So, I learned something recently. The guy name for Mary Sue is Gary Stue. I'm curious about that actually. Wouldn't it be something like Gary Sue just so people could tell that they were together? You know, like Jane and John Doe when people can't be identified. It just makes so much sense that way, but I cannot change it to make sense... So... CHAPTER 15 from me and my merry band of Gary Stues and Mary Sues! :P
Chloe's Point of View (11 weeks)
"I'm going to de-wing them if they keep this up!" Lilith shouted to where Derek and Cruz were both sitting, a safe distance away from both Lilith and myself.
"I know! And how many times do I have to tell them not to pat my stomach?" I shouted with just as much annoyance in my voice as Lilith had in hers to the two guys.
"I know, it's creepy and weird, and I don't want to get the 'pixie' treatment!" Lilith shouted.
"And when I say 'no touchy' I mean 'no touchy' and mommy doesn't like to be touched and the babies know this so now they all have the urge to protect me from the pixies!"
"It wasn't that bad." Derek said.
"Really? It wasn't? One of the unborn babies magically tossed Bubblez into a toilet!" I snapped at him.
"Good! We should have flushed her!" Lilith shouted. "Look at how ridiculous I look because of her!"
I looked over for the briefest of moments, though I didn't need to because I didn't look much different. Lilith's usually long, brown hair had been magically enhanced longer by Bubblez. Not only that, but light blue, chunky streaks had been put in her hair. Lilith's eyebrows had been plucked and waxed so that they were in a tadpole type shape, and her pores had been cleaned so what little imperfections she had on her face were now gone. They had also waxed, plucked, and shaved every other bit of non-necessary hair on her body. A french manicure and a airbrushed pedicure decorated her nails. Lilith was wearing a silky, pink dress that flowed down past her feet, and dark brown sandals to complete the look.
"Bubblez forgave the baby." Derek said, trying to calm me down.
"You don't look ridiculous, Lilith, and we do owe the pixies something for healing me." Cruz said.
The pixies had healed Cruz for us when they realized that Lilith wouldn't not help him, so they healed him and then figured that Lilith wouldn't have anything holding her back from their 'spa'. The pixies's massages were incredible though.
"Of course I look ridiculous! I look like a hairless cat!"
"You don't look like a hairless cat." Derek and Cruz both said.
Derek still hadn't gotten past his mistrust of Cruz or Lilith, but if they didn't appear to do anything that could cause harm he agreed to not rant on about them.
"UGH!" Lilith and I shouted, as we paced the room once again.
"Hun!" Hinewai shouted.
Hinewai had taken a liking to Lilith, however, I couldn't say the same about Lilith. Lilith hated that little pixie, and Hinewai always calling her 'Hun' and always insisting that Lilith look proper and be taken care of in the most wonderful ways possible were seriously upsetting her.
"No, I'm not here, I'm not here, I'm not here." Lilith said closing her eyes, probably wishing that she was anywhere but there at the moment.
"There's no place like home, no place like home." Cruz said, mocking her tone.
"Hun, I know you're up there and if you refuse to come down I will come up and get you!" Hinewai shouted.
"Go!" I hissed at her.
"No! What more is there to pluck? I'm plucked like a chicken already, and I refuse to let them season me!" Lilith shouted, and if I wasn't so terrified of the pixies wanting me too, I might have laughed at her.
"Go!" I said, louder this time, and trying to push her out the door. It didn't work. The babies wouldn't let me use their strength at all against Lilith.
"HUN!" Hinewai shouted, and I heard the sound of flapping wings and a tiny heart beating faster than the wings with my now enhanced hearing that included everyone and everything now. Hinewai was coming up.
"Now you've done it." I said.
Hinewai appeared, scales and all, and started yelling at Lilith as she pulled Lilith by her ear and out the door, without even a glance at me. The door slammed shut.
"Well, I think I'll go eat something." Cruz said, and then he left not long after Lilith had, leaving Derek and me alone in my room.
I was just about to kiss him when Melody barged in and placed a laptop right between us.
