So, a Chloe&Derek baby. Sounds like fun! Alright well everything that I think is important will be revealed in flashbacks. Please enjoy, and leave reviews. The next disclaimer actually happened.
DISCLAIMER: *Sitting on floor reading about pregnancy and my friend walks in*
My friend: Umm... what are you doing?
Me: Reading about pregnancy. Speaking of which, I don't ever want to be knocked up.
My friend: Alright. So why are you reading that?
Me: For my online story, see, I am making Derek get Chloe preggers.
My friend: Uh. Who?
My friend: Will you please stop screaming?
Me: Right. Sorry.
Chloe's Point Of View
This couldn't be happening. This just couldn't be happening. But it was, and the proof of that matter was the fact that Melody and I were in a drugstore bathroom waiting to find out if I was pregnant.
"One more minute." Melody said.
I was leaning against the counter that had three different pregnancy tests on it.
How could I have been so stupid? What was I thinking?
***Flashback- three weeks ago***
I slammed the door to his room shut and locked it and stood in front of it. Now if he wanted to leave he would have to at least acknowledge my presence. We had gotten to the safehouse two weeks ago and more and more Derek was avoiding me. What was his problem? He hadn't even spoken two words to me in the past two days and I wanted to know why. What did I do to make him suddenly hate me?
"Move." Derek said, standing in front of me with his arms crossed.
"No. Not until you tell me why you're ignoring me." I said.
"I'm not ignoring you. Now move." Derek said. "Please?" Derek added as an afterthought.
"No. And don't say you aren't ignoring me, because you are." I said, he was acting like I was stupid.
"Go talk to Simon or something." Derek said.
"NO!" I shouted.
"Fine." Derek said. He picked me up and set me down behind him. He opened the door and I jumped forward and slammed it shut again.
"Derek. Stop. Tell. Me. Now." I said, with a deadly steady voice.
"You want to know?" Derek asked angrily.
"Yes." I said.
Derek kissed me. "I love you." He whispered.
I was confused but kissing Derek felt good and it felt right so I kissed him again.
***Flashback over***
Right. I wasn't thinking. I was angry so I went after him, he told me he loved me, we kissed... and did other things. Maybe it was the anger or longing, or wanting someone to care but no matter what it was that made us do it. We did, and the fact that I was here was proof that things like that couldn't be taken back.
I looked over at Melody. She was worried about me, about Derek, about my situation and she just shouldn't have to lie all the time now to cover for me.
***Flashback- three weeks ago***
My legs were so sore. I was walking like an idiot due to that fact.
"Who'd you have sex with?" Melody asked as I walked into the kitchen. Her icy blue eyes looked like they were laughing at me because of my inability to walk.
"I d-didn't" I said, getting myself some water to drink.
"You did. You are doing the 'I just got laid walk'." Melody said. She thought for a second and said "It was Derek wasn't it?"
"W-What?!" I shouted, choking on my water and spitting it out.
"So it was?" Melody asked.
I just nodded yes.
"Huh. Thought so." Melody said, she looked back down to the book she was reading.
I walked over and said "You can't say anything."
"I won't, but you might want to try walking a little better." Melody said.
Just then Melody's boyfriend, Jaron, came in and saw my walking and raised his pierced eyebrow at me.
"She fell down the stairs, hurt her legs pretty badly." Melody said.
Jaron nodded, me falling and getting hurt is much more believable than me having a sex life apparently.
***Flashback Over***
That was just the first of many lies she had to tell for me. First it was telling people I had just injured myself to keep people from finding out about Derek and I, then when I started freaking out about Derek she lied, and when I didn't want to participate in fighting practice because I was worried that I was pregnant she lied again and again.
"Chloe?" Melody said.
Her normally pale skin went paler, her almost white blonde hair was sticking a little to her forehead because she was sweating, and her hands were shaking as she showed me the test.
Positive. I checked the other two. A pink plus and a smiley face. Speaking of smiley faces, WHY THE HECK DO THEY USE SMILEY FACES? How many people who take home tests actually hope to be pregnant?
I looked in the mirror. My hair was now dyed a light blonde, my eyes looked horrible due to my lack of sleep and red from the tears that I had cried and was still crying, and my face looked white as paper. I looked like a scared little girl not a soon-to-be mother.
"I-I a-a-am s-s-scared." I said.
"I know." Melody said, she walked over and hugged me.
"W-What d-d-do I do?" I asked still crying in her arms.
"Due to the fact that I am 17 and have never been with child I have no idea, but we need to tell Derek." Melody said.
I pulled away and shouted "NO! H-H-He can't k-know! He'll hate m-me, he'll hate our c-c-child. How could I h-have been s-s-so F-FUCKING STUPID!?"
"Actually you both were 'fucking stupid'." Melody said.
"Is t-t-that supposed to m-m-make me feel b-b-better?" I asked.
"No. It's supposed to be honest." Melody said.
"H-Honest but not h-helping." I said.
"Alright. Fine. Abortion? Adoption? Or keeping the baby?" Melody asked.
