AN: Thanks for the reviews and for putting this story on your favorites! This story ends today, sorry. Tear! Oh and Happy Valentine's Day to anyone who is not anti-Valentine's Day like me. Lol. Enjoy…

I do not own Twilight or the characters!

"Love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own."~ Unknown.

February 14, 2010- Valentine's Day

I woke up in the worst mood ever. I hated Valentine's Day with a passion and I had received Happy V-Day texts from some of my friends in Oregon. I ignored the messages because I didn't want anyone asking what happened between the douche lord and me. I threw my feet on the cool wooden floor and sat on the edge of my bed. Today was the day that someone was going to lose their life. Once I figured out who this secret admirer was, their world was going to be turned upside down and inside out.

" Lee breakfast is ready," Seth knocked lightly on my door.

" Ok thanks." I got up and headed to the bathroom.

My mother had taken the time to make heart-shaped pancakes for breakfast. I rolled my eyes and sat down in front of my plate.

" Why so angry honey," my mother asked ruffling my hair. She was dressed up and had an apron on with a giant heart in the middle.

" You know why I am angry mom," I said nonchalantly. Seth reached for a sausage link on my plate. " You touch it and I will snap your fingers off."

Seth quickly snatched his hand away and ate his own food.

" Leah be nice to your brother," my mother said. There was a knock at the door and she literally ran to get it.

" Oh Charlie thank you. Come on in, everyone is in the kitchen," I heard my mother say. So that was what she was all dressed up for.

" Good morning," Charlie said sitting down at the table. I smiled weakly while Seth was his talkative self.

"You should try the blueberry heart-shaped pancakes, they are delicious," Seth passed the plate of pancakes to Charlie. My mother was gleaming and couldn't stop smiling as she sat down next to Charlie. She reminded me of myself when I was with…Sam. I shook Sam from my head and finished eating my breakfast.

" I'm going to go take a shower," I got up from the table and took my plate to the sink. I refused to sit here and watch this love fest between my mother and Bella's father.

I dressed myself in jeans and put on my anti- V-day shirt. The shirt was black and said ' Me, Bitter? What the fuck gave you that idea'. I put on my black and red converses and brushed my hair into a neat ponytail. I turned around and noticed a note on my bed.

" Ok you little fucker reveal yourself," I said opening the note.

" La Push beach". ~Secret Admirer.

I balled the piece of paper up and threw it in the trash. I took one last look at myself in the mirror and then walked out of my room.

" I am going to the beach," I told my mother. It was only her and Charlie left at the table. " Where's Seth?"

" Oh he said he had something to do. You be careful Lee,' she said as Charlie fed her a sausage link. I think I just threw up in my mouth, yuck.

" I will," I quickly left the kitchen before I witnessed them having sex on the kitchen table.

The wind was slightly blowing which felt good to my boiling skin. Today was another sunny day; the weather did not match my mood. I finally reached the beach and could see a big heart drawn into the sand.

" Ok come out," I yelled, preparing myself for this surprise.

" Hey Lee," Quil said with roses in his hands. My mouth fell open and I balled my fist up.

" So it was you. You jerk face scumbag, you know I hate Valentine's Day," I said swinging my fist at him.

" Calm down Leah," Jacob said walking up. He had a box of chocolate in his hands. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead.

" Ok what the hell is going on here," I asked. Paul, Seth, Sam, and Embry were walking up with items in their hands.

" We all wanted to do something special for you," Seth said handing me a heart-shaped balloon.

" Are you fucking serious? Is this some kind of sick joke," I asked. So which one of them was my secret admirer?

" Nope I'm being nice for once," Paul replied.

" We all know you hate V-Day, but we wanted to let you know that you are loved here Lee-Lee," Sam explained. He handed me a red box and I raised an eyebrow in question.

"Open it," Embry pushed. I opened the box and there was a bracelet with a silver wolf charm.

" Thanks," I said solemnly. I didn't really know what to say.

" I picked out the charm," Jared pointed to himself.

" Um, I can't believe you all did this for me," I replied. I was so angry today and I was dreading today. I didn't realize how much people cared about me until today.

" Is that a tear I see,' Paul asked pointing to my cheek. I quickly wiped the tear away.

" Aww," Jacob hugged me.

" So who is responsible for the secret admirer notes," I asked and they all smiled.

" We all are responsible for those. It was hilarious seeing you get so pissed off after you found one," Seth laughed. I glared at all of them and wiped more tears from my eyes. Damn, I hated to cry in front of them.

" You guys are sweet. Thanks," I said. They all came in and hugged me. It was a big wolf pack hug, ok that was a little corny.

So maybe Valentine's Day wasn't so bad after all. It was never going to be my favorite holiday, but I will always remember this specific Valentine's Day.

The End! Did anybody guess that the whole pack had something to do with this? I bet not! Lol. Thanks for supporting this mini-story, hope you enjoyed it. Now I will get back to writing for Hear Me Howl. Thanks again!