I notice this chapter didn't get in even though I thought it did. So, I'm including it as a lost chapter. Sorry about it folks. This is Max's reaction to Terra and is very important so please read. Again, I am very sorry. I don't know how i got lost but it did, so please read the lost you!

Chapter 3:

Max's (p.o.v):

Where was he? Why hadn't Iggy returned yet? I feel every worried right now. I'm pacing up and down and can't stand still.

"Where is he?" I ask for the thousandth time.

"If you're so nervous then why don't you go and find him?" Fang asks. I stare at him.

"Like you're not nervous." I say.

"Your right, but I know he's okay." He says not looking at me.

"How do you know?" I ask him.

"Because I'm not freaking out." He says. I was just about ready to argue when Angel said something.

"He's coming, and someone's with him." Angel says. We all look at her then I look at Fang thinking his person is and Eraser gonna threaten his life or something.

I was about to ask Angel more about this person when Iggy came through.

"Hey everyone! I'm back!" Iggy says in his normal tone. But no one seems to notice since everyone was staring at the girl standing next to him.

She was tall and looked my age. She had deep red hair that was cut short just below the ears and had freckles all over. But what surprised all of us was the blue-black wings on her back.

Her face turned red when she saw us staring. I couldn't help but notice the girl and Iggy holding hands.

"Everyone," Iggy pronounced. "this is Terra. Terra this is everyone. Gasman, Angel, Nudge, Fang, Max, and I'm Iggy!" He says pointing us all out.

"Iggy," I start. "who is she? Why did you bring her here?" I ask. Before Iggy had a chance to say anything, this Terra did.

"I'm sorry." She began. "I fell from the sky and knocked Iggy over." Terra says flushed with embarrassment.

I had no words for this. No one seemed to. The all just stared at her.

"So," Suddenly Nudge says. "you came from the School?" Terra bit her lip but nodded yes.

"Really? How'd you escape?" Gazzy asked. Terra seemed like she had to think about it.

"I….I was set free." Now she looked at everyone. I wonder what's she thinking.

"What do you mean Jeb set you free?" Of course Angel answered. We all froze at the name. Jeb? She knew Jeb?

"I'm not sure." Terra says. "He just told me to get as far away from the School as possible." We all just stared. Jeb let her go. Jeb helped her escape. Just like us.

Iggy seemed to understand we weren't getting anywhere on the subject because what he did next set up for a battle.

"Hey, why doesn't she join us?" Iggy asks. For a second we all look at him in surprise, even Terra.

"That's a great idea!" Gazzy exclaims.

"Yeah!" Nudge says. "That would be great!"

"Wait, wait, wait." I say. "We know nothing about her. How do we know we can trust her?" I add in a whisper.

"We can trust her." Angel says "She just very confessed, that's all. If she joins us, she won't be lost anymore." Angel says.

What, are you psyche now? I thought. Angel gave me a big grin.

I turn to Terra. Her face was still a little red. Her big, silver eyes looked not hopeful. All together she looked like a sad little puppy dog.

I turn to Fang.

"Got anything you'd like to add Fang?" Fang shrugged.

"Your choice leader." He said. Not helping.

I rubbed my forehead and looked at Terra.

"You can stay with us Terra, but you better believe I won't hesitate to leave you behind if you show one sign of betrayal." I say. Behind me, the little ones cheer as though they just won something, Fang didn't move and Terra nodded in agreement. Iggy smiled.

It took a lot of control not to tell Iggy Terra's his respondability. Good thing I didn't.

Iggy's (p.o.v):

I couldn't believe it when I heard Max say Terra could stay. Inside I felt….relief. I'm not sure but there's something about Terra. She makes me feel like myself. And though I hadn't noticed earlier,

My anxiety was gone.

Yeah, so sorry about that. But I have good news! It looks like there might be a sequel to this after all. I mean, like stories about what happened after this story took place. I can't guarantee Terra will be in it, but maybe. You'll just have to check soon. I hope to see you soon!