YAY! This is my first ever story! I had to wait 2 days to start making some stories, so instead of day 3, it's day 1. Enjoy the Prologue to my first story Amnesia. R&R.
"Yes! I can't wait till my 8th gym badge!" Ash yelled.
Dawn and Brock had to cover their ears from their loud friend.
"Geez Ash, cool it down will ya", Dawn said.
"Yeah, Sunnyshore City isn't going anywhere you know", Brock said.
"Pika!" said Pikachu.
Ash turned to face them. He put his hand behind his head and smiled, embarrassed.
"heh heh, sorry guys I'm just so psyched for my next gym battle", he said.
"We can see that", Brock said.
Team Rocket's been spying on them through some bushes.
"Now's the perfect time to get Pikachu", exclaimed Jessie.
"Whys dat Jes?", Meowth asked.
Jessie points to a nearby mountain. It was very tall. (A/N: At least half the size of Mt. Everest in our world ). If you looked from where they were, it would look to be pretty hard to climb, but up close it was like climbing a hill. (A/N: Very smooth). It also had terrible wind currents this time of year.
"What about it?".
"When the twerps not looking we can snatch it and hide behind the mountain, then when the close is clear, we'll bring it to the boss.
"Wow Jessie, I guess you finally had a decent idea for once", James said.
Jessie glared at him. Then she punched him. "and what do you mean by thatJames!".
James rubbed his forehead and backed away. "N-n-nothing J-j-jes-s-s-i-e, I did-d-dn't say an-nythi-ing.
Jessie smiled. "That's what I thought you said".
Meanwhile the Meanwhile,
Ash and Co. made it to Sunnyshore City's Pokemon Center. Brock was just flirting with Nurse Joy when Croagunk punched him and took him away. His and Dawns pokemon were healed already but Ash's were still there relaxing, except Pikachu who was on Ash's right shoulder.
"They can rest for the rest of the day." , Ash told Nurse Joy.
"Okay then", she said.
"Hey Ash", Dawn said. "Can I go to the new contest traiing hall a little outside of town? (A/N: Made it up ).
"Sure Dawn", He replied.
"That should help you train for the Grand Festival, Dawn", Brock added.
Ash and Dawn sweat- dropped anime style. He was fast at recovering, man. And I mean really!
"Yeah, see ya guys later", she said. Then her and Piplup ran out of the Pokemon Center.
"Pip Piplup" Piplup said.
Brock then turned to Nurse Joy. "Can I help you with your work"?
Ash then said, "I think I'm going to go look for the gym leader".
Brock rolled his eyes….well slits..er..you get the point. "Go for it". He was used to this from his friend.
Ash wasted no time dashing out of the place.
When he got outside, he was amazed at the city. It was busy having reconstructions so the map didn't show how to get to anything yet. There was now an upper level outside the city. Poor Ash. He doesn't know what to do. He sighed.
"Now what". He started walking. He stopped near a mountain. He started to gaze at it. Then all of a sudden, a giant rubber hand snatched Pikachu from his shoulder. He turned around to look at the familiar Meowth-shaped balloon we all know and love….NOT!
They then started to say their motto. (A/N: I'm only reciting this once per story, no backround subscription, sorry; and also changing the thing the charaters say. Like instead of I said its Name:).
Jessie: Listen, is that a voice I hear?
James: Its speaking to me loud and clear.
Jessie: On the wind.
James: Past the stars.
Meowth: in your ear.
Jessie: Bringing chaos at a breakneck pace.
James: Dashing hope putting fear in its place.
Jessie: A rose by any other name just as sweet.
James: When everythings worse our work is complete.
Jessie: Jessie!
James: And its James!
Meowth: Meowth now dats a name.
Jessie: Putting the do-gooders in their place.
James: We're Team Rocket.
Meowth: In your face!
Wobbuffet: Wo-ooobbuffet!
Mime Jr.: Mime mime mime.
(A/N: Twitch.. very long…twitch).
Ash: Team Rocket!
Pikachu: Pi Pikachu!
The trio wasted no time in flying towards the mountain.
Ash: Hey get back here! He started to run up the mountain.
The four of the them made it up to the top, but Ash hid behind the balloon.
The trio got out and looked thoughtful. They looked over the edge for the twerp. He wasn't there. The coast was clear! They laid down on the ground and fell asleep. Ash slowly made his way over to Pikachu and successfully pulled the hand off of Pikachu.
Ash: You okay buddy?
Pikachu: Pika!
Unfortunately the hand made a squeaking sond when he pulled it off and woke up Team Rocket. They glared at each other. Jessie called ot her Yanmega.
Jessie: Yanmega use silver wind!
Ash: Pikachu use thunderbolt!
The silver wid never made it in time because Pikachu's thunderbolt went right through it and struck them and thay were flying through the sky.
Trio: This is getting old………WE'RE BLASTING OFF AGAIN!!!!
A white star flickered in the sky.
Ash: Nice job Pikachu.
Pikachu: Pika Pikachu!
All of a sudden a strong wind current came and knocked Ash off his feet. He was sent hurtling off the cliff.
Yay first chapter done! That line just started the 5th page of this chapter. I'm debating whether or not Misty should come or not. I'll let you guys decide. Anyways Review!
P.S. Tell me why people want reviews so much. Is it to just to see what people think of the story?
Anyways see ya'll later!