"Thanks Mel, it's not like you were interrupting or anything." Derek said sarcastically.
"Oh, who cares? I'll only be here a minute anyways. So, I was looking online while Chloe and Lilith were getting worshipped by the pixies," Only Melody would think that getting tortured via beautification was getting worshipped, "And I was looking for a great name website and I found one. So since you already know what you're having I was thinking that you could look up names for your little girl and the two boys."
"Sure, Melody." I said.
"Oh, and just so you know, I'm putting a spell on the room so I can hear what names you choose. Or anything else you may do." Melody said, narrowing her eyes at the last part while Derek and I tried to look innocent. A little hard to do while visibly pregnant, mind you.
With that, Melody was out of the room, but this time the door closed quietly.
"I think that she wants us to include the name Adam." I said.
"Yep, obviously." Derek agreed.
Melody had put the name in the favourites section, selected the details, rated it a five, and looked up other children who had the name.
"Are we going to name one of the boys Adam?" I asked.
"Adam Souza? Or is it Saunders?" Derek asked. "Adam Saunders?"
"Souza, it'll be Souza, but I don't think Adam is a first name that goes with Souza. It sounds so passive, nothing like you, maybe a middle name? Usually those are toned down before the last name." I said.
"What about the first name Xander?" Derek asked.
Before I could respond, Melody's voice flooded the room making the both of us jump, "Cool! Like from Buffy!"
"Melody!" Derek and I shouted, knowing she would hear.
"Sorry! I'll shut up." Melody said back.
"Xander Souza, I like it." I said, smiling.
"Okay, no middle name or a middle name, but the name 'Xander' can't have Adam as the middle name, it sounds awkward."
"I know. What about Xander Austin Souza?" I asked.
"No, it doesn't work. Preston?"
"A werewolf with the middle name Preston? He's going to get beat up by a cat. What about Christian for—"
"The middle name won't be Christian, Chloe." Derek said.
"I was going to say what about the name Christian for the other boy? There are two boys." I said.
"Christian Souza?" Derek asked.
"Yes." I said. I liked the name Christian and I would name one of the boys it. It had been so ordered by me... and this was the part where the judge was supposed to hit the wooden thing with the wooden hammer type thing.
Derek must have seen the determination in my eyes because he sighed and asked, "There's no talking you out of this, is there?"
"No way, whatsoever." I said.
"Aww... Say yes to the name, Derek." Melody's voice once again was in the room.
"Melody!" Derek and I once again shouted.
"Sorry." Melody once again said.
"It's amazing we even managed to get enough alone time for you to get pregnant." Derek said. I blushed at the memory.
Derek and I continued browsing through the list of boys names for a while, but none of them seemed to fit with the first names that we had chose.
"Ugh, I quit. Why don't we just look through the girls names and figure out middle names later or tomorrow?" I asked.
"I thought that we could name the girl after your mom, Jenny Souza."
"Aunt Lauren too?" I asked hopefully.
I still didn't know what had happened too her, but unfortunately I had assumed her dead a little over a month ago. Aunt Lauren couldn't be alive after this long. The Edison Group never had a reason to, and now with me in my condition and all, they couldn't risk one other person trying to help me. They need things to work efficiently.
"Jenny Lauren Souza." Derek said. I leaned in and kissed him, simple and sweet.
"They're cute." The voice of Jaron said.
"Jaron, they can hear you!" Melody shouted at him.
"I've been silent listening to them. You were the one speaking up before."
"Why don't we just switch rooms?" I whispered in Derek's ear once we'd stopped the kiss, too awkward with people listening in.
"NO!" Melody shouted, her shout echoed off the walls and vibrated throughout the room.
"Okay..." I thought of something random that I wanted to say involving babies, "Are we going to be those parents that sing, or read stories, or sing nursery rhymes?"
"I don't know. Jaron? Do you know any nursery rhymes?" Derek asked.
"My parents had once stopped fighting long enough to tell me one, Punch and Judy fought for pie. Punch gave Judy a blow to the eye. Said Punch to Judy, 'Will you have more?" Said Judy to Punch, 'My eye is too sore.' And then, you know, they acted out the parts." Jaron said.
