iPod Shuffle Challenge

A/N- I do not own the 39 Clues.

Never too Late- Three Days Grace

The Kabras have just left Amy and Dan for dead again, this time in a fire.

Lyrics of Inspiration-

"Even if I say it'll be alright
Still I hear you say you want to end your life
Now and again we try to just stay alive
Maybe we'll turn it around 'cause it's not too late
It's never too late"

"I feel so bad about leaving Amy back in that fire," said Ian who was a bit upset.

"Don't worry, it'll be a quick death. Besides why are you so obsessed with Amy anyway?" Natalie was annoyed with him.

"I would almost want to be in that museum tied up next to them and die with her than having that horrible feeling that they died a slow death."

"It won't be slow! As soon as they catch on fire it will be the end of them."

"Maybe we should go back and help them," Ian though out loud.

"Seriously? We just left them there! Just look at it as losing some competition."

"No, we are going back now!" Ian said as he told the butler, Drew to turn the limo around.

"Urgh!" Natalie was upset as usual.

"Don't worry," said Dan to Amy.

"I-I-I'm trying not t-to, but I j-just think that this might be the e-en-end…" she said, not wanting to think what death would be like.

"Please don't stutter, it makes me nervous."


"Right now we just have to stay alive, and maybe events will turn around for us." Dan was comforting Amy as well as himself.

When they arrived at the burning museum where they had left Amy and Dan tied up, Ian rushed inside. "I'm not going to be too late," he thought to himself. "It's not too late, it's never too late."

A/N- Thanks for reading folks! No, I didn't copy Drew from another story, I was told by that author to use him.