*Stares at blank screen with angry face* I cannot believe I am going to actually type a lemon *sigh* well I did promise. Let me get this over with.

************WARNING All readers under the age of 18 are advise to NOT read this chapter. There will be scenes that will melt your young brains and make you go 'EEWWWWWW'***************

(But what do I care, you all never listen to me anyway lol.)

The Reward

I was standing outside my-our room. My body and mind was going haywire. I was having difficult time thinking. One part of me did not feel that I was ready while the other part wanted me to go in right now. The only thing keeping me sane was Richard. He was still holding back the flow of hormones that were getting riled up as I was thinking.

"What do I do? Can I please her? I don't even know the first thing about mating!" I yelled in my head.

Richard responded in a calm tone "You do know how to mate. One of the benefits of these hormones is that they give you the knowledge of how to please your respective other. To answer your other question, there is only one way to find out."

"You are right."

"It is kind of funny really"

"Oh enlighten me."

"I never imagine that I would lose my own innocence to a dragon."

"Well…let's do this" I replied. I took a deep breath and opened the door. I tried to mentally prepare myself for what I would see on the other side. Even still, I was shocked as to what I saw.

There was no one there.

The bed was unwrinkled and nobody was on the balcony. I did notice that the bathroom door was close and the lights were on. I went to the door and started to knock.

"Krystal, are you in there?"

I heard her voice replied but there was something…odd about it "Be right out. Why don't you lie on the bed for a while and get cozy."

I gave a brief shrug and went to the bed. I got on and started to find a position that would be appealing to her. I also knew that there was one more thing I need to take care of.

"Richard" I thought

"Yeah" he replied

"You can release my hormones. It will be no use resisting the moment that my love steps out of that door."

"I understand. Have fun"

I started to get a strange feeling entering my body. It was warping my mind and making my thoughts more…dirtier. I let my new energy shift my body in a better position to really show off my muscles and the location of Krystal's ultimate prize, my dragonhood.

The bathroom door slowly opened and even my deranged mind did not come up with this.

Krystal was not wearing any of her usual jewelry. She had on a lust/love filled face as she started to walk to me, eyeing at various places on my body. Her hips were swinging in a motion that was hard for me to resist not looking and from the smugness on her face; I could tell she liked what she was seeing. I then notice a sent that was resonating off her. It smelled like rare wildflowers mixed with fruits and vegetables. It made my desire for her start to rise.

She got on the bed and started to crawl on top of me so I was on the bottom facing her. Without thinking, I started to feel every curve on her body with my paws. Her entire body was as soft as a pile of hay yet firm like rubber. Our tails intertwined with the other of their own accord and we started to make-out.

The kiss was so full of passion that I had completely loss my train of thought. I started to work my paws lower and lower while I started to beg for entrance into her mouth. She complied and the kiss was intensified as our tongues started to explore the other mouth. They would occasionally wrestle with each other and lick the others teeth and saliva.

I then heard Krystal let off a moan as I snapped back to a semi-reality. I realized that one of my paws was massaging her butt as another was had a single digit just about to enter her vital spot.

I started to blush as Krystal examined where my paws were at. She started to giggle at the concept and turned to look at me again. Her face showed no sign of anger and set my mind at ease.

"It seems you paws have wondered a bit. But I am not letting you have me that easily" she replied seductively as she used her back paws to push my paws away.

"Time for your reward" She said in an innocent tone as she started to nibble on my neck. I was letting of some giggles fallowed my moaning. I then felt blood rushing to my dragonhood and I knew the moment of truth would arrive. However, I was not going to let Krystal have me so easily.

I tried to resist the pressure that was building in between my legs as Krystal started to lower her head closer to that particular area. She was kissing at every part of my body she could while using her front paws to feel my muscles, which was starting to turn her on.

It was too much for me to resist as I let my dragonhood show for the first time. My organ was standing a good five feet in length and was already harden. Krystal was in shock for a few minutes but quickly got a more devilish look. I was also surprise but I changed my featured into a smugger look.

"Well…is this enough to please you?" I asked my mate who was still staring at the harden dick.

"There is only one way to find out." She replied in an innocent tone as she started to massage my dick with her paw. I let off a series of moans as she continued the action.

I then felt her stopped and before I could ask why, I felt her put my tool inside her mouth. She then began to suck on it, determine to get some of my sweet juices. She was also increasing my pleasure by taking her two front paws and started to play with my balls.

This went on for a good five minutes before I gave a roar that singles my climax. I felt my dragonhood twitch before releasing inside of her mouth. She did her best to try and drink it all but some of my seed mange to drip out of her mouth.

"How did you like your reward?" she asked in a devilish tone. I just nodded my head, words lost to me from the afterglow.