I was slightly surprised. That was the most that he had ever spoken at any one time.
"Melody, this is weird. Can the two of you just take away the spell and come in the room. This is stupid."
"No can do, Big D, father of Mini Ds." Melody said.
"Well, actually, it's mini Ds and a mini C." Jaron corrected her.
"Okay, fine, take two," Melody said, "No can do, Big D, father of Mini Ds and a mini C... see, it just doesn't have the same effect, Jaron."
Derek looked at me and pointed to the door and then to me and mouthed the word 'leave' and then pointed to the door.
I nodded and we both carefully left the room, thankfully along with the hearing and sight I was given the silence when walking, otherwise they would've heard with their spell.
When we were finally safe Derek whispered, "Some people just should not be given supernatural powers—" Derek was cut off by the sound of someone slicing through hard metal, and shouts of "NOAH!" coming from Tori and Alexa. "—like them."
Derek and I ran to the kitchen, where the noise was coming from. I never understood why people did that. If it was just to be informed, we'd just send one person from the group to go look at what happened and then have them report back. I think we all just secretly want to see the action live, maybe even get in on it, depending what kind of person you were.
Noah was on the floor with a broken nose, no surprise, Alexa was rubbing a sore hand so it must have been her that hit him, and Tori, whose bottom lip was split and bleeding, was being held back by Emy and Simon.
The kitchen was destroyed, that was the only way to put it. Every glass and plate was broken in some way. There was even a plate with a knife stuck in it. The cabinets were either blown to bits or off the hinges. Chairs were broken. The sink was broken and had water spraying out of it. All the food in the fridge was dripping everywhere from every corner of the room. Clearly magics were mixed and the end result was explosive.
"Who'd Noah try to defend himself against this time?" Andrew asked, coming in.
"Tori and Alexa." Noah said from his spot on the floor.
"Again with the nose? From now on you're only allowed to punch him in the stomach. It's not fair to him." Ivy said.
Melody had a sad look on her face from the moment Ivy said that.
I saw a leather book with one of those ribbon bookmark things balancing on a broken shelf. It looked very out of place in the wrecked kitchen. I didn't want to risk stepping on the glass, but I wanted to see whose it was, thankfully the babies decided that they wanted me to know too. I was lifted in the air to where the shelf was and after I had grabbed it I was placed back where I had been standing before.
"Whose is this?" I asked.
"It's Lilith's." Cruz said. I jumped a little, I hadn't even paid attention to people's movements or anything. I'd make a really bad werewolf.
"She keeps a diary?" Tori asked, sceptical.
"I never said it was a diary. Lilith writes poetry, stories, and random thoughts in that book."
"Give it back to her then." I said. I moved to hand him the book, but Tori intercepted it and started going through it.
"Tori!" Cruz and I shouted.
"What? I'd love to know what that girl thinks." Tori said and she began reading what was on a page.
"Tori, that's an invasion of privacy." I said sternly.
"Oh, quit mothering me." Tori said, "Ooh, here is a good one...
Girl in the Mirror
There's this girl in the mirror,
I wonder who she is,
Sometimes I think I know her,
And sometimes I wish I did,
There's a story in her eyes,
Lullabies and goodbyes,
When she's looking back at me,
I can tell...
She's hurting inside.
Very pretty. Anyone want to read the random notes?"
I liked the poem, and I kind of did want to read more, but it was rude and if Lilith had wanted us to read them then she would have already let us. She didn't let us.
"Give that back!" Lilith shouted from the door. Lilith had been outside, the clearing that was the creation of the pixies, and had just came in and looked furious. I wondered who had upset her more, Tori or the pixies. It was a toss up.
Tori jumped, obviously not expecting Lilith, but with the luck that we all had who else would it be?
All of us, with the exception of Tori, backed away. Lilith looked angry, and not regular angry, this was blow-your-house-down-forget-about-bricks wolf angry. Lilith's blue eyes turned an almost grey-blue shade and looked like storms were in them.
