Just fyi: this isn't mine, obviously. Hope the original author doesn't mind.

Disclaimer: Own nothing and all that stuff, other than that, enjoy... Re-Edited

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Chapter 1

A Sirius Corruption


Then the whispering stopped. Harry wanted to looked up at the judges, but found that it was really much, much easier to keep examining his laces.

"Those in favour of clearing the witness of all charges?" said Madam Bones' booming voice.

Harry's head jerked upwards...


There were hands in the air, but not more than half. His breathing became faster, his heart beating hard against his chest; he attempted to count unable to believe what was happening. However, the look of victory was filling the features of Cornelius Fudge. The glint in his eyes should have sent shivers through Harry, but he felt so numb…

"And those in favour of conviction?" Madam Bones boomed, her eyes darting around the room finding more than half had raised their hands.

Harry looked to Dumbledore who held his gaze on Cornelius Fudge, but the Minister's entire focus was on the Boy-Who-Lived. "How?" Harry asked himself, the evidence was on his side and everything he had said was true. How could this happen to him after everything he had been through the past four years. He thought about life without Hogwarts, but there was nothing…

"Mr Potter," boomed Cornelius Fudge happily. "You are hereby expelled from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and you will be required to hand over your wand. It will be destroyed here and now making sure that you will never perform magic again!"

Harry looked to Cornelius Fudge, a portly man who wore a triumphant smirk, sounding as though he had just conquered a Dark Lord.

"Percy would you so kindly retrieve Mr Potter's wand?" asked Fudge in a tone that made Harry want to strangle the life out of him.

The traitor of the Weasley family jumped from his seat, looking to be almost skipping towards Harry. When in front of the Gryffindor, Percy spoke like the pompous prat the Twins had always said he was.

"Hand over your wand Mr Potter!"

Harry slid his hand into his pocket and pulled out his holly and phoenix feather wand, gripping it tightly as he did. His gaze then landed on Percy who held his hand out waiting for him to place it there.

Then memories of the times his wand had helped him came to the surface. He remembered first using his wand, attempting to turn a match into a pin. Fighting off spiders in his second year and casting the Patronus Charm in his third. Then the Triwizard Tasks he had fought through the previous year, which in the end led to Voldemort.

Very reluctantly he allowed Percy to take it, watching in slow motion as it slid smoothly from his fingers.

The traitorous Weasley then rushed back up the steps, handing it over to the Minister who was now standing. Without hesitance Fudge brought his wand quickly down upon his knee, a sound like a bomb exploding filling the courtroom.

"Underage magic will not be tolerated!" spoke Fudge with satisfaction. "All students who do so will face this punishment."

With that said the members of the Wizengamot rose from their seats and begun to gather their things, taking their leave while Dumbledore and Harry sat there.

Fudge, Percy and a toad like woman smiled broadly when walking past the two, Harry unable to meet their gaze for more than a second. It sickened him to know how they could take his life away like it meant nothing. What he had faced were impossible odds and no matter what happened that day he was going to be expelled. It was foolish of him to have even thought he had had a chance.

Once the courtroom was empty, Harry sat waiting for Dumbledore to speak some words of comfort. To offer him hope, anything that could give him something to grab onto. But instead the Headmaster rose from his chair and sighed, banishing it away.

"I am sorry Harry," spoke the elderly wizard, looking to have aged many years within seconds, his hair and beard continuing to gleam in the torchlight. Dumbledore stared towards the doors, concentrating on them as though they were a piece of fine art. "It seems Cornelius had us cornered from the moment we entered this room. No matter, this is merely a short term blow and one that we can recover from."

"I'm expelled, how can we deal with that?" Harry asked weakly.

"We will, but for now all I can offer you are my deepest sympathies. I shall see you soon." The Headmaster then left, leaving Harry alone in the room where his life had practically been destroyed. He wished he could sit there forever wishing away the events that had just occurred, but he could not. So instead he rose to his feet and allowed them to lead him to the exit.