"H-H-How can y-y-you ask that l-like it's the easiest decision to make?" I asked.
"Actually making the decision is the easy part. Dealing with the repercussions of that decision is the hard part." Melody said.
"H-How do I d-do this." I stated more than asked.
"No clue. But right now we need to go. We have to meet Tori and Amelia at the food court." Melody said.
"Hey, when do you think the morning sickness starts?" Melody asked.
"Shut up. Let's go." I said.
"The hormones kicking in already?" Melody asked.
I spun around and stomped on her foot.
"Ow. Fuck. Got it. No hormone jokes." Melody said.
She threw the pregnancy tests into the garbage bin, and we left.
A few minutes later we found ourselves in the food court looking for Tori and Amelia.
"Found them." I said.
I pointed to where I could see Amelia's mud brown hair, along with Tori's black hair and their twenty shopping bags.
"Think you two bought enough?" Melody asked.
"Yes, don't worry we already brought some bags out to the car." Amelia said.
"Why haven't the two of you bought anything?" Tori asked.
"We walked around mostly and we don't have the ability to buy over 50 things in a two hour time span." Melody said.
That wasn't completely true. Yes we did walk around a little but for about an hour she was trying to get me to take the pregnancy tests. We even spent 30 minutes in the bathroom. Which took up a lot of our time, because we got at the mall around three o'clock, were supposed to go shopping for two hours, meet up at five o'clock in the food court and eat for an hour, shop until seven, and then go back to the safehouse. Tori made up the shopping plan. Amelia wanted to, but her plan consisted of get at the mall at noon leave when the mall closes and bring snacks because we aren't stopping shopping even for nourishment. At that it was agreed that Amelia wasn't allowed to plan anything.
"But it looks like you two didn't even try." Tori said.
"Yeah yeah we are lazy shopping people. Deal with it fitches." Melody said.
Fitches. A combination of fashion and witches. Melody came up with it for Tori and Amelia my second day at the safehouse. Amelia and Tori were both witches and both were fashion needing people so I suppose it fit.
They both glared at her.
"What?" Melody asked innocently.
"You are impossible." Amelia said.
"Yes I know. Now can we order food please?" Melody said.
Melody and I told Tori and Amelia what we wanted to eat and they went to go get it while we found a table.
"So you are going to have to tell Derek." Melody whispered.
"NO!" I whisper-shouted.
"He will notice at some point. Like when he starts hearing another heartbeat with his superman senses." Melody said.
Crap. I hadn't thought of that.
"When does a baby start having a heartbeat?" I asked.
"I would know this how?" Melody said.
"I don't know." I said.
"That seems to be the repeated phrase lately." Melody said.
"Over there." I said pointing to a table.
We walked to the table and sat down.
"Can't I just wait until he hears the heartbeat and say 'Surprise!' like I am at a birthday party?" I asked.
"Except you won't be at a party and if you tell him like that he might go into epic shock." Melody said.
"Well I have no experience with breaking this type of news to anyone." I said.
"Well it's a relief to know you don't have any other children out there but that is not an excuse to avoid telling Derek." Melody said.
"What if I left? I have enough money to get by, and after this whole Edison Group thing is over I can go back to my dad and Derek will never need to know." I said.
"That would be the stupidest plan I had ever heard if I hadn't already heard the 'surprise like a birthday party' plan." Melody said.
"How is that a stupid plan?" I asked.
"Firstly, you are not telling the father that he is a father. Second living in alleys and cheap filthy motels can actually be seriously harmful to the baby. Third that plan involves no medical care at all, that baby needs some medical attention and you won't be able to get that while being an on the run girl. Fourth what do you even know about werewolf mating habits? What is different about this? Two genetically modified supernaturals reproducing. Oh and one of them is a bloody werewolf. What could possibly go wrong?" Melody said, having a mini freakout.
"Well I can't get an abortion because I would NEVER forgive myself for killing my child willingly, I can't put the baby up for adoption because if it is a necromancer it won't know and will get diagnosed with a mental illness and if it's a werewolf it could get killed by other werewolves, that leaves me with the option to keep it and I have no idea what to do! You have just said how much I don't know." I said.
"But you can stay and find out." Melody said.
"I don't know." I said.
The conversation died out while we waited for Tori and Amelia to come back.
"That guy was so cute!" Amelia squealed.
"Who?" I asked.
"That guy." Tori said pointing to some blond guy who looked to be late teens, early twenties.
"Yes. A guy who works in a foodcourt. Way to aim high ladies." Melody said, clapping her hands.
"But he's cute." Tori said.
"And has unlimited access to fries. Speaking of which I asked for large fries, not medium." Melody said.
"We ordered large." Amelia said.
"Well he didn't give you large. Obviously." Melody said.
Melody got up and walked over to the blond guy and as she was walking she shouted "Hey fry guy!"
"Ever wonder how she ended up with Jaron?" Amelia pondered.