Krystal then got on all fours and turned around so her butt was facing me. She spread out her hind legs and lowered her front legs as a sign of submission. Her tail then was raised up so I could get a good look at her silt, which was now wet.

"Spirit, if you don't mind, I want you to mount me for our first time." She asked in a serious tone.

Even through my induced brain, I knew what one of the effects that was going to happen if we took it this far. I had to ask to make sure.

"Krystal, you do understand that if we do this, you are going to feel pain."

"I understand Spirit and I have always wanted you to take my innocence away. Now can you please mount me and let us become proper mates."

I got up on my own feet and walked over so I was right beside her. I started to rub my head on her as I replied "I will do whatever I can to make you happy."

I then started to swing my body over hers, making sure I was not going to lay on one of her wings. After a few minutes of adjusting, I had my dragonhood hovering a few centimeters from her wet entrance.

I gave her a quick kiss on the forehead as I entered her for the first time.

Nothing could prepare me for what I felt when I got inside her. I felt her walls trying to constrict me as I moved deeper inside her. Both of us were letting off gasps of pleasure as I continued my advance until I hit the last obstacle standing between us.

It was Krystal's innocence barrier.

I started to get nervous as I tried to figure out how to reduce the pain that she would receive. I then came up with an effective plan. I quickly told Krystal "I think I have a plan that might lessen the pain you will get. Can you give me a minute?"

She nodded her head and I quickly made contact with Richard.

"I have a question?"

"What is it?"

"If you can lessen the pain I get in my body, can you do that to another dragon?"

"I can try, but I won't be able to get rid of all the pain."

"I understand just do it for Krystal. I am about to pop her open."

Richard nodded his head and I then told Krystal "Okay, Richard is going to do his best to lessen the pain you are going to get. Are you ready?"

"Yesssss take me NOW." she cried

I nodded my head and drew back a bit before putting my whole strength into the first thrust. I had succeeded in breaking the barrier.

I then heard a cry of pain coming from Krystal fallow by the feeling of wet liquid on my dick. I quickly guessed it was blood.

Guilt started to plague my body as I realized that I still caused Krystal pain. She must have sensed my thoughts because she said "Please don't stop Spirit. I am alright."

"No you are not. I can see you are in pain. It is worse because I know I was the one who caused it."

"Spirit" she said in a soothing voice that I was surprised to hear in her current condition "I don't blame you for this. However, you will cause me pain if you quit on me right now. I just need some time to adjust to you being inside of me."

I gave a sigh as I realized that she was right. That did not stop me from saying "I am going to take it slow first."

"Okay" she replied and we just stayed in our respective positions. I felt the blood coming from inside her stopping and her breathing returning to normal.

"Okay, I am ready for you now." she replied. I nodded my head and started to make slow steady trusts inside of her. I could hear the gasps and moans of pleasure that were coming from her.

"Spirit *moan* can you go *moan* a little faster." She asked in a cute tone. I replied by increasing the speed of my movements a little faster.

"Yessss, that it." She replied in a seductive tone that turned me on a little. I then started to put more power into my thrust, trying to see how much I could please her.

"Krystal, you are so…so warm, moist and…and tight." I replied without even thinking about it. She must have heard me because she now started a counter motion of thrust that was sending the waves of pleasure crashing on me.

It was like I was in the perfect dream. We each knew what the other wanted in a way that we did not have to ask for it, we just got it. Our movements went faster while still maintain that perfect sync.

I then discover Krystal's g-spot. Putting on a devilish face, I spoke in a seductive tone "Want me to make you feel really good?"

She nodded her head, too lost for words in the heat of passion. I then made my thrust that hit her g-spot dead on. She let out a roar of pleasure and was renewed with energy. I then started to play with that spot, trying to get her to climax faster.

The whole event lasted for ten minutes. We both were feeling a pressure building up in our respective sex parts. We both knew what was coming and I just had to say it.

"I…I'm going to cum." I shouted

"Do it." She replied back

I screamed her name as I released one heck of an orgasm. I then felt the waves of juices from my seed colliding with Krystal's warm juices.

Krystal was unable to stay standing any longer and fell right on the bed. We were both so tired that I did not feel like removing my dragonhood.

I moved my head closer to Krystal's ear and asked "How was that?"

She was still trying to catch her breath as she replied "That…was…incredible. I am so glad that I was able to experience that feeling with you love."

"Shhh" I replied "It is late and we are both tired. I am already cozy so why don't we go to sleep?"

'That sounds like a good idea. I love you Spirit."

"And I will always love you Krystal."

We then closed our eyes and fell into our respective dreams. We were no longer worrying about being alone.

So how did I do? I am surprised that one of my longest chapters was a lemon. Anyhow, I am calling it a finish for this story but I plan on making a part three. I will tell you that the next part will in fact have younglings in them.

Read and Review