"I'd say everything's going to be okay, but then I'd be lying," said Sirius as the two sat holed up in the drawing room.

The Boy-Who-Lived noticed out of the corner of his eye how Sirius's long hair fell over his eyes every time he turned his head, attempting to think of something positive to say. There was not much to say for his life at Hogwarts was over and he was now officially an outcast of the wizarding world. "Least you don't have to worry about getting detention."

"I won't be able to play Quidditch either," Harry replied grimly, feeling himself become smaller every time he remember the little things he would be unable to do. He even felt himself sink further when realising he would no longer sample the excellent treacle tart Hogwarts offered. It was just one bad thing after another.

"Hogwarts isn't all it's cracked up to be anyway," said Sirius ruffling his godson's hair. "We can have fun here; we'll be outcasts together. If you want we can find a few Death Eaters, kill them, and then be wanted dead or alive together as well!"

"You're not really good as this comforting thing are you?" replied Harry smiling weakly at the thought of killing Lucius Malfoy. It would probably stop Draco strutting around Hogwarts.

"It was either me, Molly or Remus," chuckled Sirius. "Knowing Molly she'd fuss all over you, my godson mind you."

"True," mumbled Harry. "But what about Remus, at least he doesn't bring up inappropriate things such as killing Death Eaters."

"I kind of lied about Remus."

Harry felt himself chuckle weakly, the truth being he would rather be with Sirius than anybody else. He was the parent he had always wanted, someone who loved him and would do anything for him. Would say the right things…well maybe not the last one, but he still cared no matter what.

"I also cast a few charms on the door so that if anyone knocked they'd end up with hair like Snape's," Sirius said happily. "I'd like to see Molly get past that one."

"Not really a fan of her are you?"

"Merlin no, she tries to act like your parent when I'm the one your father and mother chose.

Sometimes I just want to curse the woman for acting like you're one of hers. There's nothing wrong with that at all, but the way I see it is, is that you're my godson and I just want to be the one whose there for you."

Harry grinned at his godfather, resting his head against the man's shoulder.

Sirius's placed an arm around Harry. "I lost you once, it's not going to happen again."

"So then we're stuck in this place together then?" Harry asked, the idea of living with Sirius appealing to him greatly.

"Damn right!" proclaimed Sirius.

"Shouldn't be too bad then," sighed Harry, thinking that his time at the Grimmauld Place would not be so bad at all, especially when he got to spend it with his godfather.


Over the few weeks Harry wished he could have been excited with idea of staying with Sirius at Grimmauld Place, but watching as his friends slowly begun to prepare themselves for Hogwarts made him feel awful inside. Everyone noticed his mood, which meant they did whatever they could to try and cheer him up.

Whether it be telling him all the positive things about not going back to Hogwarts ("You don't have to take OWLs Harry!" said Ron with a huge grin. "You're free from Hermione pestering you to study!") or about how brilliant it would be staying with Sirius ("You get to spend your time with your godfather who you don't really know," Ginny said with a smile. "It also helps that you're staying at the Order headquarters and you know how he hates keeping things from you!").

They constantly kept him occupied so that he would spend less time brooding, but it was rather annoying because he never really had the chance to be on his own. But he knew it was for the best, because once they were gone it was till Christmas.

"We'll write you as often as we can," stated Hermione as they sat at the kitchen table, Ron and Ginny playing wizards chess while Hermione was reading Hogwarts: A History for the hundredth time.

"We'll make sure you know everything that's going on," Ron added while taking Ginny's queen.

"And while they're sending you letters, I'll send you a Hogwarts toilet seat," Ginny said.

"Ginny you know how unhygienic-"

But Ginny was not listening to Hermione for she had gone back to game, suddenly letting out a frustrated groan as Ron had taken her bishop. "I knew I shouldn't play this bloody game with you."

"Don't worry about it, Hermione and Harry always lose themselves, it's not as if I expect you to win," Ron said with a smirk, meeting his sister's glare and smiling to Harry's astonishment.

