Ziva awoke from her forced slumber, the heat of the sun warmed her face. She groaned and raised her hand to her swollen, bloody cheek and lower lip. She looked up, seeing seagulls flying above. A blood curdling scream escaped from the small room.

"It's over, Ziva." Eli David stated, placing his hand on her shoulder. She jerked her shoulder away, crawling as fast as she could from him, "There's no where to go." Eli raised his arms outward and surveyed the fishing trolley, "Just water...everywhere!"

Ziva scrambled to her feet and took a step towards the door, she pulled at the hatch, but it was locked. She started kicking at it.

"Locked from the inside. There is no way to get inside. It is pointless."

Ziva leaned forward, her forehead pressed against the door, she slammed the bottom of her hand into the door. She turned slowly towards her father, she was breathing heavily, her fists clinched.

Eli held out his hands to her, "Now, Ziva."

The door unlocked, Ziva stopped and wanted to look back, but she just couldn't. The door began to open, she shook her head in disgust at her father.

"Have I died and gone to Gibbs' basement?" Tony grunted in pain.

Ziva's face lit up as she quickly turned around, Hadar was holding Tony up. She ran over to him, "You're alive!" She hugged him tightly, making his grunt. She quickly pulled back, gingerly touching him, she looked down, seeing that the stab wound had been cauterized, "Y-you burned yourself?"

"I'd do anything to see your face again."

Hadar raised his gun and yelled, "Eli!" Eli stopped in his tracks, caught trying to sneak away. Ziva turned, she quickly grabbed the gun from Hadar and started towards her father.

"Ziva, you're my daughter, y..."

Ziva pressed the muzzle of the gun to his head, pulling the trigger, "You no longer have a daughter." She proclaimed, tossing the gun overboard, his body fell over soon after.

Hadar opened his shirt, pulling the vecro apart on his bulletproof vest. Ziva moved to the other side of him, helping to carry Tony towards the bridge of the ship, "Do I really have friends in Mossad?" Tony asked.

"No." Hadar simply answered.

"Great." Tony laughed, "Don't make me laugh, it hurts too much."

"Amit!" Ziva scolded him.

"Incredibly, the knife missed every major organ." Ducky said, "But he will be recovering for quite some time."

"And Ziva?" Gibbs asked as he and Ducky stood outside of an emergency room and watched as a doctor treated Ziva, "She'll be fine, Jethro, just a few cuts and bruises." Abby ran past them, moving into the room, almost shoving the doctor out of the way, hugging Ziva. Ducky chuckled, "Lets be sure to keep her away from Tony."

An orderly came running up, "Ma'am, you can't go in there."

Gibbs stepped up, flashing his badge, "She's okay." The orderly nodded and walked away. Gibbs and Ducky walked in.

"I mean it, Ziva, lots of them...do you promise?"

Ziva nodded, "I promise."

Abby held out her pinky, "Pinky promise?"

Ziva let out chuckle, shaking her pinky with a smiling Abby, "I pinky promise, Abby."

"Okay, I'm sure Tony is awake by now!" Abby said, running over to Gibbs getting a quick hug before hurrying across the hospital.

Ziva walked up to Tony's hospital room, Abby came walking out, "He's a little groggy, but he's already joking."

Ziva slid past Abby moving into the room. Tony's head was turned towards the windows, badly bruised and beaten, "Hey."

Tony slightly turned his head, "No stitches?"

"No, I got lucky." She moved up to him, her hand hovered over his numerous stitches, "You were not as lucky, I see."

Tony closed his eyes and was silent.

"Hadar spoke to Director Vance." Ziva said, "He said he would make a statement to Interpol and the French authorities." She softly chuckled, sitting down next to the bed, "And I pinky promise Abby something." She leaned forward, "Do you want to hear what I promise her?" She leaned closer, her lips nearly touching his ear, "That I would give you lots and lots babies, would you like that? I was thinking maybe two." She smiled, "To start."

Tony opened his lips and smacked them together softly, "Right now?" He said with a small smile.

Ziva laughed.

Author Note #1 - And thus ends the worst writing experiences in my life...sorry, everything I wrote went to anger, sadness and pain. I'm done...but I will be back. I love you all and get better soon, Dad.