Actually I did. Jaron was the exact opposite of Melody. Melody had blue eyes, blonde hair, and didn't have any piercings. Jaron had dark brown eyes, black hair, and had more piercings than I could count before I lost track of what number I was on. The only thing they shared in physical features was their pale skin. Melody was loud, not afraid of causing fights, completely comfortable around people and touching them, and was nicely honest. Jaron was quiet and prefered to just use facial expressions or head nods, didn't like conflict, avoided most people like they were toxic, and was brutally honest.
When I say brutal I mean brutal.
***Flashback- First day at the safehouse***
I was sitting in the safehouse living room after getting the grand tour. The kitchen, living room, library, and bathroom was on the bottom floor. All the bedrooms were upstairs.
Jaron, a guy I had met earlier sat down on the sofa farthest across the room and away from me.
Tori walked in, and having slept in missed the introductions. She looked in and spotted Jaron. She smiled and walked up to him.
"Hi." Tori said.
Jaron just looked at her, got up and walked away.
I giggled. "I don't think he's interested."
"He will be." Tori said.
Later that day Tori had finally figured out his name was Jaron and that his girlfriend's name was Melody.
"He is so hot. He has that whole brooding, dark, mysterious thing going for him." Tori said.
"He also has a girlfriend who isn't afraid of starting fights and who has advanced powers, in fact so does he. Total power couple." I said.
"Well I have advanced powers too." Tori said. "Now what do you think?"
Tori spent the day getting dressed up. She had her make-up done, was wearing skinny jeans, and was wearing a shirt with thin straps and such a low V in the front that I thought that if she even breathed the wrong way everyone would see much more of her than she would like them to see.
"You look alright." I said.
"Great." Tori said.
She left the room and I followed her.
Jaron and Derek were both in the library reading in silence.
"Hi. I'm Tori, I heard your name is Jaron. What's up?" Tori said, she smiled a 'I-think-you-are-so-hot' smile.
"Not interested." Jaron said.
"What?" Tori asked, apparently she doesn't like rejection.
"I said, not interested. Some guys don't have problems cheating on their girlfriends because they don't love them. I however love Melody and I think you are degrading yourself by dressing and acting like a whore, which you aren't. I also happen to think that you need to find your dignity since you have apparently lost it. As well try to see if your sanity is somewhere along the way because anybody who locks someone in a crawl space obviously doesn't have any." Jaron said.
Jaron left the library and Tori just stood there mouth open in shock.
"He seems like a nice guy." Derek said.
***Flashback Over***
"Chloe?" Tori asked.
"What?" I asked confused.
"Are you going to stare into space or eat?" Tori asked.
I looked at the food and didn't feel hungry after the days events.
"Neither." I said, pushing my food away.
"Are you okay?" Amelia asked.
"F-F-Fine. Just not that h-hungry." I said.
"You're sure?" Tori asked.
"I am s-s-s-sure." I said.
Melody came back and sat down. "See, if he charges for large fries. We should get large fries."
"Whatever. Chloe doesn't want to eat so are you going to eat her food?" Amelia said.
"Sure." Melody said.
Melody was also one of the thinnest people in the world and she loves to eat but never gains a pound of anything she eats which is probably a reason why a few of the girls in the house secretly hate her. Well they think it's a secret, but Melody knows.
The three of them finished their food and we all went our separate ways. Melody and I to buy some jeans. Tori and Amelia to go buy shoes.
"Missing a meal?" Melody asked.
"So?" I asked.
" 'So?' I thought people who are pregnant eat a lot and don't avoid eating." Melody said.
"Teenagers who are pregnant might not want to eat due to lack of appetite because their stupidity has messed up their lives." I said.
"Alright... then." Melody said.
We shopped in an almost silence until seven. The silence didn't bother me, but I could tell it was almost killing Melody. Jaron was in for an earful later.
We were back at the safehouse more than an hour later.
"Hey! We are back!" Melody shouted.
"And we have shoes!" Tori and Amelia screamed.
Jaron came down the stairs and gave Melody a quick kiss and said "Some people went to bed early, others are practicing their powers, and Derek is going for a run."
Tori and Amelia nodded and ran upstairs.
"What happened?" Jaron asked.
"Nothing." Melody said.
"No something did, you look scared and worried." Jaron said.
I looked at Melody. She looked fine to me, I guess it was a couple thing. She did however look like she wanted to tell him, and Jaron looked like he wanted to know what was wrong so that he could help. His one soft spot was Melody and he didn't like seeing her scared.
"You can tell him." I said.
Melody took a deep breath and said, "Derek got Chloe's eggo prego."
Heehee. So what do you think?
I know Chloe probably is a little out of character, but she hasn't really ever had any pregnancy problems in The Summoning or The Awakening so how would we know how she would take it? What do you think of Melody and Jaron? Yes I know Jaron is a little mean, but he won't be mean all the time and I swear he does have a reason that you will find out eventually. Jaron is a really hot guy in my head, because in my opinion the only guys who can seriously rock facial piercings are black haired, dark brown eyed, pale guys. Which should seriously tell you something about my guy preferences.