Harry put this down to Ron being a Weasley and being used to looks that could kill.

"What are you kids up to?" asked Sirius walking into the kitchen wearing a scowl.

Harry eyed his godfather curiously, but quickly realised why he was scowling, as Molly Weasley came rushing into the kitchen looking to have ran from wherever she had been. He had noticed Mrs Weasley did not really approve of Sirius and seemed to pop up with one reason or another when they were together, and if she did not turn up one of her children would. The Gryffindor knew his godfather was almost at breaking point and what little restraint he had in him was wearing thin.

"Anyone hungry?"

Sirius visibly cringed and took a seat next to his godson and began to whisper so only he could hear. "That woman must be stopped!" Harry let out a snort, Sirius ruffling his hair as he did. "I swear she thinks I'm going to turn you into a mini-me."

"Is that what you're planning?" asked Harry, a gleam appearing in his godfather's eye.

"Of course, but with dear Molly appearing at every bloody moment I try, it's becoming rather difficult. Besides, from the moment I held you as a baby my corruption began then, I just haven't had the time to corrupt you further."

"Well we're stuck here together for a while and there are bound to be times where Mrs Weasley won't be around."

Sirius grinned and placed an arm around Harry. "They shall be the times I teach the tricks you should have been taught long ago." It was at that moment Molly suddenly needed to clean the table, hovering rather close to where Harry and Sirius where seated, meaning his godfather could not tell him what he exactly planned to do.

When Molly Weasley realised she was not going to hear a thing, she went to clean the rest of the table her eyes glancing continuously over at the pair.

"I swear here and now I will corrupt you to simply annoy her!"

Harry knew immediately that Sirius would not fail in his attempt.


"Harry. Harry. Harry."

The Boy-Who-Lived groaned, hearing as his name was continually whispered. He kept his eyes shut wanting to ignore all sounds, for he had only fallen asleep around midnight due to he, the Weasleys and Hermione discussing the Order once again.

"Harry James Potter, wake up or I'll ground you!"

"Go away you mutt," muttered Harry.

"If Death Eaters had infiltrated this house you'd be dead by now!"

"Good, then I could rest in peace." He heard a snort come from Sirius, but knew he had yet to move from beside his bed. Snuggling into his pillow, Harry felt himself about to doze off before he flew up into air dangling by his ankle. "Argh! Let me down you git!"

Harry glared at his godfather who according to Remus, had become more like the old Sirius since hearing Harry would no longer be returning to Hogwarts. He was clean-shaven, his hair now hung just above the bottom of his neck and his eyes seem to dance even though no lights were on.

"Harry we have much work to do!"

"Well I've got much sleep to catch up on so get lost before I call Mrs Weasley!" Harry knew that this would normally scare off his godfather, but he was doubtful when Sirius's grin seemed to widen. "What have you done?"

"Drugged her," he said proudly, Harry staring at him in disbelief. "Don't worry about it, nothing to serious. It's just going to keep her out a little longer than normal."

"What are you planning Sirius?" Harry asked, watching as Sirius withdrew a box from within his robes.

"I wasn't supposed to give you this until after the others left for Hogwarts, but seeing as I'll need your help it couldn't hurt for you to have it sooner now could it?" Sirius grinned, holding the box out to Harry.

The former Hogwarts student knew what it was, but it was hard to believe. He had been told there was only ever one wand for each wizard. It was impossible for him to have another matching wand…wasn't it?

Stretching out his arm, he took the box from Sirius and while still upside down opened it.

Lying there upon a velvet material was an eleven-inch wand, which he guessed had the core of a certain phoenix he knew. Grabbing the wand uncertainly he felt a warmth travel through him and then with a stroke through the air, red and gold sparks filled the air.

"H-h-how," stuttered Harry in disbelief still upside down.

Sirius seemed to realise this and let him down gently and took a seat next to Harry on his bed, watching as his godson looked at his wand from all angles. "Dumbledore had a feeling that the Ministry was going to expel you, due to a certain Death Eater we know and hate, having paid a few of those who voted for your expulsion off," growled Sirius, Harry not needing to guess who. "Anyway Dumbledore had a feather on hand to give to Ollivander and did so the moment he left your trial."

