An: Ok so I officially hate Valentine's Day after my boyfriend dumped me. I have never really liked Valentine's day anyway but now it makes me sick. Anyway, this story starts out with Leah and her boyfriend Adohi. I don't want to give away the story so please just read to find out. Hope you all enjoy…

I don't own Twilight or the characters. Just this little plot.

Love makes your soul crawl from it's hiding place~ Zora Neale Hurtson

Never did I think I could ever fall in love again. I proved everyone wrong by falling in love the natural way. I had stopped phasing a year a go and moved to Portland, Oregon to get away from the madness. I was currently in school trying to get a degree in psychical therapy and that's where I met him. He was tall, dark and all kinds of handsome. The lucky guy I was talking about was one of my professors, Mr. Adohi Wood. No he was not one of those creepy old professor, he is actually 29 years old.

I will always remember the day I met him. Back then I was still bitter harpy and I bit his head off for saying hi and smiling flirtatiously at me. I was really creeped out by the fact that he was my professor but he kind of grew on me. The first time he asked me out was after class one day. I agreed to go out with him and the date was great. He didn't take me to one of those fancy places that had food that I couldn't pronounce, and that's when I knew I liked him. He didn't try to impress me, he just naturally did.

We went out on a few more dates for almost two months and that's when he finally asked to take the relationship to the next level. I was really iffy on that just because of my past experience with Sam, but I finally gave in after a month. Adohi really treated me like a lady, something I never really experienced aside from Sam. He knew how to cook and he knew when he should give me some space. And the sex was um…no comment, I will keep it PG-13.

Now here I am sitting with my main man on the couch watching A Walk to Remember. This movie really knew how to put a girl in a depressing mood.

" Can we please watch something else," Adohi asked rubbing my lower back. My eyes widened at his remark. This movie was epic and he wanted to watch something else.

" No. You promised tonight was my night," I replied laying my head in his lap. He stroked my black hair that I had let grow out again.

" I guess you're right. It's just I need some action, this is really mushy babe." Adohi was into the Transformer type movies. Don't get me wrong I loved Transformers, but I needed a little sappy romance in my life too. Adohi's phone rang and he quickly pushed me to the side and got up.

"I gotta take this call," Adohi stepped outside of the apartment. I sat up and continued to watch the movie. After about fifteen minutes Adohi came back into the apartment and began gathering his things.

"Where are you going," I asked pausing the movie. He put his jacket on and threw on his boots.

" Um it's an emergency," he quickly said pecking my lips and rushing out the door.

"Yea I love you too." I said to myself.

It had been two weeks since I talked to Adohi. He had not been to class and he was not answering his phone. This was very odd behavior coming from him. He never ignored me, unless something very bad had happened to him. I texted, called, and even went by his apartment a few times. I waited another two weeks and still heard nothing from him. I decided to go by his apartment once again.

When I reached the brick building I proceeded up the stairs to the red door. I knocked three times and patiently waiting for an answer. Then it dawned on me, I had a key to the damn place. Adohi had given me a key which I totally had forgotten about because I never had to use it. I pulled the silver key from my bag and put it in the keyhole, turning it slowly. I entered the small living room and could smell cinnamon rolls baking in the oven. Adohi could throw down on the cinnamon rolls, he made them from scratch.

" Adohi," I called out figuring he was in his bedroom. I could hear rummaging in the room and things being knocked over. I opened the door and there he was. He was not alone.

" Leah this is not what-"

" I don't want to hear it. This is definitely what it looks like you bastard," I yelled throwing my key at him. The woman rushed to throw on a t-shirt.

" Who the hell are you," I asked her. At first she looked startled, but that changed when she said those four words…

" I am his wife."

I know this first chapter sucks really bad and it was short, but I wanted to put something out there. This will be a mini-chaptered story revolving around Valentine's Day. I am not really sure where it is going but it will lead itself somewhere. If you have any ideas or anything you want to see, just tell me. I won't promise that I will use all suggestions because that might become overwhelming, lol. R&R please