Totally Worth It

Authors Note: Now this is more my style! Anyway I encourage everyone to read all the way through this before making any assumptions, lol. Please let me know what you think!

"I-I can't believe we just did that." Logan said from his spot on the couch lying beside Kendall.

"Aww, but believe it Logie. Didn't it feel good?" Kendall asked smirking and putting an arm around him.

"W-Well yeah," Logan said blushing a little. "But we still shouldn't have done it!" He said changing his tone.

"You're overreacting." Kendall said looking into Logan's eyes.

"No, you're under reacting!" Logan said poking Kendall hard in the chest with his index finger.

Kendall raised an eyebrow and smiled. "Ouch?"

"This is not funny! Why do you think this is funny? We just-"

"Logan. All we did was have a little fun."

"Fun comes at a price Kendall!"

"I think I liked you better 30 seconds ago."

"Ahh!" Logan screamed putting his hands over his face.

"You need to relax." Kendall said pulling Logan's hands away from his face.

"Relax? Relax? You want me to relax? Well, I guess I'll just lay here and relax while we wait for James and Carlos to come home and see this!" Logan said pointing around them.

"Calm down, they won't be home for another couple of hours, that's plenty of time for us to clean up the mess."

"You can't fix this! They're gonna find out!"

"So what? What are they going to do about it?"

"I don't know! Something! Something bad!"

Kendall rolled his eyes. "Relax, I'll take the heat. You know they're think it was my idea anyway."

"But it wasn't your idea! It was mine! I said lets- And on the couch? What was I thinking?"

"That you wanted to have fun, loosen up a little. Have some one-on-one bro time." Kendall said as he rubbed Logan's back.

"Well, I see where that got me!"

"Oh my Gosh- Logan! They've probably done it too."

"What! No! They wouldn't!" Logan said firmly "…Would they?" He asked suddenly looking to Kendall.

"James might have said something." Kendall said shrugging.

"So it's not that bad?"

"Well they're not gonna be happy we did it on the couch."

"Ahh! It's a little different when they do it on their own beds!"

"So we chose a bad spot, it's no big deal!"

"Yes it is! We broke the couch! Do you have any idea how much it'll cost to replace it?"

Kendall removed his hand from Logans back and got off the couch. "I'm never jumping on the couch with you again."

"Good! I don't want you too! It wasn't that much fun anyway!" Logan said getting up to follow Kendall as he screamed.

"Yes it was!" Kendall said turning to Logan.

"I still don't wanna do it again!"





"…Gustavo just got a new couch put in his office."

"Let's go." Logan said without hesitation.

Kendall smiled putting an arm around Logan's shoulder. "That 'a boy Logan."

Sure James and Carlos would be mad about their couch, and Gustavo would be even angrier about his, but they both knew it was totally worth it in the end.