"When did you get this?" Harry asked still admiring his wand.

"Few days ago and I was told to give it to you after the others had left for Hogwarts, but the thing is…I've always had a problem following rules especially when they concern my godson."

"So you'll probably get in trouble for this then?" Harry asked.

"You're worth it Harry," stated Sirius simply. "There isn't much I can do being an escaped convict, but if I can do something you better believe I'll do everything in power to help you."

Harry looked away from his wand to his godfather and could not stop the huge grin that appear on his face.

"Come here," Sirius said wrapping an arm around him. "Now what's say you and I have some fun?"

"By your definition of fun you mean cause mayhem?"

"Not mayhem, just a few harmless pranks."

"Harmless?" Harry asked, making sure.

"Marauders honour!" Sirius then crossed his heart and help up his wand, looking over to see Ron snoring quietly into his pillow. "How is it he's been asleep through this entire conversation?"

"A war could happen right now and he still wouldn't wake up," chuckled Harry. "Alright we'll do a few harmless pranks, it's not as if we can do anything too bad."


How wrong Harry was.

"WHAT WERE YOU BOTH THINKING!?" yelled Molly Weasley, as Harry and Sirius stood in the kitchen covered from head to toe in a mixture of water and washing up liquid. The two shared a look that plainly said 'we weren't really' that went unnoticed by Molly Weasley surprisingly. Either that or she completely ignored it. "Well?"

"I can honestly say that the bubbles were Harry's idea," stated Sirius, pointing at his godson while Harry looked at him in disbelief.

"Well two can play that game!"

"I can honestly say it was Sirius's idea to have the pots and pans bang together to wake everyone up!" Sirius looked to his godson, the mischief dancing in his eyes, Harry realising that it was a game of pass the blame. They could definitely have some fun with this.

"Harry charmed the plates red and gold!"

"Sirius charmed the teapot to say rude words!"

"It was your idea!"

"You're the one that decided to use rude words!"

"Really?" asked George from the table, grabbing hold of the teapot pouring tea into a cup. The words were so colourful; it caused both Hermione and Ginny to blush furiously. The other Weasleys, Ron, Fred and Bill all coughed furiously to conceal their laughter.


"King of immaturity!" stated Sirius proudly.

"King of insanity more like," muttered Harry, earning a glare from Sirius. "Sorry, you wasn't supposed to hear that…err…Sirius drugged you."

"WHAT!?" growled Molly.

"Harry's idea to cover the kitchen and hall in bubbles," Sirius said, but realised that it wasn't going to work. "Ah…bugger."

"Language," said Harry grinning.


"More like – "

"Enough! Sirius start tidying up this mess, Harry give me the wand," said Molly holding out her hand.

"What?" Harry said gripping it tightly in his hand placing it behind his back. "No way I've only just got it."

"You're not supposed to have it yet and Sirius was wrong to give it to you."

"Not really considering that it is his property," said Sirius moving to stand in front of Harry, his own wand gripped tightly at his side.

Molly looked taken back, but nevertheless pressed on. "Harry give me – "

"And since when did you become his mother?" Sirius asked, giving Molly Weasley a look that clearly showed he was not going to listen to anything she had to say. "I am Harry's guardian and if I decided to give Harry his wand then it stands."

"Dumbledore – "

This was definitely the wrong thing to say for Sirius exploded, his anger at Dumbledore clearly having been built up for some time. "He has no right to tell me what to do for my godson considering everything he's ever done for him!

"So Molly if you expect me to listen to orders concerning my godson from Dumbledore then you should really question your parenting abilities. Because no one tells you what's best for your kids, just like no one tells me what's best for Harry!" With that Sirius began to lead Harry out of the kitchen. "Especially when his assured safety leads to him facing Voldemort three out of the four years he attended Hogwarts!"