"It's not my fault. You shouldn't have left it in the kitchen." Tori said.
"Are you kidding me? What kitchen? The kitchen is destroyed, and I really don't think that the excuse that is the equal to 'Mommy, the cookies were right in front of me on the top shelf, so I just had to get the ladder' is your best defence." Lilith hissed out at her.
Cruz backed away farther, and since he knew her longer and better than I did, I took a hint from him and backed up more.
"Lily, calm down." Andrew said, ever the not-so-smart one when it came to out of control teenagers.
The air around me seemed to change and I could only imagine that everyone else felt the same way. The air tingled, my throat felt like bubbles were trapped and I felt like gagging, and both Tori and Lilith seemed oblivious to these changes.
"We need to leave." Tzigana said calmly.
"Why?" Andrew asked, coughing, that confirmed that everyone else felt the same about the air.
"Their powers are acting." Tzigana said. I was confused, but Andrew seemed to understand.
"Okay, everyone out!" Andrew shouted, both Lilith and Tori didn't break away from their glaring.
The air around us intensified and I was worried about Lilith and Tori, but everyone else was leaving, even if it was with a look of extreme anger, or in Cruz's case – worry and reluctance.
Everyone was outside, except Lilith and Tori, and we were waiting to see what would happen. Worst case scenario, the entire house explodes, we become homeless, and both of them die. Best case scenario, the both of them calm down and realize the stupidity about the argument and only blow up a little portion of the house that would be fixable.
An explosion could be heard from inside and a rather large puff of smoke could be seen from the section of the house where the kitchen was located.
"At least we get that kitchen renovation we were hoping for." Ivy said to no one in particular.
All of us waited for three more minutes, though we didn't really want to, but it was necessary. In case that one explosion started off more or any parts of building fell, we didn't want to risk any injuries, especially with our two shaman healers in their condition. Shaman Alexa: Stubborn Bitch. Shaman Lilith: Easily Made Violent and In Harms Way.
We entered the house carefully and cautiously.
"Lily?" Cruz called.
"In the remains of the kitchen." Lilith called back.
"I don't like the sound of that." Ivy said.
We all ran to the kitchen, or the area that was the kitchen. The kitchen was absolutely unidentifiable. Parts of wall and ceiling had fallen in, what parts hadn't fallen in had burn marks or stains. Bits of metal, wood, and glass littered the floor.
Lilith had gigantic piece of metal slicing through her left leg, through and through, front to back, stuck inside her leg, and she wasn't even crying.
"Where's Tori?" I asked, not that I wasn't concerned about her, I was, but I couldn't find Tori and that was never a good thing after a fight, not finding people, I mean.
"Over here." Tori said from under the remains of what appeared to be a table.
"Alexa, heal Lilith." Andrew said, eyes focused on Tori though, "Now!"
"But– "
"Now!" Andrew yelled at her.
I was sort of scared. It took the simplest things to set any one of us off. We would all just have to work a lot harder to stay in control.
"You," Both Andrew and Ivy pointed to Tori, "Clean this up."
Disclaimer: *Talking to Melody, Jaron is somewhere in the room, but cannot be seen*
Melody: Now admit the three parts of this disclaimer.
Me: Okay, my talented, nice, best guy friend let me change around one of his original poems to get Lilith's poem in her book of poetry.
Melody: And?
Me: I see nothing else that needs to be disclaimer-ed.
Jaron: *Voice with little head floating* Liar!
Me: Okay, I got Jaron's nursery rhyme from the facebook quiz, 'Which Shakespearean Character Are You?' but I'm sure that they never came up with it.
Jaron: Continue...
Melody: Yeah, continue...
Me: I see nothing else–
Melody: *Grabs ear and twists* I have to help Tori clean, fix the surprise for Derek and Chloe because the viewers just have to find out two chapters from now, and go grocery shopping because YOU couldn't make them have a fight in the living room, so do the freaken' disclaimer so I can go!
Melody: And?
Melody: Good Fanfic Author, you do your best *:)*