DISCLAIMER: I do not own Fairy Tail and its characters.

Summary: After 3 years following a dark legend, Lucy returns to find little has changed. As dreams become reality and the impossible, possible; Can Lucy find that one fairy tale that can make her dreams come true? Or will she fall into a sleep of hellish nightmares?




R & R

Ch 1: The Stellar Return

In the mid-afternoon, the town of Magnolia glowed in the sun. The villagers bustled about the markets preparing for the next few days. Streamers and decorations lined the streets and everything just seemed to shine. Fantasia this year would be even better than the last.

A young woman of 21 walked down the path, her heels clicking on the cobblestone in her wake. Her attire consisted of a mid-length skirt that had a frill trim and a collared tank top with an attached caveat. A gold key adorned each of her ears. One key held the symbol for Leo; the other held Gemini. Other assorted keys hang from one side of her waist. While, a whip rested on the opposite side. Many watched her pass by, immediately recognizing the woman who had left the town for three years.

"My god…Its Lucy!"


"Mommy, who's the pretty lady?"

"Lucy's come back home!"

"Now everything will be back to normal!"

"Why'd she leave?"

She sighed. Lucy had hoped to get into the town without causing a stir. She didn't expect anyone would know why she left in the first place. Only a few people were privy to the information. Brushing her blond hair aside, she hurried down the street to get away from the curious townspeople. Her heels didn't really help much in her hope for speed and stealth.

'Let's just hope no one else sees me till I get there'


"Ah, crap." She groaned. Cursing her luck, she turned around. She was met with the sight of Salamander, her Nakama. A weak grin appeared on her face. Out of all people she didn't want to meet at the moment, he topped the list. "H-hey Natsu! I was Just going to see you at Fai-" She began before having to scramble out of the way of an oncoming punch.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!" Lucy yelled, quickly recovering before brandishing her whip. The ground before had turned into rubble. She shivered for a moment before glancing at the pink-haired assaulter. She cracked her whip, readying for another attack.

"Who are you and where have you been?!" Natsu yelled, ignoring her question.

Wary, she replied "I'm Lucy…don't you remember?" She paused before answering his other question. "I've…been around, Natsu." She finally replied.

He growled in response.

Her comment didn't seem to appease the man before her. Honestly, it didn't make her feel better either. However, she had to be vague for she had no right to tell anyone where she was until Makarov said she could. In addition, that wouldn't happen until Natsu stopped attempting to beat her into the ground. "I can't say anything yet." She murmured. She quickly closed her eyes after seeing him charge once more. Lucy didn't feel like she had the right to hurt him. After all, leaving her friends for three years without any goodbye must have made them upset.

I deserve this.


She awaited pain. Seconds felt like minutes and yet nothing happened. Opening her eyes, she gasped at what she saw: Loki stood before her, protecting her. Her hand immediately went for the currently glowing key on her left ear. "Thank You." She whispered. Lucy ignored the fact she hadn't even summoned him.

Loki nodded in reply before giving Natsu his attention. "Now why in your right mind are you attacking Lucy?" He questioned. He already knew of the Lucy and Natsu's Relationship, they were nakama. Hell, all three of them were nakama. They never attacked each other unless it was a challenge. This was no damn challenge. "Natsu." He hissed.

Natsu, wide-eyed, stepped back. He didn't really expect Loki to appear out of nowhere. Glancing at the lion spirit, He tapped at his chin wondering if he should answer. He instead shoved Loki aside, getting direct view of Lucy.

"What the fuck?" Loki yelled. He quickly glanced at Lucy hoping for her to give some sign to do something. Catching her eye, he understood.

Let him.

Sighing, he stood back and watched awaiting the second, he could kick Natsu's ass.

Natsu walked around Lucy checking for anything out of place. He glanced at the keys, which dangled on her hip along. His vision then shifted to the whip that was held in her tattooed hand. Natsu didn't even question her choice of clothing, it seemed normal compared to what he had seen her in. He then gave Loki a look and then stared back at Lucy. "Are you really her?" He questioned, his voice strained with emotion. He had to know. It had been too long since they've seen each other.

Lucy released a breath she never knew she held. She grinned. Placing her hands against his cheeks she replied. "It's always been me Natsu. Who else can summon that idiot lion over there?" She gestured to Loki who shrugged, ignoring the insult.

"You never summoned me, Love." He teased.

"I'm not your love!" She retorted, a light pink appearing on her face.

A happy grin appeared on Natsu's face. He quickly enveloped Lucy in a hug, swaying her back and forth.

"Wha?!" Lucy screamed, confused.

"YOU'RE BACK! YOU'RE FINALLY BACK!" He exclaimed, tears pouring from his eyes. Placing her back on the ground, he continued poking around making sure Lucy was real.

"Hey! Stop touching me, pervert!" Lucy yelled, hitting him with her whip.

"OW! Luceeee!" Natsu whined, getting the message to leave her alone. He scuttled away before prodding Loki as well. Satisfied, with his findings he calmed down. "So…why can't you tell me where you disappeared to?" He questioned. "Three years is a long time Lucy. I have the right to know."

"I told you I can't say. Not yet anyway."


"Because. I just can't. Let's get to the guild, then I'll tell you everything." She stressed. Lucy immediately began walking away, towards the guild. She just wanted this mission to be over as soon as possible. She wanted to tell her nakama everything. "Loki, shall we go?" She called to the Lion spirit, having him always with her. She glanced back at him, and smiled.

