I'm such an idiot."

"You're not an idiot Owen. And I hope you find someone. Someone you're meant to be with. Because I'm afraid its not me." Ianto said.

Owen nodded. "I know. I just... I wanted to tell you."

Ianto nodded. "I'm always here for you Owen."

Owen smiled softly. "Cheers mate."