Let's go home.

"I'm way ahead of you honey." He grinned, walking forward and carrying her away bridle style towards Fairy Tale.

Lucy could only groan at his gesture, yet her blush on her cheeks said otherwise.

Natsu stood there for a moment and blinked. The fact Lucy was back was still boggling his brain. Finally back on earth, he noticed the duo already a far distance away.

"HEY! Wait for me!" He yelled after them.

In mere minutes, the Stellar Spirit and Mage were side-by-side nearing the Fairy Tail HQ. Loki had put her down a while ago after he commented on holding her like that more often. Finally reaching the front of the building, they couldn't help but stare. It had never changed since they last rebuilt it. It was a strange sight though that no one was outside. It reminded them of memories from long ago; the smiling happy faces and constant wreckage. They had really missed all this.

Natsu had finally caught up. He stopped a while back after losing them in the crowded streets. The villagers all knew about Lucy's arrival and seemed it was right to inform Natsu. The constant reminder from the townspeople kept slowing him down. It's was a wonder to him that no one from Fairy Tail had found out, well except for him of course.

"We're here!" He smiled, his hands on his waist. He too gave the Guild a good look before turning to Lucy and Loki. They both gave looks of uncertainty.

He shook them in reassurance before walking towards the gates to get in. He turned his head to give them one more look. "We missed you Lucy. Don't leave us again. Please?" He pleaded, understanding how Lucy felt. "I know you're afraid, but I'll wait for you inside Luce." He spoke. He was already half way through the door, yet he awaited anything to come from the Stellar Mage's mouth. People inside were already calling to him. His pink hair made it easy for his comrades to identify him. He ignored their calls for the time being.

"-I won't leave.." Lucy began. Thoughts of how the mission started went through her mind. She had left this place reluctantly. She was determined not to do that again. Shaking herself out of her thoughts, she looked toward Natsu and a set a light smile. "I'll go inside soon."

Natsu nodded. He knew he could've forced her in, but he knew he had to be patient. He had waited three years already, a few minutes wouldn't hurt. "Okay." he replied before he fully slipped into the guild known as Fairy Tail.

She sighed heavily, wondering what she should do. She could easily just run away. But I've been running away for too long. Lucy immediately rejected that idea. She wanted to go in, but didn't wish to gather any attention. Doing anything crazy was something she couldn't do, although her guild was known for doing crazy things. Putting the whole guild to sleep like Mistgun or turning people to stone like Evergreen was impossible. Maybe a disguise?


Lucy shook her head, still engrossed in her thoughts. A disguise wouldn't work either…it was too obvious to the guild that it was her. Besides she was a horrible actress. How about-


"What!?" She yelled back, brought out of her thoughts. Noticing it was Loki she scowled. "Why are you still here?"

"You still need my help Lucy." He stated the obvious.

"Yes you do." He said softly, taking Lucy's hand in his. She reacted to the contact. Her eyes immediately glanced up to see his face. His mouth was set in a deep frown and he gave a look of worry. Seeing his concern she frowned deeply. He was concerned and she didn't even notice. "I'm sorry." She whispered.

"For what?" He replied back, abet softly. His fingers began to caress the tattoo which was across the hand he held. "You have done nothing wrong princess." He murmured before bringing her hand to his lips, kissing it lightly.

Lucy's face became a bright red. All she could do was stare at him. "I…" She started, before shaking her head in defeat. Loki sighed.

"Hey, Lucy. We're back. The mission's done. We're home . Nothing will happen again." He stated, his grip on her hand becoming tighter. "Nothing will hurt you, I won't hurt you and they surely won't hurt you." He said softly. "So let's go." He smiled, pulling her towards the door.

"Hey! Don't I get a say in this?!" Lucy panicked. She couldn't get away with Loki's hand grasping hers.

"If you didn't want to come here, you would've dismissed me. Besides, I'm with you so don't worry!" He grinned, hoping to reassure her. His hands met the flat surface of the wood door. Pushing it open, he was met with the loud noise of the guild.

Many faeries were crowded around Natsu, asking him where he disappeared off to, and something about Erza and Gray looking for him. He looked around, trying to find some way out of his game of 21 questions. He found it when he looked to the open door and saw a smiling Loki who had Lucy in hand. He questioned the sight for a moment before deciding it was the best option.

"HEY LUCE!" Natsu greeted, waving his hands in the air at the two who walked in. He knew that would work.

And he was right. The others quickly glanced to the door and gasped.


"Lu-channn! Where have you been?!"

"Hey it's the bunny girl!"

Lucy twitched. Out of all names, that one bothered her. But it didn't compare to all the eyes watching her. Seeing all the faces stare at her stressed her out. "Don't you dare leave me." She hissed aside to Loki.

"I would never dream of it Lucy." He replied nonchalantly.

She sighed before giving a small smile to the onlookers.

"I'm back."

Fin~ Ch.1

A/N: So, what did ja' think? I have purposely left some info out, as it will be reintroduced later in the story. So, please tell me of any grammatical errors, or spelling issues and other things if you wish :). FLAMES WILL NOT BE EMBRACED. (Although, for Natsu's I'd totally be burned for. 3)
